chapter eight

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Class 1A sits in their math class while doing a worksheet. They finished a lecture on their new unit and after each lecture, they get 2-3 worksheets to do in class and if they aren't finished then it's homework. Y/n is struggling with one of the questions, she would ask Mr. Ectoplasm (I couldn't find his real name anywhere) but he was kind of intimidating so she just stared at her paper. 'Should I ask Sero? No, he's even dumber than me. Maybe I should ask Todoroki.' 

"Y/n." The boy says almost as if he could read her mind.

"Yeah?" She looks at him.

"Do you need help, you've been staring off into space for a while."

"How'd you know that?" She questioned.

"...I" He starts.

"Nevermind, I do need help, I can't figure out the degree of this last angle." She shows Todoroki the paper.

"Oh. That's because you don't need to do any math for this one. These lines and these lines are congruent, that makes angle B congruent with angle D." He explains.

"Ohh, so it's 63 degrees right?" She checks.

"Yes." He gives the girl her paper.

"Thank you!" She smiles and Todoroki nods in response. He finished his work pretty quickly which was why he noticed that Y/n was struggling with the work. Another thing he noticed over the past few weeks of knowing her was her attention span. If she wasn't engaging in a conversation or anything else she'd just zone out, whether it be by drawing, staring off into space, or twirling a pencil. It interested him. What was she thinking about? Maybe she was just thinking about nothing at all. Was that why she forgot what she was going to say when he asked her about his performance?

Y/n finished her work and played around with her pencil. Her eyes weren't focused on the writing utensil in between her fingers but instead, on the peppermint boy she sat next to. Now thinking about she'd only really looked at him once. Shoto Todoroki was a pretty boy and normally Y/n would avoid talking to 'pretty boys' because she felt a little intimidated by them. They were always kind of fake. Todoroki seemed different though, well not just him she also considered Bakugo a pretty boy but she sees him and Todoroki as total opposites. Bakugo doesn't try to hide his judgy persona which is quite refreshing. But Todoroki isn't the stereotypical pretty boy for a different reason. He was kind of a dunce and dunces were kinda cute. She stopped examining the teen, turned the focus to the pencil in her hand, and smiled to herself.

"What are you smiling about?" Sero asked Y/n.


"Why are you smiling?"

"I smile all the time. You do too." She grins changing the subject.

"I guess I do."

"You definitely do, and it's always a toothy smile too."




"Aoyama!" Y/n calls out to one of her classmates.

"Oui." He responds.

"I heard you know what Mr. Yagi's about to announce, what is it."

"He's announcing the fall play." Aoyama answers.

"Ooh really!" She asks.

"Yes, I have some inside sources from the second and third years." He answers.

"Thanks for telling me, or should I say merci." Y/n smiles as she walks away.

"De rien." He waves. Y/n sits down happily in her seat.

"What were you talking to blondie about?" Bakugo asks.

"You know that you're also blonde right?"

"Answer the fucking question."

"You'll find out soon enough." She smiles. "How about you Todoroki?"


"Are you excited to hear Mr. Yagi's announcement?"

"I suppose." He answers.


"Good Afternoon future actors and actresses! I am sure you are all very excited to hear the announcement I have for you all today." Mr. Yagi begins. "Today I will be announcing the first play of the school year. You all should be very excited as this play always allows the first years to shine!" Mr. Yagi pauses to build anticipation. "This year's fall play will be the musical... Anastasia!" He announces.

"It's a musical?" Y/n says to herself. She wanted to get a lead role, not THE lead, but at least a prominent role. She hasn't sung in front of anyone before only silly karaoke with her family.

"Interesting." Bakugo says.

"Yes, I wasn't expecting it to be a musical right off the bat." Todoroki says. "What are your thoughts about it Y/n?"

"Well, I'm excited of course!"

"But?" Todoroki questions.

"But I'm nervous about the singing part."

"Oh c'mon you're gonna have to leave your comfort zone if you want to be successful." Bakugo says.

"I know, I know. That doesn't stop me from being nervous though." Y/n states.

"Don't be nervous." Shoto says.

"Auditions will be held in 2 weeks after school in the main auditorium. If you plan on auditioning, which I recommend that all of you should do there are packets on my front desk with lines for each role. If you are auditioning for a singing role you must prepare your own song." Mr. Yagi says.


"Bye Todoroki!" Y/n says as she gets out of the car and walks inside her house. Anastasia. She looks at the flyer that she picked up and went to her computer to do some research on the play. It's based on a movie that came out in the 1990s and the story itself takes place in the 1920s. So it's kind of a period piece. Every role has to sing, even the ensemble. 'Will I even manage to land a speaking role?' She thought to herself. Y/n decided to go to the garage to talk with her mom. She was probably on the potter's wheel.

"Hi, sweetie." Ira smiled.

"Hi, mom." She sat down on a chair.

"How was school today?"

"It was good, the school play was announced." Y/n answered.

"Oh really?"


"What is it?"

"It's Anastasia." Y/n revealed.

"Gasp. Really? I love that movie, Y/n you should audition." Ira encouraged.

"I want to but I don't think I'd land a role."

"Why not?" She questions.

"Because it's a musical, and I can't sing."

"Oh sure you can! And if you want to I can pay for some voice lessons."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course I would. But only if you want to, don't let me influence your decision."

"No, sign me up! Auditions are in two weeks I need those lessons as soon as possible." Y/n pleads.

word count: 1016

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