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Hi everyone!! Thank you so much for choosing to read this story I'll be introducing some key things to know.

This story is a modern-day AU and is not set in a specific country, meaning they're not in Japan. UA is a prestigious private school that many successful people and celebrities have attended. Doctors, Actors, Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Comedians, and more are UA alumni. With such a good reputation it must be difficult to get in right? There are three main ways to get into the school, number 1 scholarship: Scholarships are usually offered to outstanding students who don't have the finances to get in via tuition, for example, Uraraka is a scholarship student. Number 2 is through normal tuition, first students fill out an application, then if their application was good enough they'll get called for the entrance exam, and the top students will get accepted and will also have to pay tuition per semester. Number 3 is what I call the nepo baby, those born rich who may be lacking a bit academically (or they just may want a 100% chance) can get in through connections and wealth (think of Yaoyarozu and Todoroki). Also, the school year works like how it does in America, starting in August and ending in June. The main cast are 10th graders so the ages might be a little off but oh well. Without further ado, let's introduce the characters.

Y/n: Y/n L/n is neither here nor there, she's not extroverted but she still knows how to hold a conversation, she's not popular but is still well known

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Y/n: Y/n L/n is neither here nor there, she's not extroverted but she still knows how to hold a conversation, she's not popular but is still well known. She sort of stays in her brother, well half-brother Silas' shadow. They're 6 months apart so they've always been together, some people even think they are twins. She's always wanted to be in the spotlight since she was young and she loved to perform so she danced competitively. She started homeschooling at 9 to spend more time on dance but now that she's about to go into high school she realized she doesn't want to dance for the rest of her life but instead act. She's cumulated a social media following from dance because she was so good at it.

 She's cumulated a social media following from dance because she was so good at it

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Silas: Y/n's (barely) older brother. He is the definition of popular everyone knows him and everyone's friend. He's a second-degree black belt in taekwondo and is hoping to join UA's demo team.

 He's a second-degree black belt in taekwondo and is hoping to join UA's demo team

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