chapter five

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Y/n's parents hum to themselves while making breakfast. It was now the next day and the kids are still fast asleep. After Y/n got home, she and Silas stayed up until 2:00 am playing Minecraft. Ira and Xylan like to have breakfast all together at least once a week. The two met at a college party. Who would have thought a one-night stand would turn into something more?

To be completely honest, Xylan slept around, he did his best to remember protection but the two times he didn't made him a father. When he found out he got Ira pregnant he promised to help and support her in every way he could. He knew that taking responsibility was the right thing to do. After finding out that he also got Y/n's mother pregnant he was shocked that it happened again of course, but he knew that he had to take responsibility for that as well. Xylan didn't want to be a deadbeat dad. He and Ira co-parented Silas and their romantic relationship slowly began to bloom. They got married 6 years ago and still feel as happy as they did before.

Before they started living together Ira would bring Silas to Xylan's place a few times a week. He was transparent with her and told her as soon as he found out that her baby would be getting a new sibling soon. Every time she met with Xylan Y/n was there with him. She only met Y/n's mother a few times but never asked anything more.

"Wow, breakfast smells good!" Y/n says as she walks down the stairs with Silas behind her.

"Oh good morning you two." Ira smiles.

"Finally awake I see," Xylan says as he dishes the food.

"Yup." Silas yawns as he sits down at the table. The family eats breakfast together and converses. They ask Y/n about her hanging out with her friends and she is happy to answer their questions.


Shoto Todoroki sits down in his room alone. Sundays are his favorite days. He enjoys his own company, that's not to say he doesn't like being around others, but instead, he enjoys the feeling of quiet. It comforts him. Growing up he didn't get much silence. His father was a pro wrestler turned actor, much like Toshinori Yagi. In fact, his father had an odd obsession with Toshinori. During his wrestling career, he always wanted to be number one but Toshinori stopped him from achieving that goal, no matter how much he trained he could never beat him. He was always number two. He took this obsession and pushed it onto Shoto.

Almost every single day Shoto had to train to the point of mere exhaustion. It caused him to resent his father. That resentment turned into hatred. Enji Todoroki isn't a good father or husband. When Shoto was younger he thought that he was the only one being abused by his father until he noticed the change in the way his mom would look at him. He saw her break down and realized her changed perspective was because she saw Enji in him and it scared her.


The reason why silence comforted him so much was that it gave him time to be himself. But who was he? That was a question that he couldn't answer. Sometimes he would cry, just cry and let his feelings out, but he stopped. The tears didn't change anything, so why let them out? He still felt emotions but he was able to suppress them, that's why he decided to try out acting. It would allow him to show emotions without actually being vulnerable. At first, he didn't want to go to UA. He thought it was just another way for his father to control him, but after his first week, he thought differently. He started skating for the same reason; It was something he could do by himself, for himself. As a child, he didn't get much social interaction so he was kind of awkward but his classmates still befriended him. There was one student, Y/n in particular. Y/n and Shoto are both taking the acting program and live pretty close together. They came up with a car-pooling agreement. Y/n and Silas would drive with Shoto to school and Shoto would drive with Y/n back. It was nice having friends.

Knock knock knock

"Yes." Shoto answers.

"How are you?" His older brother Natsuo opens the door.

"I'm good."

"Cool, do you want to head out with me? It's not good to spend the whole day inside." He says.

"Where are you going?" Shoto asks.

"We're out of bread so I'm going to the grocery store." 

"Do I have to?" 

"Yes." Natsuo grabs his brother.


Shoto lies down on his bed exhausted. Natsuo lied. After buying bread Shoto helped Natsuo run more errands. He took a shower and then checked the time.


He went downstairs to have dinner. Fuyumi made soba, his favorite. He opens the fridge and takes his bowl and eats it. He finished and went into his room. He decided to open Instagram. He didn't understand the popularity of social media, he didn't use it much.

He scrolled through his home page and saw photos of Y/n and Silas at the park

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He scrolled through his home page and saw photos of Y/n and Silas at the park. The number of likes surprised him. 11,000 is a lot. All those people were interested to see that she went to the park with her brother.

Shoto liked the post and then turned off his phone.

word count: 918

a/n: Hey everyone ty for continuing to read melting point and sorry for the short chapter it was kind of just a lore drop 💀 Anyways have fun reading!!

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