chapter nineteen

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Y/n's school days shortly started to loop. Go to school, do her classes, eat lunch, do more classes, rehearse, go home, eat, shower, sleep, repeat, with some fun weekends sprinkled in. Her friendship with Todoroki sort of hit a stalemate, she wasn't sure how she felt about him and she started holding him at an arm's length. Sure they still complimented each other and spent time with each other but no progress was being made. Soon 3 months passed and they were finally on the countdown to opening night.

"Okay everyone, today's the day we rehearse the final scene. I hope you four have your lines memorized from all the read-throughs, if you don't please memorize them as soon as possible, opening night is only two weeks away." Mr. Yagi announces. "Shoto, Y/n get in the wings." Mr. Yagi commands. Shoto grabs his suitcase for the scene and stands still waiting for instructions. "Action!"

Shoto walks on stage with a suitcase and a few seconds later Y/n runs on stage after him. "If you ever see me from a carriage again, don't wave, don't smile." He pauses. "I don't want to be in love with someone I can't have for the rest of my life. Goodbye, Your Majesty." He grieved. Shoto bows and picks up the suitcase until Y/n begins speaking.

"I always dreamed my first kiss would be in Paris with a Prince." She says with a sad smile.

"I am not your prince, Anya." Shoto states and Y/n walks up to him.

"The Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov would care to disagree!" She smiles as she takes his suitcase, lays it flat, and stands on top of it. 'Both Y/n and Shoto's hearts are pounding, this is it the kiss.' "Dima." Y/n softly grabs his cheek and goes in to kiss him but he takes a step back.

"I... I want to keep it fresh for the performance." He whispers to the girl. Y/n nods and they finish off their part of the scene. Tokage and Bakugo do their part and the whole cast finishes the final scene with a reprise of Once Upon a December.

"Good job everyone!" Mr. Yagi congratulates. "But I do have a question. Todoroki, why did you dodge the kiss?"

"I want to save it for opening night." He states Mr. Yagi gave him a stern look.

"Okay, but you better not do that during the actual performance."

"I won't," Shoto responds.

"Alright places everyone we're running the final scene again." Mr. Yagi instructs. They ended up running the scene a few more times. 

"Mr. Yagi, the costume department has some news to share," Mina informs.

"We're all ears." Mr. Yagi says.

"The rest of the costumes are officially finished!" Mina grins.

"Yay! Can I try mine on?" Y/n asks.

"Sure, c'mon!" Mina drags her away. All of the costume fittings has been done, it was just the embroidering and the rhinestoning for the fancier pieces that had to be worked on. Y/n tried on one of the dresses. 

"Wow Mina it's gorgeous

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"Wow Mina it's gorgeous." Y/n says as she twirls in the mirror.

"You're the one whose making it gorgeous." She winks. "Now come one let's show everyone!" Mina takes her hand and drags her out of the dressing room. "Ahem May I present to you all: Y/n L/n as Anastasia."

"Wow Y/n, your dress is beautiful!" One of the cast members compliment.

"Thank you!" Y/n walks around backstage to show Shoto her new dress. "Shoto!" She calls.

"Yes," He turns towards the girl. "Oh... wow." He observes the girl and her dress.

"What do you think?" Y/n asks.

"You- the dress looks pretty." He says.

"Thank you!" Y/n turns around and walks back to the dressing room to take off the dress. The rest of the rehearsal went well, they ran through the last half of act two and called it a day. Y/n and Shoto are sitting outside the athletics area waiting for Silas to finish.


"Yes?" She lifts her attention from the phone and looks at the boy.

"Can I ask you something?" Shoto feels his heart rate speed up.

"... Sure." She hesitates before answering.

"Do you like me?" He questions and Y/n feels her heart drop. She was still trying to find out the answer to this question herself but she couldn't just give him a half-assed answer. So she decided to go through the dumb route.

"Of course I do! You're one of my best friends why wouldn't I like you?"

"No reason. I was just curious." He says and Y/n could hear the disappointment in his voice. She felt guilty.


Y/n laid down on the couch and sighed. 

"What's wrong hun?" Her mom asks.

"Nothing." Y/n sighs again.

"It doesn't sound like nothing."

"Well I can't tell you." She replies.

"Why not?"

"Becausseee." She whined.

"You can tell me, I won't tell your dad." Her mom smiles.

"You promise?"

"Yes." Ira laughs.

"Okay, I'm having boy problems." Y/n finally answers.

"What are the problems?" Ira asks.


"How so?"

"I don't know how I feel about him and I feel like I'm leading him on. How did you know when you liked Dad?"

"Well, I knew as soon as I started questioning my feelings. If you didn't like this boy you wouldn't be worrying about if you liked him or not."

"So you're telling me that I like him?"

"Yes." Ira grins.

"Wow, but I don't get that nervous around him, aren't you supposed to get like super nervous in front of the guy you like?"

"No, not necessarily. You're a confident person I don't think a guy would make you nervous."

"Oh. Wow. I have a crush on Shoto."

word count: 922

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