chapter ten

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I like your smile.  The words echoed in Y/n's mind. Shoto Todoroki liked her smile. It was a simple compliment but it still meant a lot to her. She and Momo are hanging out at a cute cafe to talk about Momo's little crush.

"Y/n I think I know now, I definitely like this person." Momo blushes.

"I'm happy to know that you understand your feelings! What made you realize?"

"Well, every time I'm around them I feel nervous and my heartbeat speeds up. Whenever I look at her- them it's like I'm looking at the most beautiful thing on earth and they always make me laugh and stuff."

"Aww, Momo your so cute." Y/n smiles.

"Don't say that it's embarrassing." She laughs.

"I'm so happy you're telling me this," Y/n says.

"Yeah, I just don't know what to do next."

"Have you ever flirted with them?" Y/n questions.

"No, I don't know if they're into me too. And if they're not I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"Well it doesn't have to be flirtatious, maybe try giving them a compliment or something."

"Like what?"

"Just something genuine like, I like your smi... style. I like your style" Y/n corrected herself. Complimenting a smile isn't anything more than just a compliment right?

"Okay, I'll try that."


The past few days went by pretty fast. Y/n would go to school, take voice lessons, and work on the project with Todoroki. 

The two were finishing up, adding the final touches.

"How does my side look?" Todoroki asks.

"It's good! That baby picture of you is so cute!" Y/n says. "I love babies, they're adorable." She smiles.

"You love babies?" He asks.

"Yes," Y/n says as she finishes bedazzling her side of the poster. "Voila! What do you think?"

"Shiny." He looks at all the glitter and rhinestones.

"Perfect! We're all done then." Y/n says.

"I guess we are."

"Todoroki, now that we're finished, do you want to watch a movie with me?" Y/n asks.

"A movie?" Shoto questions. 'She wants to watch a movie with me?'

"Yeah, you wanna watch Anastasia with me? I think it'll be good for the both of us if we see the characters rather than just read about them." She explained. 'Oh'


"Okay! Let's go to the living room, do you want anything to eat or drink?" Y/n asks as she and Todoroki head to the living room.

"Can I have some water?"

"Of course." Y/n heads to the kitchen and goes back with two bottles of water. She grabs the remote and puts on the movie.


"What did you think?" Y/n asks the boy.

"It was good. What about you?" Shoto answers.

"I think the same thing. The music, the story it's all amazing. I'm a little intimidated."

"How so?" He asks the girl.

"Anastasia has a really strong voice, I don't know if mine would suit the role." She responds. Shoto looks at her for a second before replying.

"Why don't you see your own talent?"

"You've never heard me sing before." Y/n laughs awkwardly.

"I haven't, but I've seen you act and you still doubt your acting capabilities."

"Okay well, that's different."


"...Uh" She stutters.

"See? It's not. Show me your singing."

"What, no I-"

"Show me, I won't judge."

"Okay uh..." Y/n pauses for a second to think of what to sing. 

"Far away, long ago

Glowing dim as an ember

Things my heart used to know

Things it yearns to remember."  Y/n sings the last part of Once Upon a December.

"Sounds like the vocal lessons paid off. You don't sound bad." He states.

"Thank you." She grins nervously. The two keep eye contact before they're little staring contest is interrupted by the sound of the door opening. "I'll be right back." Y/n gets up from the couch and greets her dad with a hug. 

"Hi, hun." He smiles.

"Hi, Dad! How was work?" She breaks the embrace.

"It was work. How about you, I see you have a friend over." He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, we just finished our project. Anyways I'm going back to the living room." She walks back to Toodoroki.

"Since we finished the movie how about we practice the lines?"

"We should! Do you want to read the audition lines for Dmitri first?"

"Sure." He looks at the script before starting. "You don't need papers. There's a canal out there. Jump in and start swimming. You'll be in Paris before you know it." Todoroki says.

"Hmm, try that again but sound more sarcastic and put more energy into it. You should stand up it'll help" Y/n comments and Shoto listens.

"You don't need papers. There's a canal out there." He smiles and points toward an imaginary place. "Jump in and start swimming. You'll be in Paris before you know it!" He adds a laugh at the end.

"That was so much better!... and you know what? I think that's the first time I've seen you smile Todoroki." Y/n says. His smile was... cute.

"Oh, really?" He questions with a straight face.

"Yeah, it was kind of weird... Not weird! Different good. Different in a good way! Yeah." She fumbles her words and avoids eye contact. 

"What?" Shoto asks with a small, almost unnoticeable smile.

"Nothing, nothing." Y/n smiles.

"Do you like my smile?" He asks her with a straight face and fast beating heart. He didn't know why he could feel his pulse in his ears. It was odd.

"Do I like your smile? I um- It would be nice to see you smile more." She answers. For some reason that answer disappointed him but he couldn't tell why. 'Smile more.' He replayed the words in his head.

"Okay." He replied. He checked the time on his phone.


"The sun's gonna set soon, I should head home." He tells Y/n as he gets up from the couch.

"Oh, okay I'll walk you to the door." Y/n stands up and follows Todoroki to the door. "Goodbye!" She smiles.

"Bye." Shoto grabs his skateboard and begins to skate home.


9:00 pm

Shoto lies down in bed thinking. 'I should smile more?' He thought to himself. He never really smiled often because he didn't see the need to. Sure, he had the ability to but he just didn't. Maybe it's because growing up he shut down emotional expression to avoid expressing his negative feelings, but that also stopped him from showing his positive ones...

word count: 1010

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