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Lyra banged her head into the wall behind her as she sat on Remus' bed in his empty dorm, enduring another study session.

"You're so boring," she groaned out, picking at her hands instead of listening to his teachings.

"You're unbearable, do you want to fail our upcoming exam," Lupin sighed as he organised books on his desk as he sat in front of it,awaiting Lyra's approach.

"Could you not lecture me? You sound like an old man," she said, her voice growing louder.

"You sound even more posh when you shout," he laughed.

"And you sound Welsh when you get angry, which makes you even less threatening, plus, I've never heard you shout, are you a sociopath, Remus? A painfully not intimidating sociopath?" Black teased.

"I'm not intimidating, huh?" Remus asked as he stood up, standing in front of Lyra with a book still in his hand.

She moved in her seat, nearing him so that her legs were hanging off the bed and he was standing between them, towering over her.

"Not intimidating at all," she spoke in a hushed tone, not believing her own words as it suddenly grew harder for her to control where her eyes landed and her mouth became dry.

Remus leaned closer to her, placing his hand on her neck and feeling her pulse,"is that why your heart is beating so fast, Lyra?"

"You want to find out why my heart is beating so fast?" She teased, pulling him closer by his belt.

Remus grabbed her wrist with the hand that was on her neck, making her remove her fingers from the hook of his belt,"Lyra we-"

She cut him off,"you're so annoyingly respectful, can't you loosen up a little?" Lyra spoke, bringing his hand down to her bare thigh.

"I'm respectful?" Remus asked, to which lyra nodded,"Says the virgin."

"Fuck you," she spat, grabbing the book of notes from his hand and proceeding to run around the room with it.

"Lyra, give that back, that's important," he ordered as he followed her around the dorm room, eventually backing her up against a wall.

"Say please," she giggled, enjoying his frustration.

"I'm not saying please," he reached out for the book in her hands, pinning them above her as he took it, throwing it over to his bed, but not releasing her wrists.

"What are you doing, Remus," Lyra asked as Remus trailed his hand along her thigh and under her skirt, leaving her restrained.

"You said I was being too respectful right."

"Stop speaking in riddles," she sighed.

"Tell me to stop and I will," he whispered, moving close enough for their lips to be near touching, close enough to feel his knee between her legs.

Remus stared at Lyra for a moment, admiring the look she gave her through long eyelashes, her parted lips and the redness growing on her cheeks, before finally bringing his lips to hers.

He pressed closer to her with every desperate kiss, his grip on her wrists growing tighter as the taste of mint overtook his senses.

Lyra melted with every touch, letting herself sink into his kiss, pressing herself closer to him with every opportunity.

They both instantly snapped out of her shared trance as they heard the voices of James, Peter and Sirius from outside the dorm.

Remus snapped away from Lyra, rushing to take a seat at his desk as she sat beside him, struggling to fix her hair and compose herself as she did.

"Hey nerds," Sirius said as he entered the room.

"Lyra, the girls need you, apparently Lilly's got some sort of problem, they've all gathered," James explained.

"Yeah, James tried to break through the door when he heard Lilly had a problem," Peter laughed.

Lyra let out a chuckle as she stood up, patting down her skirt,"well then, I shouldn't keep her waiting," she nodded, heading towards the door.

"Tell me what was wrong with Lilly afterwards, please!" James shouted as Lyra exited their dormitory.

"So, what did you teach my cousin today, Professor Lupin?" Sirius asked, sitting down on Remus' bed and reaching for the notebook he'd discarded upon it.

"Don't touch that," Remus said, standing up.

"Jeez, okay," Black sighed, standing up,"I'm going the bathroom, only if I'm allowed to touch the door handle,of course."

"Shut up," Lupin rolled his eyes, causing a laugh to emit from Sirius as he locked the bathroom door behind him.

"Seriously, Moony, what do you keep in here that's so-," James abruptly paused as he opened the notebook on a random page,before Remus could grab it, being met with the sight of a detailed drawing of Lyra Black.

"What the fuck?" Peter grabbed the book from James, examining the drawing closer.

"I told you not to touch that," Remus grunted, grabbing the book from Pettigrew's hand.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Remus?" Potter whisper-shouted.

"Nothing," Remus lied,"I draw all of you guys."

"Yeah, well not like that," Peter joined in,"you might as well have drawn little love hearts around her."

"You're being fucking irrational, I like drawing people, I was bored in class, it's not that deep."

"Yes, yes it is that deep," James' eyes widened in frustration as he stepped closer to Remus,"because when Sirius finds out you have a crush on Lyra-"

"I don't have a crush on Lyra, stop making this a bigger deal than it is," Remus spat.

"When Sirius sees this," Peter began, being instantly cut off by Lupin.

"He won't, because you're not going to say a word. Got it?"

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