chapter fourteen

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The sports festival has concluded and class A won with 55 points. Todoroki enjoyed the whole day, it was fun hanging out with his friends outside of an academic setting. Something was odd though, the whole day, well maybe not the whole day he felt a little off. He felt his heart beat faster than normal and he felt his stomach swirl. He was told it was just "nerves" but he wasn't the type of person to get nervous. It was now the next day, Sunday, and he lays in bed looking up at his ceiling thinking.


A notification from his phone broke him out of his pondering.


hi todoroki!




are you busy today?




would you be able to teach me how to skate

I want to learn more :)





how would 4 work for you?


That works


okay cool

do you want to meet at the park or my place?


I'll meet you at your house


sounds good!

see you at 4



Todoroki checks the time. 2:14. He still has two hours until he meets up with Y/n. Over the past two weeks, he's been getting closer to her while working on their project and preparing for the auditions. He enjoyed her company.


He walks up to Y/n's house while holding the skateboard.

Ding Dong

He rings the doorbell and a few seconds later she comes out. She's wearing her hair differently today. It's nice.

"...Hi Todoroki." She smiles.

"Oh hi, sorry. I was just thinking that I like your hair today." Shoto feels his heart race as soon as he says the compliment.

"Oh, thank you for noticing." The two walk down from the porch.

"Do you think you can skate to the skate park?" He asks.

"I'll try to." Y/n responds.

"Okay, I'll take the lead do your best to follow." Todoroki instructs as he begins skating. Y/n starts skating as well. It takes a few stumbles but the two eventually make it to the skate park.

"It's hard not skating in a straight line." Y/n sighs.

"You did pretty well for your first time."

"Thank you." She smiles.

"Today I want to teach you how to turn and pivot." Todoroki informs and Y/n nods. He stands on the board. "First you need to make sure your back foot is far enough on the board." He starts and Y/n follows. "Then you need to shift your weight back and the front of the board will lift up like this."

"Can you stand behind me in case I slip?" Y/n asks.

"Sure." Todoroki steps off his board and stands behind her. She shifts her weight to the back of the board without falling.

"Oh that actually wasn't that bad." She says while distributing her weight evenly so she stands normally on the board again.

"Try it again a few more times then I'll show you how to turn." He tells her and she listens. Todoroki continues to teach Y/n for about 2 hours and she makes some good progress.

"You've learned a lot today." He says.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"Are you ready to head back?" Todoroki asks.

"Not quite. Let's watch the sunset." She suggests as she sits down on her board.

"You want to watch the sunset?" He sits down on his.


"You like looking at the sky don't you?"

"I guess I do... How'd you know?"

"On Friday after our auditions you were staring at the sky." He responds.

"I was wasn't I? The sky is always beautiful. One thing that I really want to see in my lifetime is the aurora borealis." She says while looking up at the sky.

"That's cool." As Todoroki says this Y/n lies down on the concrete to not strain her neck.

"What about you Todoroki? Is there anything cool you want to see, or maybe a place you dream to visit?" She asks turning her head to look at him.

"..." He pauses to think. "No."

"No? There's nothing at all?"

"No, I've never really thought about anything like that."

"How about your favorite color" She asks.

"I don't have a favorite. They all look good." He answers.

"Hmm. How about anywhere you'd like to revisit? Like anywhere you've been to vacation."

"I... I don't think I've ever traveled."

"Wait really? That's kinda sad. I mean not sad, but different. I've traveled a bunch." Y/n explains.

"Tell me about all your traveling." Todoroki says. For some reason those six words made Y/n's heart skip a beat. She looked back up at the sunset and started.

"Well, most traveling I've done has been for dance competitions in the country. So no touristy attractions or anything but I have been to Bora Bora. It's really pretty over there..." She begins still looking up at the beautiful sky. Little does she know the Peppermint-haired boy next to her is looking directly at her. Her eyes look beautiful. Todoroki's not sure if it's because of the way the lights are hitting them but they're mesmerizing. At this moment he decided that e/c was his favorite color.

He stopped looking at her and turned his attention to the sky that she loved so much. It was a beautiful mix of orange pink and purple.

"But yeah. It's a really pretty place. I'd love to visit again." She finishes and looks at the boy. He looks at her and they hold eye contact. Y/n looks at his heterochromatic eyes and she can't quite put her finger on it but they're hiding something. She couldn't tell what, but there was something more to Shoto Todoroki than he was letting on.

Todoroki smiles slightly and breaks eye contact.

"Why are you smiling?" Y/n asks as she looks up to the sky as well.

"Am I not allowed to smile?"

"Of course you can smile!" She says. "It's just that you don't do it much, so I wanted to know why."

"Because..." Shoto couldn't find a reason right away. "Because I'm spending time with you."

"Oh." Y/n says quietly. She didn't realize it but Shoto's cheeks heated up, and so did hers.

word count: 959

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