Favourite cousin

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Remus' POV-

"You were all leaning against the door like some weird cartoons, weren't you?" Remus asked the two boys who'd just dragged him into the room.

"Yes and then Peter," James paused, looking to Peter just to give him a death stare,"tripped on his own two feet and we all sort of fell."

Remus crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back against the door,"and why were you listening?"

"You can't date Lyra! You'll be in so much trouble and so will she and we actually think she's cool, don't make her run away, Remus!" Peter exclaimed.

"I'm not going to date her, and why would you assume I'd hurt her? You know what, don't answer that. I've never spoke to the girl before this morning," Remus responded, leaving out the part about how he'd glance at her in classes and on the corridors before she even knew his name, and how her presence made him nervous, and how beautiful he finds her.

"So there's absolutely nothing going on there?" James asked.

"Absolutely nothing, I swear."
Lyra's POV-

"You seemed pretty excited to walk with me," Lyra spoke, bringing an end to the comfortable silence between her and Sirius,"you missed me?"

"Of course I missed you, idiot," he chuckled, throwing his arm around Lyra's shoulder.

"We're both idiots, I mean why did we even drift so far apart? You were always my favourite cousin. I shouldn't have let that happen," Lyra spoke.

"Well it's my fault too, I've been acting like I'm not a member of the Black family for quite a while now. And, I know my parents resent me, so do yours and so do Bellatrix and Narcissa, I thought you did too."

"Not at all, I just don't see as much of you since you anymore, I guess our social circles are just drastically different."

"You know, you are my favourite cousin," Sirius admitted.

"You are mine too, Sirius."

"Now I have an excuse to hang out with you way more, thank Godric for you failing potions," Sirius chuckled.

"And I have an excuse to not actually study on study sessions with Remus."
Lyra entered the Slytherin common room, trying to be as quiet as possible as she made her way towards the stairs when she bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry," the high pitched voice of what could only be a fourth year boy said.

"Reggie?" She asked.


"Yes, what are you doing? It's after hours," she interrogated her little cousin.

She'd always felt a maternal connection Regulus, knowing as though he was the youngest child in the family and since Sirius had become distant from the rest of the Black's, he had no one else to turn to.

"I'm, I'm just, I'm going to-"

"Don't try to lie to me, regulus."

"Fine, I'm going to the Ravenclaw common room," Regulus admitted.


"I'm staying at my friends dorm," he told her.

"And is this friend a boy or a girl?" Lyra continued to question.

"Her name is Pandora, and we're just friends."

"Just friends? Oh, as if. What fourteen year old boy stays at a girls dorm if they are "just friends"?"

"Me, I do. And where are you coming from?"

"I was with Sirius," Lyra said.

"Oh, okay," Regulus nodded, a hurt tone to his voice.

"Alright, go. Just be safe, use protection and stuff," Lyra instructed.

"Lyra," Regulus whisper-shouted, it's not like that!"

"Fine, yeah, whatever, just hurry."
Lyra stared at the ceiling of her empty dorm as she laid in a pair of tight pyjama shorts that Yemaya had gotten her as a joke for secret Santa and a black vest top.

Yemaya still hadn't gotten back from her date, leaving Lyra to suppose she wouldn't be until the next morning.

She had a rare sense of fulfilment in her chest, it was almost odd that a group of people she'd barely or not at all interacted with before could make her feel so welcome. She didn't feel out of place, like she usually would with anyone but Andromeda, Sirius, Regulus and sometimes Yemaya.

They included her in all topics of conversation, even telling her stories of all the pranks they'd pulled and all the trouble they'd gotten into, she'd never seen Remus in such a setting before, she'd always wondered how someone so smart and seemingly sensible could fit into a friend group with her idiot cousin and his even dumber friends.

Remus was strategic, Sirius was the executer, James was the leader and Peter was the distraction, that is how almost everything they do, they don't face consequences for.

She smiled and laughed along at all their anecdotes, however it made her feel a sort of longing for experiences like that. Lyra longed for something impulsive, dangerous, freeing. Yet, she'd never had the opportunity to rebel at all.

So, that night with the thoughts of what it would be like to be in a friend group like theirs, she fell asleep.

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