chapter twenty one

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The opening night for Anastasia went incredibly well, for the most part. Y/n was proud of her performance but she wasn't quite happy. Sure she got two separate bouquets, one from her family and one from her friends but after the event that happened before the play, she couldn't feel happy.

Y/n looks at the bracelet that Shoto gave to her before the show, it made her think about him. She decided to pick up her phone and call him.




Shoto heard his phone ring and picked it up to see who it was. It was Y/n, and without thinking he picked up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi Shoto. I just wanted to check in on you." She explains.

"I'm okay." He says.

"Do you want to talk. I don't want to leave off the way that we did." Y/n says.

"I'd rather talk in person, would you be able to meet me at the skate park?" He asks.

"Sure, I'll meet you there." She answers.

"Okay, I'll see you there." He hangs up. Shoto grabs a coat and then goes into the garage to grab his skateboard. He didn't bother sneaking out because his dad wasn't even home. He was busy doing whatever.


Shoto sits at one of the park benches waiting for the e/c-eyed girl to arrive. He looks up at the sky to look at the stars.

"Looks like I've rubbed off on you." Y/n smiles.

"Oh, hello." He looks at her.

"Hi." She sits down on the bench making sure to keep space between the two of them.

"So, you said you wanted to talk?" He asked.

"Yeah. I wanted you to talk. You blew up at me before the musical and I wanted to know why." She says.


"Why? Because, I want to know what upset you so much." She answers.

"I feel like there's more."

"I don't want to make it about me so please just answer."

"No, I can tell that something I said upset you. I won't answer until you do."

"Okay fine. When you said that I wouldn't be able to understand you it hurt. I do my best to keep it under wraps but I don't have a perfect family life. My mom... isn't my actual mom, we're not related."


"Silas and I have different moms." She starts. "Mine... mine left me when I was five. Even though it was ten years ago the memory is still vivid in my mind." Y/n's eyes begin to water but she forces the tears back in. "She said that she couldn't do it anymore, that I ruined her future and that she hated me for it." She finally got it off of her chest.

"... I'm sorry." He says. "I had no idea."

"It's fine, you couldn't have known. I don't tell anyone about my biological mom." She says. "Now that I've told you why I was upset will you tell me why you were?"

"My dad sucks. Everyone puts him on a pedestal because he's a celebrity but he's a horrible person." Shoto begins. "He always pushed me so hard in wrestling that I hated him for it. He also drove my mom crazy. There's more but I don't want to get too much into it."

"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me anything else. Thank you for trusting me and telling me this." Y/n tells him.

"You don't have to thank me." He locks eyes with her.

"But still, I'm happy you trust me enough to share that with me." She feels her heart beat speed up from the eye contact.

"...That's not the only thing I want to share with you."

"Well, what else?" Y/n asks.

"Stand up." Shoto instructs and Y/n listens. He stands up as well. "Can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"I... like you. Not in a friend way. During rehearsal I didn't want to kiss you because I was nervous and when I watched Monoma do it I felt... jealous. I figured that I had to tell you before it was too late."

"Well... good news." Y/n smiles and holds both of his hands. "I like you too."
Both of the teens felt their hearts beating quickly. They stood there with locked hands and locked eyes.

"Can I do something?" Shoto breaks the silence.

"What?" She asks.

"This." Shoto let's go of Y/n's hands and gently holds her face and glances at her lips, Y/n closed her eyes and Shoto did the same. She went on her tippy toes he leaned in and kissed her.

Y/n broke the kiss and hugged him.

"Are we dating now?" He asks.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" She questions as she lets go of the boy.


"Then, there's your answer handsome." She grins.


"Yes." She laughs and sits back down on the bench.

"I like you a lot." He sits down next to her.

"You told me that already." She grins as she looks up at the sky.

"I know." He smiles and Y/n looks back at him.

"I love your smile." She lies her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you."

word count: 874

a/n: Woop Woop that's all folks. I hope you enjoyed reading melting point. I know it was short and it ended quick but I personally don't like it when stories get dragged on which was why I decided to end it here. I wrote this all in under two weeks so cut me some slack 💀. Thank you in advance for all your love

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