Chapter 12: Meeting your father Pt.2

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Your father was taking his time. You, Cuphead, and Mugman waited for over 10 minutes. What was he doing? "Bleh!" Cuphead said in boredom with his tongue out. "He said he be here. What's the hold up?"
"Maybe the customers piled up in line or perhaps he had to clean up a mess?" Mugman shrugged.

"I feel as though he just doesn't want to bother with this conversation... Maybe it was a waste of time coming here," you said in disappointment. The door slowly opened, your father peeked at you three. He came in and shut the door. "Took you long enough," your arms crossed.

"Sorry... (Y/N) but I was stuck with the customers- and trying to figure out how to explain this all to you. Why I never bother to see you again..." Joe lit a lantern and sat down at the table. "(Y/N), you know I love you and as a father, I had to do the right thing-"

"By avoiding me?" You interrupt.

"I had my reasons, sunflower." He cleared his throat. "It happened when I closed down the shop that night. I was coming home. Now I felt something was off. I got out of my car and went inside and from what I saw was a mess. It was as though that your mother was either messing with magic again or someone attacked her. I bet Ginger told you the rest?"

"She hasn't, no. I want to know why you would just abandon me like that?"

He sighed, he couldn't delay this any further. "... I will get to it. I was searching for Moira. She was nowhere until I realized that she may be with Ginger. I drove to her house and there you were, in her arms. Ginger explained on the note that your mother left her and I didn't know what to feel. Your mother didn't say where she was going. She would never leave you with no explanation. I talked to Ginger and I couldn't bring myself to take you. There was a sign that maybe your mother didn't want me to worry about you or her. She gave you to Ginger for a reason and it is why that I decided to not take you. Ginger wanted to give you to me but having you grow up knowing that you have no mother- my heart felt like it stopped and just dropped in despair."

Cuphead and Mugman teared up as you began to sob. "Gee, so you made your choice but to never speak to her?" Mugman tried to wipe his tears.
"Wait a minute! (Y/N) grew up not knowing her mother and father, ever thought of that?! Eh? EH?! What then?! She would have known the truth sooner or later!" Cuphead leaned on the table as his face was close to Joe.

"No but the conflict. I wanted her to live a happy life with Ginger. I trusted that sweet old teapot to do the right thing and protect her. I know, if I did keep (Y/N), she would have gotten the same reactions and same results. I was only doing what was best for her..." Your father took your hands. "Forgive me, (Y/N). I don't want to see you angry at me. I know you have mixed feelings now but know that I love you. I am so glad to see you again. You've grown so much." Your father hugged you.

You did have mixed feelings about everything your father said. You got up, not bothering to embrace him. "I- love you, too, dad but I need to take my leave and have time alone. Where is my mother's house?"

"Your mother's house is actually far across from Ginger's house. Just take the trail in the woods." You left the break room as Cuphead and Mugman followed soot without a word. Your father turned off the lantern, feeling ashamed. He never wanted this meeting to happen.


Ginger was lighting the candles around the table and shelves. Berry was mixing ingredients in a cauldron. "Do we have lavender, sage, and rosemary?" She asked. "It says that they could open up the crystal ball's power. There is other stuff that we could get the crystal ball to work."

"You put a scale from a dragon for us to fly through the crystal's reading, a ruby eye for sight, and- oh, we do need to bless the crystal to activate it." Ginger took the book and checked the pages. "Sage should be for cleansing the area for the crystal ball. Feverfew is what we need to open our Third Eye and Crown chakra to help us prolong the reading longer, to help our headspace be free of distractions and pain." She gave a bottle of feverfew to Berry. Berry poured the little flowers in as the cauldron bubbles. Ginger burned a sage and the smoke engulfed the crystal ball's area. The potion was complete and she scooped up the liquid to pour on the crystal ball.

"Nothing happened," Berry said in confusion. "Is it supposed to shine?"

"Scrying takes time, dear. Come, take my hand. Let's gaze at the ball together." Ginger took Berry's hand and guided her to the table. The two sat down as they both took deep breaths before Ginger chanted, "Oh Crystal Ball, give us answers that we seek. Tell us about my dearest friend, Moira whose disappearance was bleak." For a moment, their eyes were closed. They focused and within seconds, the crystal ball glowed images inside.

"Psst, Ginger, look!" Berry pointed. "Is that-"

"Moira and her baby, (Y/N)!" Ginger waved her hands around the crystal, trying to channel the image to project better. "She's running and she's cornered."

"By who?" Berry looked as well seeing a dark figure form. "It looks like a giant cat chasing them."

Ginger saw horns on the creature, she squinted at the image. "A giant cat with horns... Crystal ball, tell us, give us a clear sight of who was responsible for my friend's disappearance?" The ball glowed more as the candles were waving in a direction that felt eerie. Black smoke came from the flames. "That doesn't look good."

"What do you mean? Are there ghosts?! What is up with the candles?!" Berry's double bow wrappers waved in the wind.

"When candle smoke becomes black it means negativity. I think the forces within that crystal ball do not want us to dive into the question much further!" Ginger replied.

"We didn't come this far to stop now!" Berry took a deep breath once more and chanted, "Crystal ball, don't hold back the questions we asked! Who is the creature in Moira's past?" The crystal ball fogged up, the candles went out. One candle's flame was still lit. "Did it work?" Berry looked deeper in the crystal.

"I have no clue-" Ginger's eyes widened. The culprit behind Ginger's missing friend was finally revealed to them. "And I thought I warned her to be careful of what she does with witchcraft or even joining a coven that could potentially be bad- she didn't listen! The Devil stole her soul!"

"THE DEVIL?! No way..." Berry hid her face near the table.

"(Y/N) said that she kept seeing the Devil in her dream- her soul must be in debt with him."

"That doesn't make sense! She was a baby!"

"Moira can make mistakes and this one she must have put her family in jeopardy or (Y/N) was in the crossfire of the deal Moira made with Old Scratch himself. Wherever (Y/N) is, I pray that she'll be safe on her journey though she won't be finding Moira anywhere."  

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