Gryffindor boys are cool

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"Remus could I speak to you for a moment, please," Sirius asked, his eyes extremely wide as he blinked aggressively.

"Yeah, sure," Remus stood up, walking over to a corner of the room with Sirius, followed by a series of aggressive shout-whispering.

"What are you doing, why's Lyra here? Remus, I swear if you're shagging my cousin I will-" Sirius started, making Lyra decide she'd rather not focus on their conversation.

"Hi, I'm James Potter, we've met a couple times,I'm sure," the boy with glasses spoke to Lyra, extending his hand for her to take, helping her up from the floor.

"Yes, we have," she nodded, pulling her hand away and reaching for her bag,"um, Remus was just helping me study, but it's getting late, I should probably go-"

"Nonsense, stay as long as you want, it's about time we hang out with a girl who isn't here because of Sirius," James said, whispering through the last part of his sentence.

Lyra let out a laugh at James' comment, instantly disarmed by his personality, he was oddly charming, not like many teenage boys she knew were.

"This is Peter," James spoke, pointing to the slightly shorter blonde boy beside him, who held a chocolate frog in his hand.

Peter waved at her awkwardly, to which Lyra gave him a smile before turning back to James,"sorry about him, he's awkward around pretty girls."

Lyra opened her mouth, searching for a response to James' compliment when Sirius and Remus came walking back over to them.

"Sirius I-"she began to speak but was cut off by a suffocating hug from her cousin, reciprocating his embrace immediately.

Sirius pulled away,"why are you failing potions? Are you stupid?"

"I am not stupid, ask Remus, and what's this hair you have going on, you look like Merlin's frozen ballsack that he lost to cold exposure," she said, instantly trying to fix his long hair to make it look neater.

"Leave my hair alone, you fucking blob fish,"he spoke, swatting her hands away, hair gel is expensive Lyra!"

Sirius walked over to the mirror hanging by his bed, instantly working on his hair.

"If he keeps going he'll end up looking like Snape and thinks he's a long lost member of Queen," Remus laughed.

"I would've said ABBA, but yes Queen works," Lyra chuckled, sitting down on Remus' bed.

"What do you know about Muggle bands?" James asked, sitting on the floor, facing Lyra as Remus sat next to her, leaning against his headboard.

"What does she know? Who do you think put me on to this shit?" Sirius announced, sitting down next to James.

"Jesus?" Peter asked, his voice quiet but audible enough.

"Yes, Peter, Jesus did," Remus nodded.

"I don't think Jesus would approve of Sirius saying that he wants to aggressively make love to Stevie Nicks," Lyra laughed.

"Moving on, what were you gonna ask me?" Remus nodded to Sirius.

"The seventh years are throwing a party this weekend in the common room, opinions on me wearing a man bun?"

"Well if you want to become the ultimate woman repellent, go ahead," Lyra said.

"Right? That's what I said," James agreed.

"Your head would look uncircumcised," Remus added.

"At least you won't have to spend anymore money on vials," Peter snorted.

Sirius rolled his eyes, dismissing Peter's comment,"I could never repel a woman, if anything you've been repelling one for five years," he spoke to James.

"Leave Lilly out of this, you failed pubic hair transplant," Potter spat.

The short hand of the clock now pointed to 9 and Lyra knew it was her cue to leave, she said goodbye to the boys and was now standing outside the dorm room, speaking to Remus.

She couldn't help but stare when he spoke to her, the attraction she had towards him was undeniable, the fact that it was forbidden only adding to the desire.

Lyra had convinced herself that it was just another crush, since she has a new one every week, this one wouldn't last ,so, there was no reason for her to worry about it.

"So, I say we make a schedule. Since today is Friday, we could meet to study every Monday, Wednesday and Friday," Remus said.

"Yeah sure, that works, I have to admit I didn't learn anything today, you may or not may not want to consider giving up on a career of teaching now," she said sarcastically, knowing she'd actually paid far more attention to him then she could've to any actual Professor.

"Yeah? I'd probably fucking hang myself if all my students were like you," he remarked.

"You have a swearing problem," Lyra chuckled.

Remus opened his mouth,about to respond when Sirius practically fell through the door.

"Hi, we weren't," Sirius began to speak as the door slammed shut behind him,"I mean, I wasn't eavesdropping, I'm just out here because I'm gonna walk Lyra back to her dorm, okay, so bye Remus, say Bye Lyra."

Sirius grabbed onto Lyra's wrists and began to speed walk not giving her enough time to actually say bye to him, but just enough to see an arm reach through the door and pull him inside the dorm room.

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