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"Hurry up, you two!" Shi Qingxuan called out from across the palatial lobby of the Ritz-Carlton hotel. "Everyone's already at dinner waiting for us!"

Xie Lian picked up his pace and saw that Lang Qianqiu was not far behind himself. Xie Lian had sworn the three of them had stepped off of the elevator at the same time, yet Shi Qingxuan was already far ahead of them, as energetic as ever.

Xie Lian couldn't blame Shi Qingxuan for his excitement, it was Qingxuan's birthday after all. They had decided on traveling to Macau to celebrate Shi Qingxuan's big day. Because the flamboyant omega never did anything half-assed, Shi Qingxuan had rented out a three Michelin star restaurant for the night. The Rubuchon au D ô me was an expensive dinner reservation and Shi Qingxuan had invited at least fifty of his closest friends. Which was why he was very keen not to be late.

Xie Lian was about half way across the expansive lobby, but he kept tripping over his long ruffled culottes. The wide-legged, multilayered white pants were not his first choice of fashion, but Shi Qingxuan had been the one to choose them for him. Earlier that afternoon, in the walk-in closet of Qingxuan's upgraded hotel suite, he had lectured Xie Lian about how all of his clothes were much too academic and frumpy for a sexy birthday bash.

Aiya, my friend. This is why you're still a thirty-year-old virgin! Every outfit you packed looks like a cross between what a beta monk and a retired literature professor would wear!

Xie Lian had indignantly replied, but I am a professor.

Shi Qingxuan had frantically rifled through his own ten suitcases before pulling out a complicated looking white fabric to toss toward Xie Lian.

Xie Lian had caught the item, held it out, and stared.

But these pants look like a skirt! Xie Lian had said.

Shi Qingxuan airily waved away his concern. They do make your ass look bomb though! Besides, I'll be wearing my sparkly Balenciaga dress and I need you and Lang Qianqiu in the sexiest omega aesthetic so we can all match!

Lang Qianqiu wasn't even an omega, but that never bothered Shi Qingxuan.

Qingxuan had thrown Xie Lian his most potent puppy-eyed look and Xie Lian knew in his heart that he owed Qingxuan way too many favours from their college days to refuse this one small request.

Presently, while jogging after his friend in the hotel lobby, Xie Lian had accidentally stepped on the hem of his pants and stumbled forward. He was anticipating smacking his head on the smooth marble tiles beneath him, but a pair of arms reached out to catch him just in time.

"Oh!" Xie Lian exclaimed, an embarrassed apology automatically rising to his lips. He looked up to see a young man who wore a simple beret pulled down low over his face. Xie Lian could smell a subtle note of smoke and maybe something floral. It was not a strong scent, so he figured the man was a beta who was simply wearing some nice cologne.

The young man was dressed in a nondescript, collared red shirt the same colour as his jaunty hat paired with some simple black slacks. Xie Lian assumed he was a hotel lobby staff. Despite looking slender and youthful, his arms had been strong enough to support Xie Lian's entire weight.

He held Xie Lian steadily without any difficulty. Xie Lian quickly righted himself and bowed apologetically, feeling hot where the man's hands had supported his arm and waist. "Thank you for catching me!"

The young man grinned, but Xie Lian was only able to see the smiling crescent of one eye for the other was hidden by long, tousled bangs. "It was my pleasure. It would be a shame if gege were to tear his handsome evening wear."

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