chapter eleven

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"Good morning class, welcome to the new week. I hope you are all aware that your project presentations are due today. 5 groups will present now and the last 5 will present at the end of the day. I'll give you guys a few minutes to prepare" Aizawa says.

"Can we present first?" Todoroki asks Y/n.

"Sure, are you ready right now?" She questions.

"Yes." He answers. Y/n raises her hand.

"Yes Y/n, did you and Todoroki want to present?" Aizawa asks.


"Please come on up," Aizawa instructs and the two get up from their table. Shoto takes the poster and the pair walk up to the front of the class. He sets it down and the pair begins their presentation.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki and this is Y/n L/n and this is our 'All about me' project presentation." He begins.

"My favorite quote is If there's any definition to being perfect, you're perfect at being yourself. Quoted from Zendaya." Y/n starts. "This quote is important to me because it helps me feel good about being me!" She giggles.

"The quote that I chose is Don't let yesterday take up too much of today by Will Rogers." Shoto says, to be honest he just googled quotes and chose a random one. "To me, it means don't dwell on the past."

"Next is our favorite song! I chose gone gone/ thank you by Tyler the Creator. I like it because it tells the story of moving on and starting a new part of your life." She informs.

"My favorite song is Body by Mother Mother. It has a good instrumental."

"Next question is what are your hobbies? My hobbies are social media, drawing, and playing video games. Mainly Minecraft." Y/n answers.

"My hobby is skating." Shoto replies.

"After High School plans. My plans are to get right into the entertainment industry and start auditioning for acting roles."

"My plans for after high school are to move out and land a big role."

"Lastly, why we chose UA. I chose to go to UA because it's one of the only schools where you can tailor your education to meet your goals. When I realized that I wanted to become an actress I thought about UA right away. Many famous entertainers have a UA education so I knew that if I wanted to succeed UA should be my first choice." She smiles. It almost sounded like she was doing an ad read.

"I chose UA because my father recommended it." He answers.

"...ahem That's our whole presentation... yay!" Y/n finishes and the two go and sit down. "How do you think we did?"

"Good, I think we'll get full credit." He answers honestly.


Everyone was back in homeroom at the end of the school day and finished presenting. The last few minutes of the day have arrived and everyone is conversing about stuff going on in their lives.

"So Y/n are you excited about the play auditions coming up?" Sero asks.

"Yup! How about you? You don't have to be in the acting program to participate." She says.

"I'm not planning on auditioning for a stage role but I might try to work backstage. Oh, but I did hear that Mina wants to be one of the costume designers." Sero says.

"Ooh she'd be amazing, she should totally do that."

"Ahem," Mr. Aizawa draws the class's attention. "I forgot to announce this earlier but the annual Sophomore sports festival and field day. All the 10th-grade classes will compete for a trophy by racing, playing sports, and challenges. It takes place on Saturday so be prepared." He announces and the whole class goes wild.

"Ooh, I'm excited!" Y/n smiles.

"Me too!" Sero grins and then starts a conversation with Kirishima.

"How about you Todoroki?" Y/n asks Shoto.

"Oh. I think it sounds fun." He answers and pauses for a second before giving a small smile. For some reason, Y/n felt her heart flutter.

"You have a cute smile." She says without thinking. "I mean-"

"I know what you mean." She likes my smile. He thinks to himself.

"Sorry, that was a weird thing today- to say." Y/n laughs awkwardly. "That was a weird thing to say." She says again slower so she doesn't stumble on her words.

"You fumble your words a lot." He comments.

"I do?"



"I was joking." That was a funny joke, right?

"Oh." Y/n begins to laugh. "Hahaha- Sor..." She starts to laugh harder. "Sorry." She giggles while looking down.

"What are you sorry about?"

"No, no nothing." She laughs.

"Why are you still laughing?"

"Your joke." Her laughter continues.


"Ahem. Yeah it, it just caught me off guard." Her laughter dies down. "You don't usually crack jokes it was really funny." She smiles while looking back up at him. Shoto suddenly feels his stomach swirl and breaks eye contact.

"Oh." He says. Y/n turns her attention away from the boy and begins to doodle on a scratch piece of paper.


The day of the Anastasia auditions has finally arrived. Well almost. They're a day away. Y/n and Todoroki are preparing for the auditions together at the neighborhood park.

"Todoroki do you know what song you're going to audition with?" Y/n asks.

"My Manhattan, you?" He responds.

"Live Out Loud." She answers.

"Have you practiced it?"

"Of course! The auditions are tomorrow."

"Can I hear you?"

"Sure! Make sure to give me some tips." She says as she pulls up the instrumental on her phone. "I don't want to go along with the crowd, Don't want to live life under a cloud."



"You're singing too soft. Anastasia has a strong voice, you should too." He says.

"Oh, okay. I'll start again." Y/n restarts the instrumental and sings one minute of the song.

"You sound amazing." Todoroki compliments. The truth is her voice was breathtaking, it sounded graceful, like true royalty. If she didn't get the role then whoever did had to be a remarkable musical genius.

"Thank you, and thanks for the advice. It definitely helped!" Y/n grinned. "Can I hear you sing?"

"You can tomorrow." He answers.

"Aww, why won't you sing right now?" She asks. Why won't I sing right now? He thinks to himself. To be honest he's a little nervous to sing in front of her but he doesn't know why.

"...I want you to hear me at my best." He says.

word count: 1012

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