Risky relationship

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"So, let me get this straight," Remus spoke, walking down the corridor beside Lyra with an arm around her waist,"you want us to keep us a secret, from everyone?"

"Yes, we're not actually officially dating,and from everyone, I don't want all our friends to be super involved," Lyra explained.

"Is that the reason, or is it because you don't want your family to find out?" He asked, seeing straight through her.

"That might also be a factor, I don't want you in any danger because of this, I mean we're not even in a relationship yet so for you to get yourself hurt because the wrong person finds out-"

He cut her off with a kiss, backing up so her back was pressed against the wall, both his hands travelled to her waist as he pulled away,"don't worry, I understand, we're a secret."

"Thank you," she smiled.

"So, I guess we better do a better job at hiding it," Lupin said, taking his hand off of her waist.

"Don't start, Moony," Lyra rolled her eyes.


"Yes, Moony, I heard the boys call you it, it makes sense as to why now."

Remus let out a laugh,"does that mean I should start calling you Star?"

"You could," Lyra nodded, pulling Remus down to her level by wrapping her arms around his shoulders, their lips only centimetres apart.

"Maybe, I should just call you trouble instead."

Suddenly, the pair of them became aware of a group of very familiar voices, inching closer and closer to the corridor they were on.

Remus pulled back from Lyra, looking to verify that it was in fact all of their friends, making their way towards them.

"Who is it?" Lyra asked, still backed against the wall.

"Santa and all his elves, who do you think?" Remus whispered.

"Okay, okay," Lyra spoke, moving away from the wall,"just act normal."

"What are you two weirdos standing there for?" Sirius asked, as he lead the group of James, Peter, Marlene, Mary, Lilly and Dorcas behind him.

"I'm on prefect duty and Lyra-"

"I was just going back to my dorm,". Lyra answered.

"Aren't the Slytherin dorms in the other," Lilly paused as she noticed the look she was getting from Lyra,"never mind."

"Where are all you lot coming from?" Remus asked.

"The kitchens," Peter responded, his mouth still full of vanilla ice cream as he held the tub and a large spoon in his hand.

"We tried looking for you, and then we gave up cause we were hungry," James added.

"Fair," Lyra nodded, walking over to Peter to take some of his ice cream.
"Right,so you're telling me your parents have never whooped you before?" Sirius asked Dorcas as Lyra and the group of Gryffindors sat on the floor of the boys common room, playing a game of truth or dare.

"No, they haven't Sirius, why is abuse to normal to you?" Dorcas laughed.

"Ask his mum," Potter spoke.

"I will join a polyamorous relationship with all of your grandparents, James, and I will penetrate all of them, one by one. Like this," Sirius said, before standing up to demonstrate his point by aggressively humping the air.

"They're all dead, Sirius," James deadpanned, causing Sirius to sit straight back down.

"How about I just penetrate your mum then?" Sirius asked.

"Don't penetrate anyone Sirius, this is odd. This is odd behaviour," Mary said.

"Okay, I need to meet Mrs Potter and see what all this is about," Lyra laughed.

"Oh, you've been missing out, she's so fit and she's so kind, she called me love and I swear to Godric, I peed a little bit," Marlene spoke.

"Okay next round," Peter announced, spinning the juice bottle between the group, landing on Lilly and Dorcas.

"Alright Dorcas," Lilly started,"you have to repopulate this earth with one person in the room, who would it be?"

"That's easy, Marlene," Dorcas said casually.

"Good response," Marlene cheered.

"Wait, how would that even work?" Peter asked.

"We go to a school of magic, where sparkly,colourful shit comes out of sticks we carry around and we can make shit move with it, you're really questioning the possibility of two women being able to conceive?" Remus queried, sending Peter into somewhat of an existential crisis.

"And if they can't, I can always be a sperm donor," Sirius added.

"Ew, no, Sirius," Lyra spoke, throwing Peter's empty tub of ice cream at her cousins head.

"Okay, I'm spinning now," Marlene yelled, the bottle landing almost instantly on Lyra.

"Bit of a personal one here Lyra," McKinnon started, earning groans from Sirius,"are you a virgin?"

Lyra felt now that all eyes were on her, including Remus', who seemed to be looking at her more curiously then anyone else.

"Yes, I'm a virgin," Lyra spoke, earning confused and questioning gazes from everyone around her.

"Why?" Dorcas asked, genuinely surprised.

"Because,why not?" Lyra responded.

"That's enough, can we please stop talking about my cousin's sex life?" Sirius groaned.

"Oh shut up, like you don't have the highest body count in the group," Marlene said.

"Six people isn't that high, and Remus is catching up to me, he's got five," He said, pointing to Lupin.

"Okay, my turn," James announced, reaching for the bottle.

Lyra leaned back against the nearest bed, joined by Remus, making him close enough for her to whisper without being heard.

"Five?" She spoke.

"None?" Remus queried.

"Well, I've always just thought you have to be in love to be so intimate with another person," Lyra explained, making sure to not be overheard.

"So,you've never been in love?" Lupin raised an eyebrow.

"Never," Lyra shook her head,"have you?"


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