chapter nine

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"Good morning students,"  Aizawa starts. "Today I will be announcing your homeroom project."

"We have work in this class?" Kaminari asks.

"Yes, this is UA after all," Aizawa answers. "You will all choose a partner and work on a poster that describes why you've chosen UA Highschool to build your careers. Include some pictures and try to make the posters interesting. If you have any questions please ask." He finishes.

"Todoroki." Y/n turns toward the boy.


"Can I be your partner?" She asks.

"Sure, but why?" He questions.

"Well, we live close to each other so it'll be easy to work outside of school hours, plus I'm pretty curious as to why you want to be an actor. I think it'll be a good way to get to know each other!"

"Oh. You want to get to know me?" Hearing that someone wanted to know him was surprising.

"Yeah! We'll be working together for three more years. I think it's important to form bonds with the people I work with." Y/n smiles.

"Really?" He looks into the girl's eyes.

"Yeah! When I was a dancer it was always important to be friends with my teammates and dance partners. I don't know if it's just a placebo or something but I work better with people I can understand more."

"I've never heard about that before."

"Well it doesn't apply to everyone but it's something that works for me. Oh! I forgot, I wanted to ask you about the play, are you planning on auditioning?"

"Yes, are you?"

"Mhm! I'm even getting vocal lessons. I really want to get the lead"

"You can't sing?"

"Well, no. Can you?"

"I'd say I can hold a tune."

"Ooh, so are you going to audition for the male lead?"


"When we work on the project we can also practice the lines and help each other prepare for the audition!... If you'd want to of course."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"Cool!" The two start drawing up a rough draft for their project.


Shoto arrives home after dropping Y/n off at her place. He has about an hour before they're going to begin working on the project. She has vocal lessons 3 times a week 30 minutes per session. He decided to change out of his uniform to be more comfortable.

 He decided to change out of his uniform to be more comfortable

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The time passed and he decided to text Y/n before heading over.


Y/n, am I good to come over?

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