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"I'll help Lilly," James instantly volunteered, nearing the gate with her.

Lyra had instantly noticed the awkward atmosphere Sirius had created with his comment on Remus gawking at Dorcas, an upset look becoming on Marlene's face due to it as Dorcas tried to brush off the comment.

James had helped Lilly through the gate and was now helping Mary, Marlene and Sirius had found it quite easy to cross it themselves, while Peter and Mary struggled together.

Lyra stared at the tall gate in front of her, crossing her arms to protect herself from the cold.

"It shouldn't be that hard," Remus said, walking up next to her.

"Easy for you to say, how tall are you?"

"6'4," Remus responded casually.

"Exactly, I'm 5' 6 in these shoes,"Lyra said.

Remus let out a huff and nodded his head towards the gate, indicating that Lyra follow him.

"What you gonna throw me over?"

"I fucking wish," Remus said, before instructing Lyra to hold onto a gate hing and place a leg onto one of the latches.

He then stood behind her, placing his large hands on her waist and lifting her.

The position they were in made butterflies erupt on Lyra's stomach, she didn't say anything about him touching her, she'd never want him to know how each warm touch he left on her made her feel.

"You okay?" Remus asked, hearing how heavy her breathing had become.


He then moved a hand to her exposed thigh, tightening his grip on her waist as she made her way further up the metal gate.

Once she'd reach the top, he let go of her completely and got over the gate with ease.

Lyra began slowly moving down the other side of the gate, reaching low enough for him to be able to pick her up bridal style and place her on the floor.

"There, see it wasn't that that hard," Remus said nonchalantly as he walked down the path, catching up to the rest of the group who had walked off without them.

"Yeah," Lyra breathed out, staying in one spot for a moment as she processed everything that had just happened.

She caught up to everyone else, Remus already with them.

"What took you so long? Even Mary and Peter made it out before you did," Sirius laughed.

"Sirius, the outfit you made me wear is kind of constricting so," she began.

"Okay, okay, okay, you're good."
"Shhhhh," Marlene aggressively shushed Lyra as the two drunk giggling girls made their way into the Gryffindor common room, followed by the rest of their group.

Mary and Dorcas walked directly behind them, the two tripping over each other's feet as they did so, while also managing to hold a very intoxicated Lilly up between them.

"I'm going to drop him, Remus, hold him, Remus!" James shout whispered as the two boys carried Peter who had now passed out.

"Why aren't you helping, you cunt?"Remus asked Sirius, who was still holding a bottle of fire whiskey in his hand.

"Can't you see I'm occupied," he responded, slurring his words.

"With a singular bottle," James spoke.

"Shhh," Sirius shushed, acting as if he was covering the bottles ears,"don't insult my girlfriend like that.

The group of teens soon made their way to the couches in the common room, sitting around on the floor while Peter slept on the carpet.

Lyra plopped herself down beside Sirius, taking the bottle from his hand,"you couldn't have at least put him on the couch?"

"He looks very peaceful there," Sirius responded.

"I'm still not," Lilly said through her giggles, leaning into James' chest as she did, causing the boy to turn bright red,"I'm still not over how Sirius seduced that old bartender lady into giving us drinks."

"You know I always imagined Sirius with an older woman," Dorcas spoke.

"By older do you been senior citizen or a couple years older?" Remus chuckled, putting his arm on the back of the couch as he sat down next to Lyra.

"McGonagal age," Marlene deadpanned.

"More like your mum's age," Sirius responded, not waiting for Lyra to take a drink before snatching the bottle back from her.

"Speaking of mums, when can I come visit Mrs Potter again, James?" Marlene asked.

"Leave my mum alone," James groaned, sounding genuinely distressed as he threw his head back on the couch.

Dorcas began to move around in her seat as if a light bulb had gone off in her head,"have you seen Mr Potter?"

"Oh my god yes, Fleamont," Lyra clapped her hands together.

"You too?" James whined.

"It's all of us honestly," Remus said.

"I second that," agreed Sirius.

"I third that," Peter mumbled in his half asleep state, causing the group to burst out into laughter.

"How much did he even drink?" Lyra asked Remus, causing him to move closer to her and lean down.

"He took two shots of firewhiskey, your cousins had two bottles and he's doing great."

"I think-" Sirius started, being cut off by Marlene.

"That's never good."

"Shhhh, shhhh shut up, I think I should perform right now," He continued.

"Oh my god," Lyra laughed, covering her face.

"Oh no, he's doing it again," James sighed.

"Doing what again?" Mary and Dorcas asked in unison.

"He does this every time he drinks, like this one time we stole drinks at one our parents balls and he forced me and regulus to watch him sing Killer Queen," Lyra informed.

"He did that exact same song for us," Remus said, taking the bottle of firewhiskey from Sirius' hand.

"I did not enjoy it," James spoke.

"Yes you did!"Lilly exclaimed.

"Of course you did mate, you joined in,"  Remus spoke before bringing the bottle to his lips and chugging it, not flinching at the burning sensation of the alcohol going down his throat.

"Okay, enough," Sirius ordered, standing up and extending his arm for the empty bottle of firewhiskey,"I'm doing it, give me my microphone."

"Aren't the other Gryffindors gonna complain about the noise?" Lyra asked.

"No one sleeps in this house," James told her.

"I'm joining him then," Lyra said, standing up, causing a smile to grow on Remus' face, not taking his eyes off of her for a moment.

She'd never done anything like this before, she'd drank but never gotten drunk and she'd never sneaked out and had definitely not performed on a coffee table lit just by the light of the common room fireplace for a bunch of people she'd just met before.

But with them it felt right.

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