Chapter 18: Finding the Coven Pt.1

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"I gotta admit, (Y/N), and I probably have said this a lot but Ginger makes breakfast feel at home," Mugman said.
"Yeah, her and Elder Kettle cook and bake like pros!" Cuphead added on. "Speaking of which, I wonder if they will ever be a thing."

You laughed, "I could definitely see that. The old kettle needs a lady friend. They have only started dating. Maybe we could fix them up on another date after our adventure. What do ya say?"

"I say done deal! I'm in!" Cuphead jumped up and down.
"Same! I like to see our dearest Kettle not be so lonely. Say, (Y/N), where do we even go? Gotta figure out where those witches are."

"Yeah, that is going to be tough. Hm," you we stumped as well. They should be in town as you thought but hidden is the most obvious answer. "You know, we could ask people around town if they noticed any strange activities or seen witches."

"That would be a good idea," Mugman tapped the rim of his mug head. "You know, perhaps we should-"
"Hey look! The rain stopped. What were you saying, Mugsy?" Cuphead rudely interrupted him.
"I was going to say that we should take notes while we are at it. It could lead us straight to them."
"You are on to something. We better hurry." You, Cuphead, and Mugman hurried your way into town. Making it there, the streets were busy. It looked as though there was a parade going to happen.
"Oh hey! Mugman, it's the day! I can't believe that we forgot! It's the Annual Chef Saltbaker's Parade! There is going to be a lot of food on each float surrounded with decorations! Ahhhh! Mugsy! You and I are so creative that we should have joined with Elder Kettle!! AND WE ARE MISSING IT!" Cuphead shook Mugman, Mugman's liquid on his mug was splashing left and right.
"Maybe if we have time, we could watch instead!" Mugman was stuttering with each shake Cuphead gave to him.

"We probably won't have time, guys. Hmmm, wait! Chef Saltbaker? I wonder. Witches do need ingredients and they have to buy their stuff-"

"At Chef's shop!" Cuphead pointed out. "I bet he is preparing for the parade, too! Let's go!" Cuphead ran off.
"Cuphead! Ah jeez, I wished he stuck by us." Mugman chased after him as you did the same.


Meanwhile in the Underworld, Mystic was stuck in a cage above the Devil's throne room. She grabbed onto the bars. "You can't do this! Who do you think you are?!"

"I'm the Devil! That's who I am! I hated to do this but then again, hmhmhm," The Devil grinned and used his pitchfork to pull the cage down so Mystic and him were at eye level. "I don't mind capturing a nature spirit. You are indeed a prize to behold. Now Mystic, I do want to find my other prize. Don't make it any more difficult than it already is for you."

"I will not tell you anything or lead you to (Y/N)! She is my friend and I will not betray her like that!" Mystic crossed her arms.

"My, my, standing your ground, aren't we? I always thought princesses were weak but you have flair! Speaking of which, ever heard of the tale, The Demon's Hunger for Nature?" Now the Devil's grin was ear to ear like he was waiting to see her reaction.


"Oh my goodness and I am surprised that your people haven't given you a history lesson. It was centuries ago, too. You want to know what happened?"

Mystic gulped, not wanting to hear. It was probably very tragic, too. That important part of history however... She took a big gulp and nodded slowly.

"Long, long ago, it was a peaceful era for your people. Nature Spirits frolicking everywhere. The Inklifs were one of them. Such artistic and magical creatures. They were docile, gentle beings. One being stood out amongst the rest and her name was Queen Miracle. Her powers are what brought her subjects such raw talent and beauty. One fateful day, her world changed. The skies were dark and the very land where she stood turned to ashes! Her people were devoured! Each and everyone one of them- then again, some fled safely. Hehe, she was a mother, too. She used her magic to fight me but sadly, that was a poor choice! She asked to be spared but I cursed her! Her entire body became a tree, forever petrified! AHAHAHA AHAHAHA!" The Devil cackled.

Mystic gasped in shock, her pupils shrunk as her hands were to her mouth. She turned away, sobbing. "You... You monster!"

The Devil pulled her chin and made her look him in the eyes. "These compliments will only get you nowhere, but thanks, hehehe. Now think Mystic, that tree, your people worship, who do you think that is?"

"Miracle? But it's called the Divinity Tree. Its aura was so divine and it gave us hope. It was a gift! You're saying the very tree is her? No wonder there was good energy coming from it."

"That's right. Now why would I bring this up? Let's just say I could bring that chaotic past to life once more towards your village. I am sure that you wouldn't want that in your hands. Everyone will blame you for dooming them."

"That isn't fair! Please! Don't you want anything else?! I will give my life up for (Y/N)!" She sat on her knees, putting her hands to her face as she sobbed. "I will do whatever to protect my home, family, friends!"

The Devil had an idea. She was broken now, there was a chance that he could get to you but he needed time. "I will think about this and give you time to decide. Once I come back, I better get the answer and whatever answer you choose will lead to either the right path or consequences." The Devil slammed down on his trident and poof away.

Elinora and Peter came out of the shadows in the throne room. "I hate wearing this collar, Peter!"

"You should be very lucky that our boss didn't scorch you to death! That collar will keep you down here and if you were to leave, you know what will happen."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Please, let us just talk to Mystic. She looks so sad."

"I can't associate with someone who is locked up, I have to get to my duties. I am so sorry, Elinora." Peter left. "I hate for us to get in more trouble..."

Elinora sighed and went up towards Mystic. "Don't cry, Mystic. We will figure something out. I hate for you to suffer being alone in that cage. You know, I am here for you. I wish that I could let you out but you know... Our boss will be awfully enraged."

"I understand," Mystic wiped her eyes. "I just hope my friends will be okay. The Devil is destined to take (Y/N)'s soul. We got to warn them somehow."

"Hmmm, I can't get to the surface sadly. This collar will keep me down here. I will find a way. We will actually. Together." Elinora wanted to make Mystic smile, at least a small one.

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