Chapter 13: A Demon's Arrival

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"It had to be the woods," Mugman nervously said. "I could only imagine what could have happened to her..."
"No need to worry, Mugsy! It's three against one if anyone shows up! (Y/N), how are you holding up? You sure have been quiet."

You were still upset about your father. The secrets that he and your own caregiver kept from you, made so many emotions sizzle in your head. It would feel like an egg being overcooked on a pan. Steaming. "... I'll be okay, Cuphead. I am just trying to process everything and just move on from that conversation. My mother's house shouldn't be far-"

Taking a few more steps, you, Cuphead, and Mugman jumped back as a circle of flames formed on the ground. Flames engulfed the circle as the Devil showed up. "We meet once again, CUP!"

"AHHHHHH! THE DEVIL!!" Cuphead and Mugman scream but Mugman was in front of Cuphead. "You keep away from my brother, you big, evil cat! Ain't no way you gettin' his soul!"

"Oh, I will be getting his soul alright. Have you forgotten? He is not wearing the sweater that kept me from taking his soul! It is fair game now!" The Devil pushed Mugman aside but you went in front of Cuphead. "Out of my way whoever you are! I don't have time for this!"

"(Y/N)! Run while you still have a chance! You don't need to protect me! I can fight for myself!" Cuphead worriedly said.

"No! I would never let this guy take your soul! You're my friend, Cuphead."

"(Y/N)? You know, you look a lot like your-" The Devil's eyes lit up. He found you! "My, my, my, have you grown up? Last time I remember you was when you were a baby. We finally meet again, (Y/N)!"

"Huh?! What are you talking about?" You were starting to feel a familiar sight about this deity before you. Did you meet him before, too? "We don't want trouble! Just leave us alone!"

"I will not leave you and Cuphead alone. I finally found you! After all these long, LONG years! You and his soul are mine! This will be an easy day for me! Could officially celebrate my victory later! Now let's begin!!" He reached for Cuphead's soul and yours from your chest. The two of you felt like your life was being drained as the Devil's wicked smirk was brought on his face.

Mugman panicked and had to think of something to stop the Devil from taking you and Cuphead's soul. He grabbed rocks and a big stick. "Hope my batting skills paid off with Cupsy," he said. "Hey, Devil! Batter up!" He shouted as he batted the rock with the stick.

"Do you think that you can stop- OW! Ah, right in my face!" The Devil held his cheek before another rock hit his eye. "STOP DOING THAT! AH! Okay, that is it! You always love to be in the way of my plans so allow me to crisp you before I resume!" He cocked his trident and shot fire balls at Mugman.

"Ha! Missed me! Gotta have better aim than it is with stealing souls!" Mugman spat at him. He dodged another fireball. The Devil chased after him.

You and Cuphead were still somewhat lifeless standing with your souls floating apart from your chest. You however- your soul felt like it was drawing back. You blinked, rubbing your head. "Wha-what happened? It felt like I was in a dark place- Mugman!?!" You watched as he was being chased by the Devil. "He must be distracting him. Cuphead!" You saw his soul floating. You touched it before shoving it back into his chest. "Cuphead, Cuphead, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thought I would be his for a second! Phew- MUGMAN!" Cuphead pointed. "We gotta help him!"

"You stay hidden. Devil may try to go after you again."

"What about you?!"

"I got this." You went up to the Devil. "HEY! You want me, not him! Come on!" You shouted.

The Devil stopped. He looked at you. "Funny, I thought your souls would be still floating? Where is Cuphead?!"

"Nevermind him! It's me you want! I have seen you before as well. My dreams have been telling me a lot of things. Though, the answers were foggy, I want them now!"

The Devil walked up to you, "Answers, eh? What would you like to know? I supposed that we have catching up to do. Why don't I STEAL YOUR SOUL FIRST!" He reached for your soul again.

"(Y/N)!!" Cuphead and Mugman shouted.

As your soul was being taken, your life flashing before your eyes, a force stopped him. A light pushed him back. "What the?! What was that?! Oh no, don't tell me that you are wearing a sweater, too?! Wait, it would have shocked me from a single contact. Grrrrr," he growled looking at Mugman but no sign of Cuphead. "I'll be back..." He frowned as he vanished.

Mugman ran up to you, an inch of your soul was away from your body again but he pushed it back in. "(Y/N), you okay?"

You shake your head, "Yeah, I am all good. Wow, that feeling of having my soul taken. That felt so horrifying!" You clutched your chest. "Cuphead, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I was scared that you would be a goner! Looks like the Devil knows a lot about ya."
"He could be the one who knows everything about your past. Best not to go to him about it. We could figure this out together." The three of you nodded and continued your way down the path to the woods. "I wonder why he wanted your soul?" Mugman asked.

"I don't know. This leads to more questions being unanswered."


"Thanks for taking me to the park, Mystic," Elinora was licking her ice cream. "Ooo, what's that?!" She pointed at a big wheel from a long distance.

"Oh, that's a ferris wheel. I think the Annual Garden Fair opens today. Oh dear! I have been so busy that I haven't gone to my shop and grabbed my most valuable plant that I have been keeping alive! Oh well, I guess I won't be entering the contest. Good news! I get to spend time with you, Elinora."

"That is good news! Though uh, contest? Like winning a prize?" Elinora ate the cone.

"Of course! I only have gotten my first ribbon. I was hoping this year but I will let it slide. Come along, we could still see other contestant's plants. We could even go on rides, too!" Mystic took Elinora's hand as the little imp gladly ran off with her.

Peter was behind them, spying. "I knew it! I knew she was only up here to fool around. I need to get her back before the Boss gets boiling mad!" Peter headed towards the direction of the fair.

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