chapter seventeen

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"So Bakugo, how's the play going?" Kirishima asks. The whole friend group made plans to hang out at Bakugo's place and that is what they're up to right now (for time reference it's a week after chapter 16 :] ).

"It's Fine. I like the character." Bakugo says.

"That's all you wanna say?" Kaminari questions.

"What else do you want me to say?" He scoffs.

"Geez we're just being curious." Kaminari puts his hands up defensively.

"Well, what about you Y/n?" Kirishima turns his attention to the girl.

"It's been so much fun! I can't wait until opening night, but actually, I can because we're not even halfway through the script yet." She says.

"I've loved working behind the scenes too, there are a bunch of props." Sero chimes in.

"Mhm, as an assistant costume designer, I can say it's really busy backstage." Mina nods.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the play, by the way you guys talk about it, it sounds pretty good." Kirishima grins.

"Me too! But Y/n I have a question." Kaminari announces.

"Shoot." Y/n responds.

"Is Todoroki really a good actor? I mean not trying to discredit him or anything but he just seems so... cold." 

"You'd be surprised! He's an amazing actor, Shoto as Dmitri is very different from Shoto as himself." Y/n answers.

"Shoto?" The whole group, well except Bakugo asks.

"...What?" Y/n questions.

"You and Todoroki are on a first-name basis? Why is this the first time I'm realizing this?" Mina asks.

"Now thinking about you two always have your individual scenes down and memorized pretty well." Bakugo states.

"Before you go jumping to any conclusions, Shoto and I are neighbors, we literally ride to and from school together, and we help each other practice our scenes outside of school. We even helped each other prepare for the audition."

"Makes sense, but still. There's nothing else going on?" Sero raises an eyebrow.

"Oh please why are you making this whole first name thing such a big deal? Everyone calls Mina and I by our given names." Y/n stresses.

"You do have a point but I'm like a hundred percent sure that you're the only one at the whole of UA who calls Todoroki by his." Kirishima replies.

"Yeah, and are you really going to say you don't find him the tiniest bit attractive?" Mina asks.

"I never said that I didn't think he was cute, he is good-looking. But! That doesn't mean anything I find tons of people attractive." Y/n responds.

"Name one." Mina commands.

"Haha Bakugo." Y/n answers.

"Ew, what?" Bakugo complains.

"Puh-lease, your mom is a model and you want to be one too. You won't get very far if you don't have the looks. Besides I'm talking about physical traits only, I would never date you." She explains.

"What's wrong with dating me?" He asks.

"Reflect on your actions and on your attitude and you'll find the answer." Y/n laughs.

"Okay fine whatever."

"Y/n are you telling us that you wouldn't date Todoroki?" Kaminari quizzes.

"I don't know. I mean, I haven't thought about it." She says.

"You guys would be cute together!" Mina smiles.

"You're getting ahead of yourself." Y/n rolls her eyes.

"I'm curious now, if he asked you out would you say yes?" Bakugo questions. His curiosity is piqued because he knows how Todoroki feels and it makes him want to know if she feels the same.

"Why are you curious?" She asks.

"Just answer the damn question." He demanded.

"Hmm..." She pauses for a second to think. Sure she's had her moments with him, and she's had some feelings about him, but were those romantic? "Look, I don't know. Can we change the subject please?" Y/n asks annoyed.

"Come on, you can't just leave us hanging." Kaminari groans.

"I'm serious guys, can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?" She joked.

"Alright, Alright." Mina giggled.


The friend group all enjoyed their day. They continued to talk, poke fun, and joke around. They had pizza for dinner and eventually, everyone went home. 

"Y/n your back!" Silas greeted her with a hug.

"Back up dude, you're scaring me." Y/n pushed him off.

"Wow, wow, wow. I can't be nice?" Silas asks.

"What do you want?" Y/n questions.

"Nothing." He laughs and then skips off. 'Weirdo' Y/n walks up the stairs and decides to take a shower and then go to bed.


The Next Morning...


Y/n wakes up to a text from her friend.



Call me when your free

She gets out of bed and does her morning routine before taking a shower. She grabs her phone and presses on her friend's contact and calls her.




"Hello." Momo answers.

"Hi, Momo!"

"Oh, Y/n! I was wondering if you were free today. I'm really getting the urge to spoil someone."

"Don't you have a girlfriend to spoil?"

"I do. In fact, she'll be hanging out with us too!"

"Please don't make me third wheel." Y/n pleads.

"You won't I promise."

"Okay then, sure! I'd ask my parents but they're not home."

"Wonderful! Kyoka and I will come to pick you up."

"Alright, I'll see you guys." Y/n hangs up the phone. Little does she know this little hang-out with Momo and Jiro is all part of a ploy. Ever since Shoto's friends found out he was crushing on a certain e/c-eyed girl they wanted to do whatever they could to get them together. Now Momo realized that Shoto isn't really shy so this whole thing should go pretty easy. Her plan is to get Y/n to do a few things differently with her look, mainly to accessorize and get them to meet.

Ding Dong

Momo got out of Jiro's car and rings the doorbell.

"Hi Momo!" Y/n smiles.

"Hello!" Momo greets her as the two walk to the car.

"Hey, Y/n." Jiro says.

"Hi Jiro!" Y/n grins.

"Are you girls ready? We're gonna get our nails done." Momo announces as Jiro starts driving.

"Ooh fun!" Y/n exclaims.

"Yup, and I get to choose everyone's sets. It's a fun little trust activity." Momo giggles. The three continue to talk a little bit in the car, Momo explained her whole plan to Jiro already so she's already informed.

1. Todoroki mentioned going to a cafe because he wanted to try out their desserts

2. Momo would buy Y/n a cute hair accessory to give Todoroki something to compliment

3. Ditch Y/n at the cafe and hopefully she and Todoroki would run into each other!

word count: 1017

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