Chapter 23: The decision pt.2

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//Well, it has been a while, oof. I am happy that The Cuphead Show Season 3 is coming this month! We have been waiting for a few months to see it. I noticed that the 18th date, the show's new seasons aired. Definitely keep that noted. Now then, last time, I did say that this story will have a good or bad ending. We shall see what we have in store for our fellow heroes.//

You and Cuphead were silent. Both of your eyes shifted up and looked nervously at King Dice's expression. The dice demon was grinning, rubbing his hands together but when his eyes looked down at you two, he stopped. It felt embarrassing to say the least. "Ya know," he started. "The boss is going to be pleased having you two and I will be getting my rightful title back."

"Your title? Let me guess; The Devil crushed your ego? He is only using you, Dice," you replied back in worry. "Did he even send you at all? I don't remember seeing you before."

"He's that game show host that Mugman and I met," Cuphead said.

"And that host is no longer NUMBER ONE! Because of you deadbeat cups, you ruined everything! Once he gets you two, I will finally be his right-hand man again! No one will stop me from getting what I want back!" The elevator stopped, the doors opened, and you three arrived at the throne room. The cage above, showed Mugman and Mystic. Elinora and Peter were by Henchman and The Devil was at his throne. "Your majesty! Dev darlin'! I got you your prized souls." Dice bowed happily as he made room for you and Cuphead to come out. You and Cuphead came out, looking up at your friends who are trapped.

You walked in front of Cuphead. "Okay, Devil, let's cut to the chase. Let's make a deal here. Cuphead and I are here and it isn't even midnight yet."

"I know and I am glad that you two made the right choice. And Dice, I never asked for you to grab them, did I?"

King Dice frowned, "But, I-I wanted to make it easier, ya know? Ehehe, aren't you proud that I got them at least? It's what you wanted."

The Devil sighed, "I suppose so... But don't count on anything else." The Devil got up and headed towards you and Cuphead. "Anyway, a deal? What sort of deal do you even want? I said that if you two give each other up, I will let Mugman and Mystic go."

"That's the thing... I don't want Cuphead to be separated from his brother. I want to give myself up only in return, I want you to let them all go, no tricks, no arguments! Think about it, you have my mother so why not me, hm? You'll have the family soul deluxe! In fact, I will do... What you ask. Just please, let my friend's go. They don't deserve this."

"No! Don't do this, (Y/N)!" Mystic grabbed the bars of the cage. "I don't want to leave you down here with The Devil! Not even Elinora!"

You didn't know who Elinora was until you suspected that she was next to another imp and a fat imp. "Let Elinora go as well. I want Mystic to not feel alone."

"Now you are asking for too much! Besides, that is my worker and she belongs to me! However..." He rubbed his chin. "Since you are offering yourself up to be my servant, what is another thing you care to wager? There must be two things to make it fair. I have your soul now I want another thing... This time, it doesn't have to be a soul. It could be a valuable item or another person." He had to add that in.

Cuphead wanted to go forward and just escape but he was thinking about something valuable which he snapped his fingers with an idea. "I know! Uh, so instead of me, why not this? I have 3 very important things that are priceless."

"Go on?" The Devil put his fists to his hips.

"Mugman, I am sorry but we gotta give away our bikes!"

"WHAT?! Our bikes?! But our bikes are what helps us go places and we have fun doing that!" Mugman felt sad.

"Ah, fun, you say? I like to crush that. Deal! I suppose those are two things. Now, what is the final thing you have to offer?"

Cuphead couldn't think of anything valuable that he could give to The Devil. An idea suddenly clicked when he spotted the weak chain holding the cages that Mugman and Mystic were in. Cuphead smirked, pulling out from behind him a slingshot and stone. "Gee, Devil, I don't know what else to give ya. You know it ain't gonna be my soul but I was thinking that why not GIVEMYFRIENDSFREEDOM!" Cuphead said fast and shot the stone at the chain, causing the cage to fall. Mugman and Mystic hugged each other screaming, the cage door broke open. "Go now, guys! Now's our chance to escape!"

"OHHH, YOU LITTLE FOOOOOL!!" The Devil was so enraged that the imps backed up and King Dice as well. Flames engulfed The Devil and he transformed into a giant serpentine. "You will not be leaving until I get what is RIGHTFULLY MINE!!"

"Cuphead! Things would have gone smoothly if you just gave- AHH! Hey! Let go! Please! Don't hurt me! I said that I will give my life in exchange for my friends! Let them go!" You tried to get out of The Devil's grasp but his grip was just too strong, especially that his hand is big.

"They did not give me the one thing I want and now, I am done playing games! I will have you all! OW! Ugh, quit that, you- GAAAHH!! My eye!" He dropped you.

"Quick! While he's distracted! Mugsy, get everyone outta here!"

"Cuphead! Ohhh... Okay, fine. (Y/N), Mystic, and Elinora! Let's go!" Mugman led the way to the exit but King Dice blocked them.

"You ain't going anywhere, Mugface!" He put a hand up.

"It's MUGMAN!" Mugman stomped on King Dice's foot hard, causing the dice man to yelp and hold onto his foot in pain. The Devil hissed, seeing his minion leaving with you, Mugman, and Mystic. He used his tail to whip at Cuphead, coiling him up.

"I gotcha! Now, Elinora, I don't think I gave you permission to leave with these souls, now DID I?!" He used his claw to bring her to him due to the collar she had on. "You are going to be in so much trouble after thisss!"

"ENOOOOUGH!!" You screamed. Everyone paused, looking at you. You left Mugman and Mystic, marching up to The Devil. "This is out of hand! Cuphead! I want you to leave... Now. Devil, let him go! As I said, I will give my life up and I will give 3 things that I have!"

"(Y/N)! Don't!" Your friends pleaded you to not go through with it but you ignored them.

"I will give you my family picture... It is very special to me. A silver charm that holds a memory of my mother and her magical craft. I will give you that. And-" There had to be one more thing left that you have to offer him but what? You remembered something and sighed. It was one of your favorite things, too. "I guess the last thing that I will give is-"

"WAIT! Take our bikes like I offered before. (Y/N) has given up a lot of things to ya so it is fair that Mugsy and I give you something as well. Sorry, Mugman." The Devil's tail uncoiled Cuphead and he returned to his normal form.

"Finally, was it so hard to give me what I wanted? We had a deal after all, never make it hard on me. If that is what you wished to give to me, my dear then so be it! The deal has been made," he shook your hand. He used his trident to open the elevator up. "All of you may go and never show your faces here again!"

Mystic ran up to you but the force of the pitchfork pushed her and everyone to the elevator. "(Y/N)!!"

"Mystic!! Noooo!" The elevator shut on all three of them.

"Mystic!! Cuphead, Mugman... I am so sorry..." You started to cry in your hands. You wished that it was a dream but it wasn't. You did what you could and the sacrifice you made helped your friends have freedom again. The Devil left you sulking and looked down at Henchman. "Go help her and show her to her new room." He poofed away, leaving Henchman to help you.

"No more cryin', (Y/N). Don't worry, I got a special place for you to stay. I am sure that the boss wouldn't mind it anyway." He took your hand and led you out of the throne room.

King Dice just stood there... Confused but angry. "Why do I even try?" He gave out a big sigh of disappointment. 

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