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Luna's POV

The sounds from the market blared from every corner, between people talking and haggling in the streets. I ran my hand over a gorgeous piece of cloth that hung from one of the stalls. It's plum mauve shade, a similar color to Bruno's but a touch more delicate. It was perfect...

"It's beautiful isn't it, Señora Madrigal?"

The soft textile waved in the breeze, shimmering slightly in the sunlight. "It is Ella..", I rolled it in my fingers. "I'll take it."

"¡Oye! You're supposed to be getting the food hermana. Not treating yourself." A hand pat my behind from María.

"I can do both!" Besides, this wasn't for me. Something about the color of this cloth just screamed, Lily. I don't care if she's not here yet or when she arrives, this was hers. Wrapping the piece of fabric around my waist and tying it off for safe keeping, I knew in my heart seeing it that she'd look perfect swaddled in this. Bruno is gonna love it.

"What about this?" Pepa held up a sombrero vueltiado, twirling it in her hand. "To replace his squashed one.", she laughed.

"You chicas are on fire today. What I got Benji is lame.", María huffed next to me.

"¿Discúlpame? You literally made him an oil that masks his scent. How cool is that?! He'll love that when he's out on scouting trips." Since Lo and Luisa have decided to add another team for patrolling outside Encanto, he'll be pulled for two days at a time soon. It's already making me sick thinking about it.

"I guess. If it's so great, wanna trade?", her arms grabbed my waist as she rested her head against mine.

"No way. Beno is gonna flip when we tell him our present. You aren't stealing our thunder hermana.", my arm hugged her with Pepa's weaving around my free one. Our three bodies crushed together, walking back up the street towards home.

"Spill it. What's his special request?", María sounded way too excited asking. I wonder if she already knows. I squinted at her, "He won't say. Saving it for tomorrow apparently. Should I be worried?" Her lips pulled in, holding something back. Great.. I smiled. We're in trouble.

Passing by one of the alleys off the main road my gift started pulling at me like a thin invisible line begging to be followed.

"Lu what's wrong?"

"Your eyes are glowing hermana... Chill out."

My mind heard them but I couldn't stop myself and turned sharply towards it, arms dragging them with me whether they liked it or not. "Lu! Knock it off!", Pepa was planting her feet into the dirt, storming slightly over us. I wish I could but whatever was making my gift react was strong. This only ever happened a handful of times and always ended with me stumbling upon someone who needed help. Ciro and Mireya, Mateo, Benji... It's how I found them or they found me.

There was a heated argument happening just around the next house. A deep male voice bitterly spitting out words I couldn't make out but the tone was so harsh and spiteful. Hearing it the three of us paused and peeked around the corner, to see a man holding a small body wearing a black dress against the wall. Even from here I could see how his fingers dug deeply into her flesh as tears streamed down her face without a sound. Ertha? What the hell...

María pulled me back, all three of our bodies pressed together, glancing at one another. What the hell. My gift has never been wrong before but her.. No. "Don't Luna." Ignoring Pepa, I spun out of their grasp and hurled myself around the bend. Our two bodies collided together the second I tuned the corner, knocking us both to the floor. Again?! Why is she always running into me?

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