Chapter 6: The Reveal

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"Look outside!" Mugman looked at the rain coming down hard. "I hope Elder Kettle and Ginger are somewhere safe. The storms' a brewin!" Mugman jumped by the lightning and the thunder.

"Mugman, you have the last piece of pizza on your plate. You don't want it to be cold. I guess we won't be heading to the arcades, Cuphead." You ate your pizza. You could tell that Cuphead sighed.

"Dumb storm! Why couldn't it come by tomorrow?" Cuphead slouched on the chair.
"How are we gonna get home though? We are gonna need umbrellas, (Y/N)."

You placed Mugman's food inside a takeout plate. "I wish that we had umbrellas. Usually I am prepared for the weather but I had no idea it would storm. I could have sworn that the moon would be out all night."

"I think we could dash home, right Mugsy?" Cuphead walked up to Mugman.
"Wait a minute, Cuphead and (Y/N), it's starting to slow down." He points at the window.
"Oh yeah, you're right! C'mon, we could get to the arcades before it closes!" Cuphead headed out the doors as Mugman followed soot.

"Boys! Wait!" You left the table with the takeout plate in hand. Coming out of the restaurant, you saw them making their way down the arcades which wasn't far. You headed down their direction, unaware that someone behind was watching you three. The boys laughed in excitement as they headed towards the arcade games. "You guys can't just run off like that!" You came in as you watched Cuphead playing on the pinball machine while Mugman was about to spin the wheel on the machine... Only to stop himself. He looked scared. You came up to him, "Something wrong, Mugman?"

"I feel a little suspicious about the games here, so many games," he responded as you handed his pizza slice. He took it and ate it. "Thanks."

"No need to worry about losing, Mugman. Everyone loses from time to time. They could be rigged so I avoid the crane games."

"It's not that, it is the fact that what if this place is evil!"

"Mugsy, wouldn't you have a bit of suspicion on anything that is remotely bad?" Cuphead said as he scored points in his game.
"Cuphead, last time we went somewhere that had 'evil' written all over it was Carn-Evil. The Devil ran the whole scam! Now look, he is still after your soul to this day!"
"Eh, I'm not too worried about it," Cuphead replied with a careless expression.

"The Devil wants Cuphead's soul? Why is that?"

"Cuphead lost to a game of Soul Ball and I should have been well aware of the name right away but I was so caught up watching him win, I couldn't stop him in time." Mugman explained. Cuphead came up to him after finishing his game.
"If you weren't so anxious about it, I could have stopped at the final score!" Cuphead exclaimed.
"I was trying to tell ya that the Devil was right next to us!" Mugman shouted. There was tension.
"You shoved me! Mugsy, it's fine now. We both agreed it was our fault on that day!"
"Cuphead, for once, can't you learn from mistakes?! I always get dragged into trouble." Mugman crossed his arms.

"Guys, could you not argue?" You went between them, getting irritated. "It is in the past, we shouldn't worry about the Devil. He isn't here to pick us off one by one-" You noticed that mysterious character from earlier taking Cuphead's bag of coins. She ran off quickly. "Hey, hey! Cuphead, that person is taking off with your money!"

"What?! Hey! Come back here, thief!" He took off after her. Mugman followed as well along with you. "STOP!" Cuphead passed through a few people, pushing through them.
"Cuphead! Wait up! Oof!" Mugman bumped into Cuphead. You came by, seeing the mysterious character shaking the bag in a taunting way.

"Give that back! That is my friend's money!" You chased her as she headed to the alleyway. It was the same one that she hid in before however things were going to be different- in fact, they are. As soon as Cuphead and Mugman caught up with you, the mysterious character was cornered. "Okay, no more running! Cough up my friend's money or we will call the police!" The three of you edged closer and closer towards the figure as they backed up against the gates. She began to climb the dumpster and up the gates. "C'mon, guys!" You pursued the thief. Climbing the gates, you three jumped down after her. Cuphead grabbed the clothes line and started to hang climb his way to her before pouncing on her.

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