chapter one

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The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and Y/n is laying down at the park lost in thought. It finally hit her, she quit something that she's been working at for over a decade. She sacrificed her social life for almost 6 years and she quit. She's not sad but instead nostalgic, dance was the only part of her biological mom she had left and now it's gone.


Maybe leaving dance is a good thing. It will be different but now she'll be able to spread her wings.

" Y/n"

Actresses have more career longevity anyways.

"Hello? Earth to Y/n" 

"Huh? Oh yeah Hi." Y/n snaps out of her pondering.

"Are you okay? What were you thinking about?" Silas says as he gives Y/n a hand.

"I'm good I just zoned out for a bit." She replies while taking his hand and standing up.

"What were you thinking about?" Silas asks. What was she thinking about?

"That's a good question, I don't remember." The siblings begin walking to Silas's car.

"You're such an airhead." He teases.

"I am not." The two continue to walk to the car and bicker each. Silas and Y/n have an amazing bond, sure they're siblings and that always comes with some banter but they're each other's best friends. The school year ended a few weeks ago and they are both waiting for the letter from UA that will reveal whether or not they get in. Y/n wants to act, she loves to perform but dancing was really tough physically and mentally. Having everything you do be based on a number and how close to perfect you are can be a huge blow to your self-esteem. 35 hours a week 7 hours each weekday, dance was like a full-time job, and the more she did it the less passion she had. She didn't get to have many friends because she never had time for them.

When she announced that she was quitting dancing to her followers she was afraid. So many people looked up to her and she didn't want to let them down, but surprisingly most people were supportive. Sure she lost some followers but you can't please everyone. After she quit, it was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Acting is a huge leap from dancing but they are one and the same. While she was on stage Y/n had to tell a story using her face and her body through dance and when you act you're also telling a story but more literally. So she was really excited to start and learn.

Silas and Y/n get out of the car and walk into their house. Y/n loves her family's home it's pretty big and spacey. Her father is a psychiatrist and her mom owns a small pottery business so they have a pretty good household income.

"Y/n, Silas your back."  Their mom, Ira, greets them.  Ira may not technically be Y/n's mom but she was always there for her. She helped raise her after all.

"Yes, we are." Silas says while putting his keys down.

"Something came in the mail today." She says in a sing-song voice while holding two envelopes.

"Oh my gosh, are those what I think they are?" Y/n asks.

"Yes, they are!" Ira smiles while waving the envelopes in the air. "Let's wait until your dad gets home, yeah?"

"What? No." The pair whines in sync.

"Mom I need to know now," Y/n complains.

"Well, that's too bad you'll just need to wait for a few hours." Ira giggles.

"Oh well." Silas sighs and heads to his room. Y/n flops onto the couch and decides to binge her favorite show while she still has the time. She's wondering about her letter from UA. Will she get in? Her only special quality was dance which she quit. Would she even be good at acting? Or was it a mistake? If she doesn't get in then what was the point of quitting, would she take everything back and continue to dance?


The smell of spices consumes Y/n's senses and she realizes she fell asleep. She glances at the clock and it's 6:24 her dad should be back anytime now. She grabs her phone and scrolls mindlessly until she hears the door open. 

"Si (Silas's nickname)! Dad's home." Y/n calls out.

"Wow, you call your brother before saying hi to me?" Her father, Xylan, says.

"Sorry, sorry! But we've been waiting for hours for you to get home." She says while giving him a hug.

"That's because these came in the mail today." Ira kisses Xylan on the cheek while showing him the letters.

"Yeah, Mom wouldn't let us open it," Silas states.

"Well thank you for waiting to share this news with me." He smiles as they all sit down in the living room. Silas opens his envelope while Y/n opens hers. They exchange happy glances before smiling brightly.

"We got in!" They both jump up.

"Congratulations!" Ira says while pulling everyone into a group hug.

"I'm so proud of you two," Xylan says while pinching their cheeks. 

"Good, you should be! We're amazing." Silas smiles.

"I'm so happy!" Y/n laughs.

word count: 823

a/n: thank you, everyone, for reading the first official chapter of melting point! Super sorry for the boring and short chapter but the next one will have some of your favorite characters and be longer. (Yay!)

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