The second full moon

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Another week had passed by and time seemed to get more and blurry in Lyra's mind as it was inching closer and closer to the end of her October term, meaning that once again she'd be trapped in a house with the two people she hated most.

Since her and Remus had grown closer and closer in the recent weeks she'd usually discuss her worries with him, however it seemed that for the past couple of days, he'd been ignoring her.

"Yup, definitely avoiding you," Marlene spoke as she watched Remus enter and leave the library right upon seeing Lyra.

"I don't get it, he's supposed to be the mature one, these mood swings are so out of character," Lyra sighed.

"It's like he's on his period," Mary chuckled.

"Yeah, well then he needs to stick a tampon in it and actually fucking talk to me," Black deadpanned, standing up from the table and leaving the library to find Remus.

"Anyone else notice that she's been swearing a lot more since she started hanging out with Remus?" Dorcas noted.

"She's picking up his traits, it's just what people do when they like each other," Lilly said.

"Well I better not see you announcing your love to James in the middle of the great hall anytime soon," Marlene chuckled.
"What is your problem?" Lyra asked as she entered Remus' dorm, to find him alone on his bed, staring out of his window.

"I don't have a problem," he answered not facing her.

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you, Lyra," Remus sighed, turning to look at her.

"Yes you are! You did this last month and now you're doing it again, if you care about me the way I care about you in the slightest,then you'll tell me what's going on with you," she confronted.

"And what makes you think I care about you?" He questioned, now standing up.

The words made Lyra's breath hitch in her lungs and her eyes grow misty,"you're a cunt," she breathed out.

"No, Lyra that's not what I meant I-" Remus started, moving closer to her.

"No, it's okay, really, I understand," she spoke before leaving his dorm room.
After their interaction, Lyra decided it would be best if she gave Remus space, which to her really meant giving him a brutal silent treatment for four days. He'd made attempts to talk to her multiple times, coming to her dorm the day after their argument, only for Yemaya to not let him in since it was late at night. According to Yemaya he looked like he'd just left Madam Pomfrey's.

Remus was smart enough to know that Lyra was angry, but he wasn't smart enough to tell that she knew about him, about what he is. Lyra had figured out he's a werewolf from the moment Peter asked her what date it is to back up Remus' behaviour. Everything she'd told him from that point had been completely strategic, like telling him how she loves the moon and thinks wolves are the best animal.  Along with opening up to him about the Black family in the hopes that he'd do the same, but instead all she learnt was about his parents.

She did everything to convince him to tell her the truth, so what really had hurt her was that even after that, he couldn't trust her.

He also tried passing her notes in lessons, ones she ignored, but secretly shoved in her pocket to keep when no one was looking. The rest of their friends had noticed the two of them not talking, however no one dared to ask about it, not even Sirius or Marlene, who'd usually love the drama.

Lyra had found herself visiting the black lake more and more often, sitting against the tree nearest to the lake, wether to force herself to focus on a book or just to stare into the calm flows of water.

So, Lyra sat against the tree, dipping her fingers in the water of the lake, long after sun had set.

"Lyra," she heard a familiar voice call out to her as Remus walked towards her.

She stood up, walking the opposite direction tp avoid him.

"Lyra!" He now yelled, picking up his pace to catch up to her.

"Go away, Remus."

"Lyra," he yelled out once more, grabbing onto her arm and turning her to face him,"if you're mad at me yell at me, scream at me, fucking hit me, just please talk to me."

"If I recall correctly, Lupin, you were the one who didn't want to talk to me," she spat, shoving his arm off of her.

"I know that, I've apologised for that, just please talk to me."

"I can't talk to you as long as you're hiding something, I know something is going on and I'm worried about you, I don't want to hurt my own feelings stressing over you when you don't even care about me," Lyra spoke, she wanted to yell but she could never guarantee that no one was listening.

Remus sighed, taking a step back from her,I care about you Lyra, I care about you a lot. I didn't tell you so I could protect you but if you really want to know, I'll tell you, if you never tell anyone."

"I will never tell anyone, I promise."

"And you can't freak out."

"And I won't freak out."

He took a deep breath,"in a way I've wanted to tell you in a while because I know you're entitled to know, I haven't told any of the other girls but I feel differently about you."

"Stop stalling," she said, wanting to hear him admit it.

"I was bitten by a werewolf when I was younger, I know you know what that means," he whispered, his voice breaking with the fear that she'd run away with from him, never speak to him again,"I didn't want to tell you, I thought I'd scare you and I couldn't stand never speaking to you, and I thought that maybe I would hurt you."

His rambling was suddenly cut off as Lyra wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling herself up to kiss him. He didn't wait a moment before kissing her back, his kiss filled with desperation and desire as he grabbed her waist, pulling her body closer.  Tastes of chocolate took over Lyra's senses as she smiled into their kiss, before pulling away to breath.

"You're not scared?" Remus breathed out, his lips pink and swollen.

Lyra shook her head, taking his hand from her waist and placing it on her chest so he could feel her heartbeat,"I trust you, I know there's nothing to be scared of."

Remus let out a breath, a sense of relief washing over him as he let his forehead rest against hers, still holding her, not noticing the visible heat rising to his face.

"You're blushing? That's gross," Lyra laughed out, sliding her hands from his shoulders to his face, cupping his cheeks.

"Shut up," he chuckled, kissing her once more.

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