Potions & punches

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It had been three days since Remus and Lyra had any form of interaction, he was reluctant to talk to her, only rarely sending her guilty gazes.

He'd looked tired, worn out almost for the last couple of days,so lyra decided against bothering him as well.

However, her friendship with the rest of the Marauders and her favourite group of Gryffindor girls stayed the same, so she allowed herself to believe that her and Remus weren't on bad terms and that maybe he was right. They weren't that close.

It was now Wednesday, which was supposed to be the date of Lyra and Remus' second study session, but she wasn't quite sure wether it would still be appropriate for her to show up at his dorm at 6pm.

Coincidentally enough, that was the day she had potions class with the rest of the Marauders and Dorcas Meadows, right before dinner in the great hall.

"Today class, you  are working in pairs as you will be making pepperup potion," Slughorn announced.

Dorcas and Lyra instantly looked at each other , non verbally agreeing that they would be partners.

"Now before you get too excited, I have assigned you pairs," the professor continued, earning groans from the class of Slytherins and Gryffindors.
"These pairs will be, Dorcas Meadows and Peter Pettigrew,  Remus Lupin and Sirius Black,Severus Snape and Lyra Black," he trailed off.

Lyra instantly stopped listening after the mention of her partner, considering wether she should walk out of the lesson, right then and there.

Snape walked over to her desk, placing his books down as she collected ingredients, she reached for Bicorn horn and Octopus powder, just about to take some Mandrake root when her hand met someone else's, who was reaching for the same piece as her.

She looked up to find Remus, staring down at her,"sorry," she uttered, grabbing a different piece and going to sit down with all her ingredients before he could even respond.

Her and Severus began working on the potion in complete silence, only handing one another items when needed, not noticing Remus and Sirius at the desk behind her.

Her elbow accidentally knocked into Snape's to which he tutted, muttering words under his breath. She cleared her hands and faced him as she started to speak.

"Is there a problem, Severus?"

"Only if you would class yourself as a problem, Lyra," he spat.

"I don't think I would, so could we just get back to making the potion? Thanks," she scoffed.

"Don't act so innocent," Snape started,"don't you think we know how you've been running around with those new mudblood friends of yours?"

"Are you mad because my muggleborn friend rejected you, Snivellus?" Lyra asked, earning a quite chuckle from behind them, coming from Sirius.

"Admit it, you're a filthy blood traitor, just like the rest of them," Snape was now seething.

"Oi, Snape," Remus spoke, appearing behind Severus and tapping him on the shoulder.

Snape turned around slowly, looking up at Lupin as his first came down to Severus' nose.

Lyra's eyes widened as she gasped at the sudden commotion, Sirius not baring to hold in his laughter, along with James, who was across the room.

"This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated in my lesson," Slughorn yelled, walking over to the group of students who had now grown to surround Severus,"Lupin, Black, you are both in detention."

"Me?" Sirius screeched out.

"No,not you, Lyra," Slughorn said,"Potter, I want you in charge of the class while I take Mr Snape to the hospital wing. And I better see the pair of you in detention tonight!" He looked at Lyra and Remus.
Luckily enough for Lyra, Slughorn's detention never included aspects of physical labour, rather confinement in a classroom for no longer then two hours after you've had all your classes for the day.  It wasn't the detention itself that made her anxious, it was the fact that she'd be in a classroom with Remus, alone.

"Can I just ask what possessed you to do that?" Lyra asked Remus, breaking the silence between them as they sat on different rows.

Remus stood up, walking over to where she was sat, as she moved herself closer by sitting on the desk instead of her chair.

"Because, he was being rude to you, friends protect each other," Remus responded, watching her as she sat on the desk in front of him, her thigh-high socks slipping lower down her legs as her skirt rode up with every movement she made. Her robe was loose around her shoulders as she fussed with her tie.

Lyra let out a laugh,"so friends can protect each other but not talk about their problems?"

"I'm sorry, genuinely, I shouldn't have acted like that."

"It's fine, I certainly didn't expect that kind of reaction out of you though," Lyra spoke, referring to his aggressive interaction with Snape.

Remus chuckled, loosening his tie to reveal his bruised knuckles in the dimly lit potions classroom, his shirt sleeve slightly rolled up enough to reveal fresh bruises and scratches that couldn't be older then three days,"you should've seen me in first year."

The sight of the marks on his arm sent the same pain through Lyra's stomach as she suspected that something must be wrong.

"Is that why you're so closed off now, cause you were an angry kid?"

"I'm not closed off," Remus disagreed.

Lyra tilted her head as she looked up at him,"well then, tell me a secret Lupin."

"What do you want to know?" He questioned.

"Where were you on the night of the full moon?"

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