chapter seven

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The lunch bell rang and Y/n started walking to the cafeteria. She grabbed her food and went to sit with her mother, Momo.

"Yay, Y/n's sitting with us again!" Urakaka grins.

"I'm here every other day," Y/n laughs before taking a bite of her food.

"Every other day isn't enough." Asui teases.

Y/n laughs and then asks. "How have you guys been enjoying your electives?"

"My classes have been so helpful, I can see my writing improve already!" Midoriya answers.

"I've been enjoying the athletics program! It's really hard work but it's definitely worth it." Uraraka states.

"I agree." Asui nods.

"The business classes have been very insightful." Iida shares.

"Yeah, the modeling program too. They don't just teach you how to pose but also about how to properly prep for auditions." Momo states.

"What about you Todoroki?" Y/n questions.

"I enjoy it, it's different than what I'm used to." He answers. The group continues to talk and tell each other about their programs and what they'd been learning.


"Bakugo," Y/n calls.


"Do you know what we're doing in class today?" She asks.

"Why would I know the teacher's lesson plan."

"I dunno."

"So why are you asking?" He questions and Y/n answers with silence. The class talks among themselves while waiting for their teacher to begin the day's lesson.

"Good Afternoon class, today we will be learning about stage production! I am well aware that not all of you want to act on stage but it is almost necessary to get a start in the acting world." Mr. Yagi starts. "Everyone should have a packet full of technical theater terms. Go over them and become familiar with the words and their meanings. If you need any help then don't be scared to raise your hand." Y/n reads through the packet, pantomime, melodrama, blocking, antagonist, protagonist, catharsis, book, producer, and the list went on and on. Some of the words were familiar while others weren't. She took a highlighter and marked the words that she didn't know.

"What are you doing?" Bakugo asks.

"...Do you mean like highlighting the words?" Y/n questions.

"What else would I mean?"

"Why do you always answer my questions with more questions?"

"You do the same thing."

"I do not."

"Yes, you fucking do."


"You're not a toddler are you?"

"Again with the questions."

"Fuck, shit, bitch."


"What are you gonna do, cry about it?"

"I couldn't care less if you cuss, I cuss all the time, but don't be doing it at school."

"Doesn't sound like you cuss."

"Quiet down, you guys are arguing over nothing," Todoroki says, and the two pause for a second.

"I don't care arguing is fun." Bakugo laughs.

"No, no, Todoroki's right this is immature." Y/n sighs.

"Are you saying that you're better than me?" He questions.

"She didn't say that," Todoroki states.

"I'm not asking you."

"Oh my gosh, I just said it's immature."

"So you're saying you're more mature than I am?"

"...Be serious."

"Oh, so I'm immature and unserious?" Bakugo asks.

"Todoroki was right, you should shut up."

"I never said that."

"Who do you think you are telling ME to shut up?"

"Who do you think YOU are?"

"I'll say it now, you two need to shut up," Todoroki says. They're being too loud. Y/n nods.

"We're not shutting up," Bakugo says but Y/n doesn't respond. "You're really gonna listen to him?" He asks but doesn't get a response. "You're stupid."

"Why are you trying to provoke her?" Todoroki asks.

"You have stupid hair." Bakugo insults. Y/n remains silent and starts doodling in one of her notebooks. Bakugo keeps trying to get Y/n to talk while Todoroki keeps trying to shut him up. None of which worked. Y/n continued to doodle with the background noise of the two arguing.


The school day ended and Y/n sat in her room doing math homework. Y/n was pretty good at math, but maybe not with all the formulas. She eventually finished and decided to check her phone.

Hi Y/n


How are you?

im good

Can I talk to you about something?


I'm kind of nervous
ok would you say that you're good at romantic advice

well, no 💀
but i'll do my best to help

I think I like someone

omg who!!

I'm not ready to say yet, I'm still not 100 percent

oh yeah that's fine I get that
what makes you think you like this person?

I haven't really liked someone this way before so i don't know if I'm confusing platonic for romantic
you know?

I'd say if you're still confused then just wait it out
i know it sounds kind of basic but in time you'll see if it's just platonic
you probably won't know right away because romance is more than just attraction

for someone not good at giving advice you did pretty well

why thank you Miss Momo
if you ever need any more help I'll be here to help

You and those cat emojis 😭

enjoy the rest of your day :)

You too!!

Y/n turns off her phone and starts to get ready for bed. Before she gets back in bed she takes a picture of her stuffed animals and posted the picture on Instagram.

 Before she gets back in bed she takes a picture of her stuffed animals and posted the picture on Instagram

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She set her alarm and then fell asleep.

word count: 939

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