Moody teenage boys

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The marauders had a long night after having to break into Elias Avery's dorm, to first swap out his shampoo to green hair dye that develops over multiple hours, so he wouldn't notice. Before, giving Peter the responsibility of moving everything in his dorm a little bit more to the left while he was sleeping.

Then, James was entrusted to configure Avery's school shoes into those that would turn into skates right as he entered his final period, which happened to be Astronomy, a class that Lyra, Sirius and Remus took together.

This was only the beginning of their plans, James and Peter deciding to skip their own last period to watch everything unravel in Astronomy class.

"You call her star? Why did I never get a cute nickname like star?" Sirius groaned as the boys exited the Slytherin common room.

"Marlene came up with the name stargirl for Lyra, Marlene doesn't like you, why would she give you a nickname when she doesn't like you?" James asked, to which Sirius rolled his eyes.

"You think we did enough back there?" Remus questioned.

"Yes we did and even if we didn't, I am not going back there again I almost had a panic attack," Peter whispered.

"Peters right, we did enough," James agreed.

"I should've just punched that cunt right in the face when I saw him," Remus started.

"Our little ray of sunshine is back," Sirius chuckled.
"Lyra," Avery spoke, holding onto the wall as he struggle to roll over to an unsuspecting Lyra on his roller skate shoes, as she sat on the floor of the astronomy tower, waiting for other students to arrive,"I didn't appreciate you walking out on me yesterday."

Lyra's eyes widened at his neon green hair and roller skates, not daring to laugh,"I, um, I'm sorry," she began to stammer in shock when she looked behind him to see Sirius and Remus walking into class with two pairs of feet, revealed by the invisibility cloak, sneaked behind them.

"Today would be nice, Lyra," Elias raised his voice, the redness in his face balancing out the green of his hair, making him look like a Christmas tree.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were occupied, I didn't want to bother you," Lyra made up.

"Well, I guess I can accept your apology," Avery huffed out sitting down next to her,"if you couldn't tell I've had a very bad day."

"I could," Lyra nodded, distracted as she opened her book, pretending to read but instead looking over at what was obviously James and Peter under the invisibility cloak, who were applying black chalk around the eyepiece of Avery's assigned telescope.

"First,I woke and everything in my dorm was strangely off but I couldn't tell what, then my shoes turned into roller skates, and I cannot remove them, plus everyone's been giving me weird looks today,"Avery ranted.

The Professor entered the room, instructing each student to their positions around the tower, Lyra taking her seat beside Sirius.

"Green hair, really?" She whispered.

"It was all Remus' ideas," Sirius said.

"Even the roller skates, moving things around in his dorm and putting chalk on the eyepiece of his telescope?"

"Yes, all of it, I wish I could see James and Peter under that invisibility cloak right now, this isn't even the end of it," Sirius chuckled.

Lyra raised her eyebrows,"not the end of it?"

"Nope, just watch," Sirius coughed three times before standing up, signalling for Remus to sneak away and hide under the invisibility cloak, with his wand out. Before, walking to Avery.

"Avery there's something on your face," Sirius spoke.

"Something on my face?" Elias asked as boils began to appear around his face. Remus was using the furnunculus curse on him.

"Yeah," Sirius nodded, pointing to different areas of his skin that were now all covered in boils,"and there, oh and there. Wow, you really need to get that checked out."

Avery placed his hands on his face, rolling out of the classroom and down the stairs, followed by a confused professor, who had no idea something was going on.
"How long is it gonna take for the boils to disappear?" Lyra asked the boys as they walked through the castle.

"A few hours, no longer then a day," James responded.

Remus let out a scoff,"why do you even care?"

"I don't care, I was just curious, and I need some sort of excuse my parents as to why me and him will not have a relationship 'consulting in marriage,'" she groaned.

"Ew, I'm glad my parents gave up on me when I hear stories like that," Sirius commented.

"I think my mum thinks I'm 14," Peter added.

"Yeah, that's great,Peter," Lyra started, turning her attention to Remus,"Remus, could I talk to you?"

Remus looked around at his friends, noticing the weird looks they were giving him,"yeah, sure."

The pair of them walked off to the side, Lyra speaking first,"is everything okay? You seem a little off."

"I'm fine."

"Okay, well if you would want to talk about anything , then maybe you could talk to me?"

"And why would I do that?" Remus deadpanned.

"Because, Remus, I thought we were friends, friends talk about stuff, so if there's a problem, you could talk to me,"Lyra explained.

"Is there a point to this conversation, I have to go to class."

"Yeah, you know what just go, I'll see you tonight," Lyra said, referring to their study session for later that night.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to go tonight, bye Lyra," Remus said finally before walking away, leaving a pain in her stomach.

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