The hangover

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The light that shone through the large windows of the Gryffindor dormitories blinded Lyra as she weakly opened her eyes. There was a pounding in her head, not a normal headache or anything she'd ever felt before, her vision was blurry as she struggled to look through her lashes.

The scent of sugar with a hint of smoke filled her lung along with smells that could only be described as the sensation of drinking hot hot chocolate while staring out of your bedroom window at midnight rain.

She felt a strong arm tightly around her waist, and a warm body against her back,not once loosening its grip as she propped herself up on her elbows and looked around. Instantly being met with the sight of Sirius, James and Peter looking down at her.

She looked down, trying to find the body the arm wrapped around her was connected to when she saw Remus Lupin, sleeping peacefully beside her.

Lyra let out a nervous laugh,"this is not, this is not what it looks like."

"We know," James said, before Peter extended his arm, grabbing her forearm and she grabbed onto his, pulling her out of the bed.

"Remus! Get up you cunt," Sirius called out, smacking a pillow against Remus' head.

Remus sat up instantly, placing his hands in front of his face to defend himself,"I'm up, what's your problem."

"How the fuck did you and Lyra fall asleep in the same bed, and more importantly," James cleared his throat,"why the fuck were you cuddling her."

"We fell asleep in the same bed?" Remus asked Lyra, facing her.

"I don't know I barely remember anything, I woke up and you were there and then Peter dragged me," She spoke very fast, trying to distract herself of how comforting his arms around her had felt and how much she'd enjoyed being in such close vicinity to him.

"I don't like you Remus, you start giving my cousin lessons in potions and now you're trying to give her lessons in other areas? Unacceptable," Sirius spoke, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he placed a hand on his chest dramatically.

Suddenly, memories of what had happened the night before came back into Lyra's mind.

"I just came in the room and Sirius was on his bed on starfish position so I couldn't stay there and you," Lyra pointed at James,"you told me 'go sleep there,' and then pointed to Remus' bed and I was drunk so I did and he wasn't there ."

"I did do that," James nodded, now also remembering.

Sirius slapped the back of James' head, before quietly muttering "sorry."

"Right so can you all fucking drop it? You're making Lyra uncomfortable, I went to brush my teeth and it was dark when I came back into the room so I didn't see her, got it?" The boys all nodded at Remus' words in unison.

He kept his tone calm as he lectured them, not worsening the situation by becoming angry and Lyra admired that about him.

"Right, okay well, I'm going to the bathroom, does anyone have a spare toothbrush?" Lyra asked.

"Yeah, the purple one, it's not been used," Sirius told her.

"Im going too," Remus spoke, standing up and following behind her.

"Still doesn't explain why he was cuddling her though," Peter attempted to say under his breath, still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Shut up, Peter," Lyra and Remus said in unison, Remus speaking in the same tone as Lyra as he did so.

The pair entered the bathroom, closing the door behind them. Lyra grabbed the tooth brush and began to brush her teeth, staring at herself in the mirror as she did, while Remus leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, watching her.

Lyra noticed, bunching her hair in her hand and pulling it back to spit out the toothpaste before looking back into the mirror to see that he was still watching.

"Yes, Remus?"


"Then what are you looking at?"

Remus began to laugh, Lyra turning around to face him,"what's so funny?"

"Nothing," he continued to laugh,"it's just, I don't know the whole thing that just happened."

"Oh yeah? You think that's funny?" She asked stepping closer to him.

"A little bit."

"Then why were you holding me when I woke up?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Is that a problem? That I was touching you?" He asked, moving even closer to her.

"No, I mean, it wasn't a problem, it was just the situation, that's all," Lyra stammered.

"Good, because it wasn't like that," he said.

"I know, and it's never going to be like that."
"Why's my knee bruised?" Lyra asked as she stared at herself in Sirius' mirror.

"Marlene tried to give you a piggy back ride, while heavily intoxicated, and then failed," James responded.

"That's great," Lyra sighed as she began pacing around the boys' dormitory.

"You're making me dizzy, please stop," Peter pleaded, him and all the boys still being extremely hungover, while Lyra had been able to pull herself together after her interaction with Remus in the bathroom.

"How am I going to get back to my dorm without my sisters and Yemaya asking me questions? What am I going to say? You know they'll all jump conclusions," she ranted.

Sirius and James exchanged a look before Potter began to speak,"we have just the thing for sneaking you around the castle."

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