The tutor

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The youngest Black sister made her way to Slughorn's classroom, slightly dragging her feet as she did. She dug through her bag for the homework that Slughorn had assigned a week prior, letting out a sigh of frustration when she came to the conclusion that it definitely wasn't there and she definitely had no idea where it was.

Lyra neared the stairs leading to the classroom, catching a glimpse of a tall boy with brunette hair not far in front of her. As she neared Slughorn's classroom she saw him repeatedly, walking in the same direction as her.

She finally entered the classroom to find Slughorn standing opposite to Remus Lupin.

"Sorry, Professor I was told you needed me here, I can come back later if you are busy," she spoke, her eyes rapidly switching between Remus and Slughorn.

"Oh, not at all dear. I actually needed both of you here," the professor announced.

Lyra stood adjacent to Remus, finding Slughorn wanting to speak to them both at the same time strange, seeing as though they had never interacted and were on completely different academic levels, not because Lyra was any less smart then Remus, but because she didn't care.

"Remus, you are one of my most talented students, and Lyra, while I notice that you yourself are very intelligent I don't think you are reaching your full potential in my class, and I want all my students to succeed equally. So, I have therefore come to the conclusion that Remus, up until the O.W.Ls that will be taking place at the end of the school year," Slughorn informed the pair.

"Tutor her?" Remus questioned his tone completely calm, a heavy northern accent coating his words, contradicting Lyra's extremely posh,London accent.

"Tutor me?" Lyra asked, her tone much higher then Remus',"I'm sorry professor, but is that completely necessary?"

"Yes, I'm sorry it seems that is the only way I can go about this."
Remus and Lyra exited the classroom, neither of them speaking a word as they walked side by side down the corridor.

Lyra let out a slight huff fixing her straps of her bag on her shoulder, to which Remus chuckled, trying to play it off as a clearing of his throat.

"What?" Lyra asked.

"Nothing, I just don't know why you're so pissed about all this, I'm the one who has to teach you," he told her.

"Listen, Lupin, is it?" She asked, knowing full well that that was his name, as she'd admired him for years, not just because of his looks but because of his friendship with her cousin.

Remus nodded in response, the smallest smile sketched on his face at her attempt of acting clueless about who he was. Remus was quite, but very well known.

Lyra continued to speak,"I don't exactly want to spend my evenings learning information I already know from one of my cousins friends."

She told him with complete honesty, Lyra knew that she wouldn't exactly hate spending time with him, but studying wasn't her favourite pass time.

"You know, sometimes I forget that you and Sirius are cousins." Remus said.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

"The difference is fucking undeniable, you're disinclined to talk to anyone but your social circle."

Lyra let out a laugh,"disinclined? Oh, how could I ever be disinclined to speak to you? I've been wishing for this day to come since I saw you steal a pack of cigarettes from a shop in Hogsmeade in third year, with my cousin and his friends gawking after you," she said, her voice thick with sarcasm.

Remus stared down at her, rolling his tongue on his cheek as if he was trying to hold in a laugh. Lyra suddenly noticed how closely they were standing, looking him up and down, noticing how his hands were in his pockets and the veins in his arms were very noticeable as his sleeves were rolled up. She slowly looked back up, noticing that his tie was loosened and his brown hair was still disheveled.

"So, my dorm, 6pm?" He asked.


"To study," Remus said, making her look back into his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, yeah I'll be there."
"So I heard, you got yourself a date tonight," Yemaya Zabini, Lyra's roommate who was in 6th year stated as she sat down next to Lyra on her bed.

"From who? Narcissa? How does she even know?"

"Yes of course Narcissa, she knows everything."

"It is not a date, like at all, I need to be tutored by some guy in my potions class, plus if my parents got any idea that I was dating him of all people I would be literally disowned," Lyra responded.

"Uh huh, so you're telling me that you're not at all attracted to this guy? I mean the whole teacher and student vibe doesn't turn you on at all?"

Lyra picked up a pillow, hitting Yemaya with it,"ew no, Maya, I would never!"

"I'm just saying," Yemaya laughed as she stood up, sitting down in front of their shared dresser and looking through her jewellery box,"you know it's been a while since you've dated anyone, it wouldn't hurt to catch a dick."

"Oh please, I dated that French Ravenclaw guy, Favian Elfirre for a couple months in fourth year, and I almost dated Avery, but he was a bit weird."

"Okay Mary, just in case anything does happen, I'm going on a date tonight so the dorm is yours."

Lyra rolled her eyes,"nothing is going to happen. And anyways, I'm going to his dorm."

"Oh no, honey. He should be coming here, that's the least he can do," Maya said, turning to face Lyra.

"Maybe, if this was a date of some sort, but for the last time, it is not."

Yemaya sighed, turning back towards the mirror,"whatever you say."

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