chapter fifteen

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Friday at lunch

"So Y/n, are you excited about the cast announcement today?" Sero asks.

"Oh my God. I forgot those were today!" She beams.

"How the hell did you forget? You literally auditioned for the lead." Bakugo questions.

"..." Y/n shrugs her shoulders.

"She's an airhead." Mina laughs.

"Why does everyone call me an airhead?" Y/n sighs.

"If everybody is calling you an airhead that must mean something, You're an airhead!" Bakugo laughs.

"Says you."

"Says me? Do you think I'm an airhead?" He asks.

"Maybe not an airhead but you've got a BIG ego." Y/n rebuts. The pair start to argue and the rest of the group watches in interest.


"Hey, Todoroki." Midoriya calls before taking a bite of his food.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Are you okay? I've noticed that you've been a little... spacey recently." Midoriya states.

"Yeah I've noticed that too." Momo nods.

"Well, I think I might be sick." Todoroki answers.

"Wait sick. What are your symptoms?" Ochako asks.

"My heartbeat is weird, my face gets hot, and sometimes I get a weird feeling in my stomach too." He answers.

"That sounds serious, you should go to a doctor." Iida says concerned.

"Really?" Todoroki asks.

"Wait, Todoroki. Do these symptoms happen all the time?" Asui questions.

"No, just sometimes."

"Do they happen in front of a certain person?" Tsu continues.

"..." He pauses to think. "Well now think about it I only feel sick in front of Y/n." He answers and the whole table gasps. "What? Is that bad?"

"No, it's not bad." Momo laughs.

"Todoroki you have a crush!" Ochako smiles.

"A crush?"

"You know what a crush is right?" Midoriya checks.

"Yes, but I don't believe that I have a crush." Todoroki says.

"Well I believe you do, and I'm a professional at crushes and stuff. I do have a girlfriend." Momo smiles.

"So I have a crush on Y/n?" He asks.

"Yes!" Ochako giggles.

"Oh." 'So I'm not sick' The friends continue to talk but Shoto thinks to himself. Does he actually have a crush on Y/n?



The final bell rang signifying the end of the day.

"C'mon Todoroki let's go to the school announcement board!" Y/n stands up from her desk.

"Oh yeah, the cast should be posted there right?" He asks.

"Yup!" The two walk out of the classroom together. "I'm so nervous, I really hope I get the part."

"I'm a bit nervous too." He says.

"Oh come on. You don't need to be. If Mr. Yagi knows what's right for the show he definitely chose you." She smiles.

"Thank you." He feels his heartbeat speed up again. Maybe he does have a crush.

"Mhm!" The two continue to walk to the board. "Okay, here it is!" The two look at the list.

Anya/Anastasia - Y/n L/n
understudy - Yui Kodai

Dmitry - Shoto Todoroki
understudy - Neito Monoma

Vlad - Yuga Aoyama
understudy - Hiryu Rin

Gleb - Katsuki Bakugo
understudy - Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Dowager Empress - Setsuna Tokage
understudy - Nejire Hado

Countess Lily - Pony Tsunotori
understudy - Toru Hagakure

"We got the roles!" Y/n cheers and gives Todoroki a big hug. He feels his heartbeat speed up again.

"We... we did." He freezes up from the hug and Y/n lets go.

"Sorry, I should have asked first." She takes a step back.

"No, it's fine I just... wasn't expecting it." 

"No, no I should have asked... Anyways let's go to the pickup area." She says and he follows. Y/n talks about everything she's looking forward to. This was a first for both of them and Y/n sure showed her excitement.


A few days passed and it was now the start of a new week. All of the cast for Anastasia is present in the main auditorium. Today is the day of their first rehearsal.

"Good afternoon cast! Are you all ready for the first day of rehearsal?" Mr. Yagi asks


"...I'll take your silence as a yes!" He exclaims. "Right now you will see that Mr. Yamada is passing out the scripts to all of you. All 100 pages."

"Please don't lose these, they took forever to print." Mr. Yamada passes the paper to Todoroki and Y/n.

"Please take the time to highlight your lines, trust me it will help a lot with memorizing the script." Mr. Yagi instructs. "Will the characters that are not ensemble please walk on stage?"

Everyone listens and lines up on the stage. 

"All six of you have a big task. You have to memorize all your lines and you don't have anyone to fall back on if you forget. Please take this seriously." Mr. Yagi says. "Exit the stage. Ensemble enter the stage." Mr. Yagi commands and they listen. "You all are very important to the show as well. Whether you played a named character or an unnamed one, you all add so much to the show." He says. "Last but not least, may the understudies enter the stage?" He requests and they listen. "Now you six, I don't want you to think about being second best. You were chosen to be understudies for a reason. You are all very talented and I know that I can rely on all of you. Ahem Mr. Yamada I am done saying what I need to say, please take the lead."

"Alright! L/n and Tokage get on the stage, everyone else except for Hado and Kodai sit down and memorize your scripts." Mr. Yamada commands. 

"Yes sir!" The two walk onto the stage.

"Now you guys have the role of singing the most important song. Once upon a December. Tokage, let me hear you sing it acapella." He says.

"Alright." She clears her throat and looks at the script. "Far away, long ago, glowing dim as an ember..." She sings the song.

"Amazing job! L/n, let me hear ya." Mr. Yamada continues to work with the four girls. Meanwhile, Todoroki and Bakugo look at the script together.

"Why are you skipping to the end?" Todoroki asks.

"I wanna see what happens." Bakugo answers while reading one of the last pages and he lets out a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Todoroki questions.

"Looks like you and Y/n kiss at the end." He smirks.

"...What?" Todoroki murmurs. '...kiss'  he thinks to himself.

"Yeah, you guys kiss. What? Are you scared?" He teases.

"No," Todoroki responds quickly.

"Why're your cheeks red?" Bakugo questions.


"Oh wow, you like her don't you?"

"I... I guess I do." Shoto accepts his feelings.

word count: 1009

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