chapter four

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Y/n and Silas survived their first week of school at UA. Y/n managed to make lots of friends, which was one thing she was worried about. In fact, she's getting ready to hang out with some of these friends. Mina arranged a hangout for the group. The plans are to hang out at the mall, go to the skate park, and then eat. Y/n is looking through her closet for an outfit to wear.

(I would insert an outfit but I know everyone has their own individual style so I'll give you readers the creative liberty :) )

She changes her clothes and finishes getting ready.

She checks the time.


Sero is supposed to pick her up at 4:00 so she heads downstairs and goes to sit in the living room.

"Good Afternoon Y/n." Her father greets her.

"Good afternoon." She smiles.

"You'll be leaving to hang out with your friends pretty soon right?" He asks.


"How much money should I give your card?"

"..." She hesitates for a second. "$250"

"250? As in two hundred and fifty US dollars?" He responds dumbfounded.

"Yessss." Y/n grins.

"You kids these days." He shakes his head as he pulls out his phone to send her the money.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She rushes over and gives her dad a big hug.

"No problem, enjoy your day." He kisses her forehead. As if on cue the sound of a car beeping meets Y/n's ears.

"That's my ride, I'll see you later." She walks out the door and get's into Sero's car.

"Hey, Y/n!" Sero grins.

"Hi Sero, how's your day going?" She asks.

"Pretty good, we're gonna pick up Mina and then meet everyone else at the mall."

"Sounds good." Sero and Y/n continue to make some small talk before picking Mina up. Then they drive to the mall. Mina, Sero, and Y/n walk inside and meet Kaminari, Bakugo, and Kirishima at a smoothie place.

"Hey guys!" Kaminari says.

"Hi!" The three reply in sync.

"Why's she here?" Bakugo asks while pointing to Y/n.

"What do you mean?" Y/n questions.

"You weren't there when we made the plans yesterday," Bakugo states.

"Well I invited her, no offense but I can't just hang out with all guys, I need a girl to balance it out." Mina laughs.

"So Mina is why I'm here." Y/n smiles. Bakugo just stares at her and rolls his eyes.

"Alright, everyone tell me what you want to drink so I can order," Kirishima instructs. Everybody tells him their order and they sit down.

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