chapter six

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"Good Afternoon class." Mr. Yagi greets them. The second week of school has arrived and it's been going by quite slowly. The acting program has been going over the basics and history of performing arts and theater. "I know that these past few days of curriculum have been boring so today we will be doing something new..."

The students wait with anticipation.

"Acting with props!"

"Huh?" Bakugo says under his breath.

"Everyone will be paired into groups of two and each duo will be assigned a prop. Any questions?" Yagi instructs and Y/n raises her hand. "Yes?"

"Do we get to choose our partner?" She asks.

"No everything will be randomly assigned." Mr. Yagi answers and she nods her head in response. She doesn't mind being paired with someone she doesn't know but she would prefer if it was one of her friends. "Okay the group assignments are Group 1 Tsonotori and Aoyama, Group 2 Monoma and L/n, Group 3 Bakugo and Todoroki, Group 4..." Mr. Yagi continues to assign each group and their prop. Y/n and Monoma got assigned a necklace. The pairs don't get to know what the others were assigned to avoid any complaints. "Alright, you all have 30 minutes to write a scene incorporating your prop it has to be a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 3 minutes. Have fun!"

"What are we gonna do with a necklace?" Y/n asks her partner.

"What are we gonna do with a necklace? Have you no creativity, there's plenty of things we can do." He answers.

"I... uh- I've only spoken one sentence to you and I already feel very judged." She laughs awkwardly.

"Toughen up."

"Okay whatever, how about you tell me the plenty of things we can do with the necklace?" Y/n asks.

"Are you trying to make me do all the work for you?"

"God, now I see why Bakugo didn't want to work with him." Y/n whispers to herself. "Of course not. I just want to hear some of your ideas so I can maybe come up with my own."

"How about I steal the necklace from you." He says.

"That's a pretty good idea. What if the necklace was like a family heirloom but I owe you money so then you have to take it." Y/n adds.

"I can work with that." He nods. The two begin writing a script even giving their characters names, Zuinya and Ade (Monoma had some secret meaning with the alphabet or whatever Y/n didn't want to fight him on it.) By the time they finished the script, it was about 1 minute long.

"Perfect!" Y/n smiles as she reads through her lines with Monoma.

"Yes, I have to say we've done pretty well." Monoma nods his head in agreement. The first group went and they did pretty well it was now time for Y/n and Monoma's performance.

"Ahem. I am Y/n L/n."

"I'm Neito Monoma."

"Please enjoy our performance using this necklace as a prop," Y/n says as she puts the piece of jewelry on.

"Zuinya your time is up." Monoma says angrily.

"Ade, please." She pauses. "just a few more days and I promise I'll have the money."

"You said that the last time, I can't give you any more chances... you know that."

"I know.., I know I'm trying I swear but-" Y/n starts.

"You always come up with the same excuses. If you were trying as hard as you say you are you'd sell that necklace of yours and give me the cash." He sternly says.

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