The dreaded date

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Lyra had officially decided that the Gryffindor lifestyle was not something she could constantly keep up as she made entered Hogsmeade village at 2pm.

Her sleep schedule has been completely ruined throughout the past couple of days, Sirius attempting to convince her that memories are worth more then rest.

She hated herself in that moment for agreeing to go on a date with Elias Avery. He'd asked her that morning at breakfast, rather told her that they were going on a date, telling her, the time place and location. However, it was was now 2:10, and her date was nowhere to be seen outside of Madam Pudifoot's.

She looked behind herself, just to be met with the sight of very smug looking Elias making his way toward her. He had his black hair gelled back, his green eyes digging holes into her skin as he strutted in overly formal attire for a cafe.

He greeted her, kissing her hand before allowing her to enter through the door first, meaning Lyra could instantly wipe his bacteria from her hand.

She took a seat as he ordered at the counter, looking out of the overly pink tea shop's windows to see no other then Remus, Sirius, James and Peter walk past.

She could've sworn in that moment that Peter had seen her, so she instantly snapped her head away, facing forward, with a nervous expression as she worried that they'd see her.

"Is everything okay?" Avery asked, sitting across from her.

"Yes, everything's perfect," she lied, she's had potions classes far more enjoyable.

"Good," he spoke, reaching his hand out and taking hers into it, a gesture which she was obviously uncomfortable with, but he chose to ignore that,"I was delighted to hear my parents had chosen you to arrange me with."

She hated everything about him already, his forced formality, his unneeded touchiness, she hated being touched in general except by a select few. She hated the way his eyes never once met hers, instead scanning every inch of her body, she hated how cold his hands were.

"I believe that this is the best decision, for us both," Elias continued.

"What do you mean by that?" She questioned.

"I mean, for the future," Avery nodded.

"Our future? As in me and you together, future?" Lyra asked, slightly pulling her hand away from his, only for him to grab it.

"Yes, were you not told? If this goes well, which I hope it does," he smiled, squeezing her hand,"this could consult in a marriage."

"In a what?" She queried, forcibly pulling her hand away from his, her tone more threatening but not loud.

Just then, the doors to the cafe opened, and four chattering voices, which Lyra recognised instantly, entered.

"Oh this is just great," she groaned, hiding her face in her hands.

"Well fine then, I'd never want to marry such a-" Avery began, his tone rising slightly.

"Oh, stop throwing a fit, I wasn't talking to you," Lyra spoke, causing him to revert to his original state.

"Oh, we'll I, I wouldn't have said anything about you either," he chuckled,"maybe we could meet up again tonight, my dorm?"

Lyra's jaw was wide at his audacity as she painfully endured each of his requests, trying to turn them down as kindly as possible.
Remus' pov-

"Why are we in here again," Sirius groaned, not bothering to order but instead taking a seat at a table across from Lyra's.

"Because, look," Peter spoke, pointing toward Lyra and Elias.

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