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The day had seemed to drag on for far longer than Hua Cheng had patience for. The Gambler's Den had dealt with some riffraff causing trouble that the croupiers couldn't handle on their own and he'd had to intervene personally. Public knowledge of his marriage had done nothing to quell the rumors of how terrifying the Ghost King could be when he was displeased. An affront to his city was an affront to him. Moreover, anything that took away from his personal time with his husband would incur even more of his wrath. Love had not softened his image, and he preferred it that way.

Hua Cheng was worn thin, to his last shred of sanity when he was finally able to leave his underlings to clean up the mess. Silently turning his back on their simpering gratitude with a swish of red robes, he pulled out a pair of dice. He'd been away from Dianxia for long enough. His beautiful, noble, and gracious beloved, who was being neglected while useless trash from out of town was wasting his time.

In the span of time it took to walk through the door—from the Gambler's Den directly into one of the back rooms of Qiandeng Temple—his irritation had curiously become depletion. Hua Cheng could think of nothing he wanted more in that moment than his husband's arms to rejuvenate his weary soul. It was this desire that carried him to the main hall where he would be waiting for him.

Measured steps steadily clicked against the polished marble floor, the fine silver chains on his boots jingling softly; the only sounds in the large, open space. Stepping around the silk curtains that partitioned the room, the altar came into view and his footsteps stopped. Though he'd never placed a divine statue in the temple, the sight of Dianxia, sitting quietly atop the altar in meditation, was more perfect than any construct he could conceive.

Hua Cheng swallowed thickly, suddenly rendered mute by his divine presence. Dianxia would surely know he was there, close, but still at a distance maintained out of sheer reverence. It only felt right to assume a form that was more deferential, and when his deity's eyes finally opened to greet him, the more youthful appearance that he'd taken when they'd finally reunited and gotten to know one another awaited.

This was the form that had experienced their first formal introduction, their first conversation since he'd become a Supreme. It was in this form that he had first become his San Lang.

"San Lang." He shifted from the edge of the altar onto the floor, and Hua Cheng's non-beating heart skipped when their eyes met.

He'd sculpted countless effigies of that beautiful face, but seeing it now with that same serene smile in flesh, it was clear none of them did him any justice. Candles surrounded the altar, illuminating the outline of his hair to softly shining copper in their light. He was radiant. Ethereal. There was never any doubt in Hua Cheng's mind he was in the presence of a god. The only god he would ever acknowledge.

"San Lang," he repeated, holding out his hand, inviting him closer.

He was not worthy.

He wasn't, but Dianxia had beckoned him and he went to his side in an instant. With trembling fingers he took that hand in his, dropping to his knees before him. His beloved had never questioned him when he had the inclination to take this form, and for that Hua Cheng was grateful. He was known to be articulate, but some things were better off shown than explained. All he wanted now was to forget about his worries by demonstrating his piety.

When Dianxia looked down at him he now had two eyes with which to gaze adoringly back up at him as he brought the strong, work-weathered hand to his lips. He kissed every calloused fingertip, and a soft sigh of affection was his reward. That hand shifted in his grip and he let go without prompting. It moved to caress his cheek, and his heart swelled as he leaned into the touch.

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