Suspicious sisters

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It was now mid October and Lyra found herself distracted from her thoughts of her upcoming birthday to the practice exam they'd be taking in potions.

She'd been keeping up with her lessons with Remus, while also trying to convince all of her friends that nothing was going on between them. So, now as she waited for her results to be handed to her, she tried to ease her own nerves by reminding herself that Remus was a good teacher, and she couldn't have gotten any worse at the subject.

Slughorn walked past, leaving her marked assignment on her desk, she lifted it up revealing a circled number, stating she'd received 94%. Lyra smiled at her paper, looking around for Remus, who was already gazing at her.

He stuck up his thumb as she mouthed to him from across the room.

"What did you get?" She asked.

He mouthed back,"90%"

Lyra smiled to herself once more, not noticing the large 98% on Remus' paper.
Upon exiting the class, Lyra felt a familiar hand grab her arm, dragging her into the broom closet, where stood all three of her sisters.

"Is this how we're going to do family meetings now?" She whisper-shouted.

"The Slytherins are growing suspicious of all the times you've been spending in the Gryffindor common room," Narcissa spoke.

"We don't want our sister to be marked as a blood traitor, especially not now that we're joining alliances with the dark lord," Bellatrix added.

"With the dark lord?" Lyra asked.

"Be quiet," Bella hissed,"you always knew this was coming."

"So, why are you spending so much time with those Gryffindors, Lyra?" Andromeda asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"You all know I am being tutored for potions, it is nothing more then that," Lyra lied, knowing she preferred her new group of friends over spending time with her sisters.

"Well Lucius and Snape suspect you're seeing one of those filthy mudbloods, especially since you made Avery run away, mother heard about that you know, she was not impressed," Bellatrix scolded.

"I am not seeing anyone, and that doesn't mean I will be seeing Avery, I am very much capable of finding suitors of my own," Lyra said.

"Well hopefully you will soon, maybe then you can stop fussing around with the Gryffindors to get help in potions, it won't be necessary for you to study once you're married," Narcissa stated.

"Are you done?" Lyra sighed.

"Yes, we're finished, let's go," Bellatrix announced, her and Cissy exiting the closet.

"Okay, now they're gone, what is actually going on?" Andromeda asked.

"I've been spending time with Sirius, our cousin who the rest of you have been neglecting,"Lyra spoke.

"Well just be careful, you know we have to stay quiet till we leave this family for good, it's only a few more-" andromeda started.

"A few more years? I'm sorry Andy but I don't think my plans align with yours anymore."

'If you are born into a burning house you're often lead to believe that the whole word is on fire, even though it's not,' that was a quote, or rather a grossly twisted version of it, which had embedded herself into Lyra Black long before she could even remember, not long after she was placed into the arms a burning flame.

She was told that the whole world was on fire and that her house could be the only sanctuary, convincing her to never attempt to escape.

It was a quote that stuck with her, one she believed completely, she never questioned what the world outside of the Noble House of The Black's burning walls could hold, she was scared that she'd be engulfed in the flames.

While the flames in her home would only pick at her skin and fill her senses with smoke so that could not breath or see. They told her that a slight bit of burn was necessary, so she welcomed the fire with open arms, believing that the warmth was protecting her from the wild-fire occurring outside.

Till one day, in the most unexpected of circumstances, she was thrown into the outside world, and while it was still on fire people were still burnt and some homes where still destroyed, Lyra noticed that everything could change simply with a different perspective.

Remus lupin was the key to that new perspective, he was the catalyst to leading her into a world where everything was only on fire if she wanted it to be. It made her realise that what had really been destroying her all these years wasn't the unknown, it was the noble house of fire that she'd been placed into upon birth.

So, now all she wanted was to escape, as soon as she could, the consequences no longer mattering to her. However, the black smoke of the fire would always stain her lungs, and the burn marks she'd always carry with her, no matter how much she coughed she still couldn't get rid of the memories.

"Well I guess you're old enough to handle it on your own," Andromeda nodded.

"I'm sorry Andy, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'll never stop needing you, you know that," Lyra stammered, seeing the hurt look in her older sisters eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm gonna go, bye Lyra," she breathed out, exiting the closet, leaving Lyra in the darkness alone.

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