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"Pass, ask anything but that," Remus said.

"You said ask any question, and I'm asking that because you were all moody that whole day and then you disappeared," Lyra huffed out, not mentioning the bruises she'd noticed on his arms.

"Maybe you just need to relax, ask something different."

"I don't need to relax," Lyra groaned, struggling with removing her tie.

Remus grabbed onto her wrists, placing them beside her before moving much closer to undo her tie himself,"it was painful watching you struggle with that."

Remus realised their close proximity, their lips almost as he undid her tie, standing between her legs, scents of jasmine and vanilla engulfing his senses.

She knew she wanted nothing more then to pull him down by his tie and kiss him, but she had enough self control to contain herself.

Lyra moved herself closer to him, bringing his focus to her eyes as she began to speak,"how about I tell you a secret?"

"And that would be?" Remus asked, leaving her untied tie around her neck and placing his hands at either side of her, so he was leaning over Lyra.

"I speak French."

"I know," Remus said, backing away from her and reaching in his pocket.

"Then why did you do it?"

"Do what?" He asked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"You know what, Lupin," she rolled her eyes, as he took a hit before taking the cigarette from between his lips,"don't act stupid."

"You ever smoked before Lyra?" Remus spoke, inching closer to her.

"Not really, don't change the subject, Remus."

"You wanna try that?" He pointed to the burning cigarette between her fingers.

"That's not the point right now-"

He cut her off as he placed her chin between his fingers and the cigarette between her lips,"first you suck and then you breath in," she absentmindedly followed his instructions.

"I did it because I knew you couldn't respond, you had to act like you didn't understand me calling you beautiful."

She exhaled, handing him the cigarette,"how'd you know I was gonna lie?"

"I suspected you would," Remus chuckled.

"And there is no way that you'll tell me what happened on Monday?"

"No I will not," Remus responded, taking another drag,"can we change the topic?"

"Fine, change it."
Remus' pov -

After learning that Lyra thinks wolves are the best animal, her favourite colour is cherry red, she loves astronomy, not because she's named after a star but because of the moon, she is scared of whales and would change her entire wardrobe to dress more like Stevie Nicks if she could, Remus walked into his dorm with a feeling of peace in his chest.

Being a werewolf, he'd always felt uneasy the days leading up to and after a full moon, however knowing that Lyra loves the moon and the animal which howls at it, his nerves were calmer then usual.

He didn't know what had brought it effect on, neither did he want to think about what it could mean. Lupin was convinced that dating was his last issue, he'd always been the type who has to be talked into relationships, carrying the fear that he could potentially hurt someone he loved.

He could destroy Lyra, not only her reputation but her safety, so he swore off of ever catching feelings for her from the moment he started caring for her. Remus knew he could only protect her from afar.

"Took you long enough," Sirius said as he sat on the floor between Mary's legs, who was braiding his hair.

"Lay off, he's probably tired," Lilly spoke as she sat beside Peter and James, helping them organise their collection of playing cards.

"Did you lot miss me," Remus asked, sitting down on his bed and grabbing a chocolate frog from his bedside table.

"Actually they were just talking about you," Mary chuckled, earning death stares from James and Peter.

"Oh yeah? Saying what?"

"They said that you and Lyra would make a cute couple," Lilly giggled.

Peter aggressively shushed Lilly as James began to speak,"you would, really. I mean everybody sees it but you."

The words made Remus' stomach drop. He'd had his fair share of flings in the past but he'd never allowed himself into a relationship, but he couldn't help but wonder wether Lyra felt that too.

"I don't see it! I don't want Remus shagging my cousin, I won't allow it!" Sirius shouted.

"Could you stop moving your head, Sirius, I'll mess up your hair," Mary sighed.

"Oh sorry, love," Sirius told her, his tone instantly calm,"but still, not happening."

"I agree with Sirius, it's not happening," Remus said.

Later on that night the girls had gone back to their dorms, however James and Peter still hadn't dropped the subject.

"I mean, she'd be perfect for you, she tracks moon cycles, Moony!" Peter groaned.

"You have to admit, that is pretty rare, and she loves wolves, so I'm guessing she wouldn't be too freaked out about the whole-" James started.

"About the whole what? About me being a werewolf? Yes she would, James. Everyone is. She'd never speak to me again, and if she did then she'd be an idiot for doing so because I'd end up fucking up and hurting her. She's my friend, I couldn't bare if she was scared of me," Remus explained.

"I don't know Remus, you can't deprive yourself from love all your life because of what you are," James spoke.

"I'm still not over the whole bit where this is my cousin!" Sirius exclaimed.

"This is the night that I'm committing mass homicide," Remus sighed out, banging his head into a pillow.

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