chapter thirteen

20 2 1

10:00 am

"Good morning, tenth-grade students welcome to the annual Sophomore Sports festival!" Mr. Yamada announces. "Now the name may be a little deceiving because you'll be doing more than just sports, this year's schedule goes as follows." He begins. "First will be the obstacle race relay, next is Simon Says, followed by pictionary, then we will have a pull up competition, then Marco Polo, and finishing up the first half there will be a dance competition. After that, there will be a one-hour intermission. Then it's time for the second half. It'll start off with a freestyle rap competition, a piggyback ride race, a riddle answering quiz, a math quiz, and finally a dodgeball tournament. Each class has an hour to decide who will be doing what. Have fun!"

"Y/n you're going down." Silas smiles.

"If that's what you wanna believe. I need to go meet up with my class, best of luck." Y/n and Silas shake hands. Y/n meets up with her classmates and they strategize.

1) Simon says - Whole class

2) obstacle relay - Ochako, Tsu,  Tokoyami, and Sero

3) Pictionary - Izuku and Aoyama

4) pull up competition - Satou and Ojiro

5) Marco polo - Tsu and Shouji

6) dance competition - Y/n and Mina


freestyle rap tournament - Denki and Kirishima

piggy back ride race - Todoroki and Y/n

Wagon race -  Iida and Hagakure

quick math - Bakugo and Kouda

Riddles - Jiro and Momo

dodge ball tournament - Whole class


The first few events have been going well class 1B is in the lead with 22 points and Class A is closely behind with 21.

Score breakdowns: 

"You guys better get first we can't be in second after the break

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"You guys better get first we can't be in second after the break." Bakugo tells the girls.

"Wow, no pressure." Y/n rolls her eyes.

"C'mon don't get nervous he's just competitive," Mina pats Y/n on the back.

"Good luck guys!" Midoriya smiles.

"Thank you!" The girls say in unison before heading over to the warm-up area. The way that the dance competition works is like so: Out of the two dancers, one will improv to a hip-hop song, and the other will dance to a more calm emotional song. I'm sure you know who is dancing to what. After, the two will be able to show a cool trick and the judges will decide who wins. Y/n and Mina stretch and Y/n decides to practice a few skills to see what she can still do.

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