Moderately functional

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"Are you sober?" James asked a very obviously intoxicated Lyra as she stumbled over to him and Lilly.

"I'm moderately functional," she murmured, causing Evans to laugh.

"I'll take that as a no," James nodded,"you wanna go up to our dorm? Or Marlene's?"

"Oh, leave her alone James," Lilly spoke, taking a sip of her drink.

James was seemed constantly self assured, he was a leader so when he made a judgment, purely out of caring he believed he was correct. However, Lilly Evans was the girl who seemed to make him able to question everything. She could change his opinions and outlooks, even when he had his mind set on something he would never miss an opportunity to hear her share her thoughts.

James' large ego could be picked apart by Evans at any moment. She brung him down to Earth.

"Alright, okay," James sighed,"but you're sure you're okay?"

Lyra nodded, almost responding when Sirius came rushing up to her,"Lyra! Come help me look for my ABBA record with me." He uttered, grabbing her by her arm and leading her to the stairs.

"Why exactly are you doing that?" She asked.

"Because why not?"

Sirius as a child was by far the most tactical person Lyra had met, always measuring the pros and cons and being vary of every situation he was in. Now, it seemed that the lack of structure was his escape from reality, from everything horrible that could he going on around him, because he didn't need to do anything. He was completely decisive, not questioning the first thought that came to his mind.

"Okay so," Sirius started as they entered his dorm, finding Peter sitting on the floor, stacking empty chocolate frog boxes onto one another,"I say we start in James drawer and then-"

"Found it!" Lyra yelled, picking up the record from Sirius' desk.

Sirius grabbed it, shouting a quick thank you before leaving the room.

"Can you imagine how long he would've been up here if you hadn't seen it?" Peter asked.

Lyra closed the door behind her, walking closer to Peter,"I just killed like half my brain cells so I don't even- wait, why are you up here? She asked, sitting down.

"Oh, I got bored and I think I dislocated my hip a little."

"When do you think the rest are coming upstairs?" Lyra questioned.

"James in about an hour, around when Lilly does, Sirius isn't going to," Peter started.

"Going to a girls' dorm?"

"Probably," Pettigrew chuckled.

"What about Remus?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders, rearranging the chocolate frog boxes,"depends on wether he feels like any of the girls downstairs are interesting enough."

Lyra rolled her eyes at the thought, Peter instantly noticing.

"Oh my god."

"What?" Lyra asked.

"You're into Remus!" Peter exclaimed, Lyra immediately covering his mouth with her hand.

"Shut up, peter!" She yelled,"I am not."

Peter grabbed her hand,pulling it away from his face,"then why are you mad at the thought of him and another girl."

"I don't like him, it's just that, ugh I don't know, you know, he annoys me, a lot, like I don't get it, all these other girls are constantly chasing after him and he acts like he doesn't give a shit, it's annoying."

"Yeah, well that's just him, trust me he's got bigger problems then girls."

"Okay, fair. But you won't believe what he did earlier!" Lyra exclaimed, Peter moving closer to her.

"What did he do? Tell me, tell me."

"Okay so, we're standing in the dorm right after you'd left with Dorcas and Marlene, and he asks me if I speak French," Lyra started.

"Of course you speak French, all the black family does, I though Remus would know that,"
Peter said.

"That's what I thought! He acts so smart, but he doesn't know I speak French? So, obviously I said that I don't."

"Yeah, makes sense," Pettigrew nodded.

"And he said,'vous êtes belle,' can you believe that?" Lyra spoke, her voice so high now it was almost a screech.

"Can I believe that? No I can't fucking believe that I don't even know what that means! You might as well have just told me that I'm adopted!"

"It means 'you are beautiful,' Pettigrew! He said I'm beautiful!" Lyra yelled out.

"No!" Peter gasped, standing up,"wait, wait, okay, wait."

"Peter, would you just get to the point!" Lyra shouted out, also standing up.

"Maybe, wait, what day is it?" He asked.

"Saturday, well, Sunday technically, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"No what date is it?"

"How am I supposed to know the date? I track moon phases better then I can track dates!"

"You track moon phases?" Peter asked, his tone suddenly calm.

"Yeah, I like the moon," Lyra nodded.

"What moon phase are we in then?"

"Waxing gibbous phase, full moon in a couple of days, why?"

"Oh," Peter paused,"oh, no reason, I just got distracted."

"Peter, get to the fucking point!"

"Maybe, he does know that you speak French and wanted you to know that he thinks that!"

"Then why wouldn't he just tell me?" Lyra yelled.

"I don't know!"

"Why is this so difficult? I just met him."She yelled out once more.

"It could just be a crush!" Peter shouted back.

"This is more complicated then a crush!"

"Why are we still yelling?" Peter asked.

"I don't know," Lyra groaned, sitting down on the nearest bed behind her,"a couple days ago it was just a guy from my potions that I've spoke to maybe once in my whole life is tutoring me and now it's all this?"

"I'm so stressed out," Peter sighed, sitting next to Lyra.

"You're stressed? Why are you stressed?"

"Cause you're stressed, it's making me stressed. Duh."

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