A birthday ball

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Lyra flashed fake smiles at mostly strange pure bloods as they entered the house of the Black, occasionally fussing with her black ball dress.

It was officially three hours into her birthday ball and she was already completely bored and contemplating running out of the nearest exist.

With age, Lyra realised that her parents did not love their children, but what they did love was showing off, so they were bound to throw a pure blood only ball, even if it was at the sake of their youngest daughters sanity.

However, they weren't going to be the ones to plan this ball of course, they left that part to Narcissa and Andromeda, who very quickly decided to make this a masquerade ball. Lyra agreed, knowing this meant that at least she wouldn't have to see her pretentious guests' faces.

"Oh, Lyra there you are," Andromeda sighed, rushing up to her sister,"for the dance of the evening would you prefer a quadrille or a contradance?"

"Andy, my love, I don't care," Lyra responded, slouching on the chair she was sitting at, in perfect view of the houses main entrance.

"Sit up, and this is serious."

Lyra stood from her chair as she saw her cousin Regulus enter,"Contradance is good, can I go now?"

"Go," her sister nodded.

Lyra ran up to Regulus, first being dragged away by Orion and Walburga, their birthday wishes laced with insult and spite.

"Hey Reggie, where's your brother?" Lyra questioned, pulling him to the side.

"Don't really see much of gel-head nowadays, huh?" Regulus remarked, earning a look from Lyra,"fine, I don't know where he is, he said he's got some sort of a surprise for you."

"A surprise?"

"Yes, and by the way, that Colombina looks ridiculous on you," he chuckled.

"You know what's ridiculous? The fact that you know each individual name of masquerade masks," Lyra crossed her arms in front of her.

"I greatly apologise for your own lack of vocabulary, but could you please not ditch me all night?"

Lyra shook her head,"I won't, don't worry, as soon as I find your idiot brother I'll be right with you."

Regulus let out a sigh of relief, looking at the door behind him to see Sirius hiding, trying to signal to Lyra.

"Speaking of my idiot brother," he rolled his eyes, pointing Lyra in Sirius' direction.

"Oh merlin, give me a moment Reggie," Lyra excused herself as she did her best to step outside into the gardens of her manor unnoticed.

"Sirius," she shout whispered, right before she felt an arm drag her behind an array of bushes.

"Sirius, what the fuck?"

"Happy birthday,Lyra. Did turning sixteen make you forget your manners? Especially after the surprise I've organised for you," Sirius mocked.

"I grow more scared then excited by this 'surprise' every second."

"Well, it's appropriate to be both," Sirius stood up, brushing leaves off of his suit,"boys, come out."

Lyra's look of confusion soon turned into one of admire, once she saw James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin appear from behind a nearby bush, all dressed in suits and masquerade masks.

She stood up, her eyes tracing every piece of Remus, being dumbfounded by the sight of him in a black suit, his hands in his pockets and his hair styled instead of disheveled.

"You're all idiots," she said as she walked over to the boys, pulling them into a group hug, being met with a 'happy birthday from each of them.

"Hot idiots," James started,"what do you think, star? Like the mask?"

"They're so uncomfortable, they keep tickling my cheeks," Peter groaned.

"Good one, Pettigrew," Remus chuckled, not taking his eyes off of Lyra.

"Yes, we know Peter, it's hard," Sirius joined in, placing his arm around Pettigrew's shoulder,"it's sexy, but it's hard."

"Let me guess, this was your idea?" Lyra turned to her cousin.

"Think about this logically, I'm not the smart one in this group, the sexy one? Yes, but not the smartest. Remus is the one behind all of this," he explained.

"You planned all this?" Lyra asked Lupin.

"What, you think I won't visit my favourite student on her birthday?" Remus spoke.

"Alright, stop flirting," Sirius pointed to Remus,"you inside with me so we don't draw attention, now."

The two boys made their way into the manor, leaving only James and Peter in the gardens with Lyra.

"He's a total idiot, this is so dangerous, I mean has he gone mad?" Lyra spoke, referring to Remus.

"He's gone madly in love," James laughed, causing Peter to step on his foot to shut him up.

"This is going to be fun," the blonde boy said as he made his way to the entrance.
"Where's the rest of them?" Lyra asked Sirius as they stood with Regulus, keeping a watch out for the marauders.

"They are mingling," Regulus pointed toward James and Remus, who were talking to a couple of pureblood girls, before moving his finger to Peter, who had been eating for the past half an hour.

The fact that Remus was talking to another girl, one that was very obviously flirting with him, made her furious, but the fact that she couldn't do anything about it made her want nothing more then to go over to him and kiss him in front of everyone.

She knew she wouldn't be able to see him for the rest of the half term, which means absolutely no physical contact till they go back to Hogwarts, and even then they have to be careful.

However, what bothered her most of all was a fact she overheard:"Remus doesn't get jealous," according to all the marauders, Lilly and Marlene. Plus, she knew it was true, not once had he been visibly jealous, and even if he was he'd never say anything about it.

Remus had undefeated pride, meaning that he would be excruciatingly hard to crack when it came to emotions.

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