Chapter 11: Meeting your father Pt.1

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"They smell so good, Mystic! I love them!" Elinora tried one, her tail wagged.

"I am glad that you are enjoying them, Elinora." Mystic tried one herself and smiled, "These are ready. Let's go meet Elder Kettle. Sadly, Cuphead and Mugman aren't there. Well, I know Elder Kettle will save them anyway." Elinora stopped at the last bite when she heard the two cup's names. Those were the cups, mainly Cuphead, was the one that her boss was after. Mystic placed the pastries on the plate and covered it. "Come along," Mystic put her hand out. Elinora took her hand slowly. "Are you okay?"

"Me? Yeah, I am okay. Just that you mentioned the two cups... I uhh, never heard of them- I mean," Elinora stuttered. "Nevermind, I guess we are having a lot of company?" She asked.

"As I said, the two boys aren't there so Elder Kettle will be the only one in the house- oh dear, I wonder if he knows that they are gone? We must hurry." Mystic took off as Elinora followed. Mystic and Elinora arrived at Elder Kettle's place. Elinora was worried about showing her face to anyone. The vegetables were enough to know that other residents of Inkwell don't accept demons except Mystic. She hid behind Mystic. "Elinora? Don't be shy, Elder Kettle is very sweet."

"I bet he is but I shouldn't show myself too much. A lot of people would freak out."

"I am sorry... Maybe I should help you face your fear over being near others. I felt that way, too. It's alright." Mystic patted her head before knocking on Elder Kettle's door.

The door opened, "Cuphead! Mugman! Mystic?! Well I'll be a worm in the dirt, I have never seen you in a while. How have you been? Have you seen the boys anywhere?"

"They are with (Y/N), Elder Kettle. Don't worry, they'll be fine. I decided to bring you the cupcakes and- oh dear! Oh, how could I forget?! I forgot to bring you those vegetable seeds!"

"That was the boy's duty to bring to me," Elder Kettle took the cupcakes. He couldn't help but to laugh. "Oh well, it is okay. I can use the remaining seeds I have for something else. Thank you kindly, dear."

Mystic giggled, "You are very welcome. I guess I will be heading into town now. I will try to get those seeds later."

"Take your time but not too long. I really wanted to try a new recipe out." Mystic and Elder Kettle waved before he shut the door.

"Elinora, how would you like to go to the park?" Mystic picked her up.

"The park? I wouldn't mind that at all!" She held onto Mystic as she and her took off.

"I swear, when I find her... UGH! Elinora is so stubborn! Why can't she just follow what our boss wants from- us?" Peter saw two figures from a distance. He dived into the bushes and peeked. He was astonished! He rubbed his eyes, seeing his sister being held by this mortal. "Elinora?!" He whispered. "Who is even that?! I wonder if that is the soul she was talking about. But this is uncalled for behavior! I am sorry Elinora but the boss must know about this... No, no, he'll have us both burnt!" He gulped. "I could keep an eye." He followed them.


"Are we there yet?" Cuphead asked. "My legs and feet are gettin' tired!"
"It looks as though we are walking down where the docks are at. I think we may be near his shop!" Mugman excitedly says.

"We asked plenty of people where it is. This should be it." You looked around, seeing no shop yet. "Let's keep going, shouldn't be far." You followed the mini map while Cuphead and Mugman followed. "I wonder if dad is still here? Some say that Joe works here a lot, some say he has moved and never works here much often. There we are!" You went up to the window as the boys did the same.

"The lights are on!" Mugman points.
"There is someone in the shop, too! A few people," Cuphead counts.

The three of you went inside, a customer walking out with a bag of lobsters in hand. You went up to the counter, ringing the bell. The man was setting the tool boxes on the high shelf behind the counter. "Give me a moment!" He said. You were nervous. He turned around and walked up to the counter. "Welcome, customer, to the Seaside Market! We have plenty of fish food and the fishing materials you want to benefit your needs! How may I help you?"

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