Match of the season

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Lyra Black groaned as she sat up in her room, rubbing at her eyes as she watched her roommate, Yemaya, sat at her dressing table, applying her makeup.

"Good afternoon, Lyra. I thought you were in a coma for a second," she chuckled.

"Yeah, I think I might be," Lyra chuckled, sitting up.

"Get ready, quidditch game today, Slytherin Verses Gryffindor," Zabini noted.

"Well I'm fucked then."

Yemaya rolled her eyes, standing up and grabbing Lyra's arm to pull her out of bed,"I know since your shagging a lion you think-"

"I'm not shagging anyone!" Lyra screeched, reaching out her hand and showing Maya her purity ring.

"Alright, whatever, but your loyalties lay with your house, and that is who you will support if you want to maintain any sort of respect, especially as a black sister. You may not agree with what their beliefs are, but if you want to get anywhere in life, then for the time being you'll have to pretend, got it?" Yemaya explained.

Lyra nodded,"got it."
The colossal crowd of every Hogwarts student gathered in the quidditch pitch, all cheering for their teams, even those who weren't playing  had already picked sides and placed bets.

The professors sat in the box, looking down as cheers and applause got louder, once both teams entered.

Lyra cheered for her team, knowing no matter how close she was with Gryffindors, Slytherin was her house, the house that raised her, the house she belonged to.

"Regulus!" She shouted, waving to her little cousin,"look girls it's Regulus," Lyra told her sisters sitting beside her, being immensely proud of him.

"Yeah, we have eyes, now don't pee yourself, we have a game to win," Bellatrix scoffed.

"Shut up, Bella, I can't look for Lucius in all this noise," Narcissa groaned.

"Should've stayed in my dorm, honestly," Andromeda spoke, leaning back in her seat.

"You see those girls drooling over Potter on the other side?" Narcissa teased, pointing to a group of second and third years, holding up a 'we love Potter' sign.

"Like you weren't doing that a second ago," Bellatrix spat, starting up a war of bickering between the two girls, with Andromeda aggressively trying to calm them down.

However, the drooling group of young girls wasn't exactly what caught Lyra's eye, it was Sirius Black, looking down at her, holding in his laugh at her attempt of house pride.

"Get them," she mouthed, him returning with a nod like that would be the easiest thing to do.

"Cunt," she said under her breath.

"Cunt? Whose a cunt?" Narcissa asked, all three sisters suddenly snapping out of her argument.

"All three of you little bitches, now be quiet the games starting."
After the quidditch game ended and the stadium celebrated the winning of Gryffindor once again, and the marauders had their usual bickering with Severus Snape, pulled apart by Lilly Evans, Lyra decided to join Regulus in what he called his usual after-match activities.

"Oi, where you going?" Sirius called out to Lyra and Regulus as they walked toward the Ravenclaw common room, the rest of the marauders behind him.

"Reggie is taking me to meet his lady friend," Lyra chuckled, her younger cousin just rolling his eyes at her comment.

"Well, we can join you," Potter spoke up.

"Don't you lot have celebrations to attend to?" Regulus asked.

"Well, technically-" Pettigrew started, being cut off.

"Shut up Peter," Remus spoke under his breath.

"Yeah, shut up Peter, I think I'm gonna spend some time with my little brother instead," Sirius spoke, walking up to regulus,"so, whose this lady friend?"

They soon arrived outside of Pandora Lovegood's dorm room, Regulus leading them all inside.

The room was decorated with tapestries, posters and plants, Lyra admiring the decorations as she greeted Pandora, along with the rest of the boys. And only after looking around the dorm a little bit more did Lyra notice her roommate, Yemaya sitting on one of the beds in the dorm room.

"Yemaya?" Lyra cheered,"what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here," Yemaya chuckled, smoke leaving her mouth as she did,"Panda right there is my plug."

The mauraders, including Lyra all turned their heads to look at Panda in the same moment, the short, blonde girl began to speak, her voice high pitched and calming,"right, so would any of you like anything?"

Soon they were all sat in a circle around the floor, everyone apart from Regulus and Peter taking hits of the joint that was being passed around.

"Okay, let me get this straight, you have this cool dealer girlfriend," Sirius started.

"Oh, me and Regulus aren't dating," Pandora spoke.

Sirius shook his head, continuing,"I know darling, I meant girl who is a friend, but anyways you have this cool friend,who smokes and you're telling me you've never tried weed?"

"No, I haven't, and I'm not planning on doing so," Regulus responded, giving his brother a death stare for calling Pandora 'darling.'
"And what about you Lyra, when did you start smoking?"

Regulus' question didn't get a response as Lyra was currently admiring Remus from across the room, staring into his amber pupils, brought out by the redness forming around them.

"Earth to Lyra," Yemaya spoke, waving her hand in front of her face.

"Hmm?" Lyra asked, not breaking her eye contact with Remus, who chuckled at her cluelessness.

"Regulus asked when you started smoking," Peter told, his mouth full of the crisps he was sharing with Potter.

"Oh, first time I tried it was with Lilly lot," Lyra finally responded.

"Lilly? Where is Lilly? We should've invited Lilly," James gasped out.

Remus tilted his head back, breathing out an 'oh god' under his breath.

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