There's a first for everything

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Awoken from her sleep, Lyra jumped out of her bed at 2am due to the sounds of consistent knocking at her door.

She'd assumed Yemaya had forgotten her keys and was arriving earlier then usual from a date, so when she turned on the lights and went to open the door, she chose not to cover herself in anything, only wearing what she'd fell asleep in.

"Yemaya you need to start remembering your keys," she said upon opening her door to be greeted by not her roommate but four boys standing directly in front of her.

"None of you are Yemaya."

Remus, James, and Peter stared at her with their mouths wide open, causing to become instantly aware of what she looks like.

Her messy hair falling past her shoulders, her already overly tight shorts that were now ridden up past her thighs and her low cut vest top felt much more revealing. Despite the other two boys gazing at her, her eyes dared not to leave Remus'.

He looked like he hadn't gotten a drop of sleep, and his hair was more disheveled then usual, he towered over all the other boys, his jaw now clenched. She let her gaze slightly drop, realising that his knuckles were now now white from the fists his hands were held in. Usually, she'd be uncomfortable in a situation like this but for some reason, she didn't mind Remus seeing her like this.

His clothes hadn't changed, apart from the fact that he was now wearing a vintage David Bowie shirt. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, meeting her eyes once more as she tucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Yeah,your observational skills never fail to astound me," Sirius said as he let himself into her dorm.

"You should get changed," Remus told her, entering after Sirius.


"Cause, we're going to Hogsmeade," James announced.

"Or you could wear that, it's your decision, but you might be cold," Peter added.

Lyra scoffed,"we're going to Hogsmeade? Now?"


"Cause we're the marauders, it's what we do," Sirius said.

"The marauders? You have a name, for your friend group?" Lyra asked.

"Yes," Sirius deadpanned.


"Because it's cool! Now stop asking questions!"

"Yeah, and Marlene, Dorcas, Mary and Lilly are coming too, so hurry up," James informed her as he picked up a bottle of perfume from her dressing table and began to play with it.

"Won't we get in some sort of trouble for this?" She asked.

"Only if we get caught, which we won't," Sirius told her, laying down on her bed.

"You've never snook out before?" James asked, raising an eyebrow at her as if it was the most surprising thing that people don't casually escape school grounds.

"No, I have not," Lyra looked over to Remus who was leaning against her door frame, the darkened look in his honey coloured eyes making it seem like he was almost admiring her,"and you think this is a smart idea?"

Remus nodded, scrunching his nose,"there has to be a first for everything."
Lyra waited nervously with the boys outside of the Gryffindor common, her paranoia only making her more and more aware of what was wearing, since Sirius had made the decision that he would choose her outfit.

She pulled her oversized, black leather jacket down, to cover her arms and fidgeted with her black skirt. She wore a white, long sleeve Henley shirt and a pair of leather boots, which she continuously tapped against the floor.

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