Chapter 1

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You looked out through the only window in your cell. You watched the stars pass by as the space station floated lazily in an endless galaxy. Every once in a while, the station rotated and you could see the radiation soaked remnants of Earth.

Hundreds of years ago, a nuclear war wiped out most of the planet. Luckily for humankind, 7 countries had working space stations and were able to send up a large chunk of the population before the war actually began. Now there is just the Arc, one space station made from combining all 7 countries stations. Several generations were born and died on the Arc, waiting for a chance to return to the Earth.

The problem with living in space for so long, is that the Arc could only be fixed so many times. It was dying, and you are the only one that knows about it.

That's how you ended up here, in a cell aboard the Arc. Since there are so limited supplies to go around, any crime, no matter how small, is punishable by death. Unless you are under the age of 18, then you just get locked up until you become 18.

It wasn't so bad though, there are 100 of you, locked in a separate area of the Arc. You get some food and enough supplies to live, and other than that it is like you are on your own. There was lots of time to pass, so you used it to draw on the walls and floor of your cell. Other people interacted with each other, but you usually kept to yourself. It was hard knowing the Arc was dying but not being able to tell anyone.

You used to be the medical assistant, Abby, the head doctor and your best friend's Mom, hand picked you from the others. You had a ton of responsibility, way more than you probably should have at such a young age. But here in lockup, you had little responsibility and in a way it was a welcome break for you after so many years of hard work.

It was actually being a medical assistant that led you to discover that the Arc wasn't functioning properly. You noticed signs of chronic oxygen deprivation in a ton of patients, including young children. When you investigated it, you realized that the oxygen was constantly being reduced because there was only a year's worth of oxygen left.

The Chancellor forbid you from speaking about it, when you planned to tell others, he had you arrested. And that's how you ended up in this place, alone and cut off from your friends.

Suddenly a voice cut through your thoughts and brought you back to reality. "Yo (Y/N), food's here," Finn shouted.

Finn was the only one in this place that you actually liked. He left you alone most of the time, but he was your only friend in this place. "Coming," you shouted back, setting down your charcoal and walking to meet him.

The two of you stood in line as rations were handed out to you. "You've been rather quiet, princess."

You nudged him with your shoulder, "don't call me that," you chuckled.

"Seriously though, what's going on?" he asked.

You lowered your gaze, "just thinking about how I got here."

"Yea, about that," he continued, "we've been friends for a while now and you have never told me how you ended up here."

Your smile faded for a moment, you could not tell Finn about the Arc, though you desperately wanted to, you would be floated instantly if you told anyone, and so would they. But then you painted a smile back on your face, "at least I wasn't dumb enough to go on a space walk," you teased.

He laughed, but let it go. Finn knew better than to push you, although he was always curious, he respected your boundaries.

You were waiting in line forever to get food, it never took this long, "what is taking so long," you asked, careening your head to see around the line of people.

Suddenly the doors opened and guards walked into the space, locking the doors behind them. "Everyone, remain in line, you'll be fitted for an arm band and escorted to a new location," one of the guards commanded.

There were immediate shouts of confusion from those around you, you and Finn looked at each other in shock but remained with the others.

You were both fitted for a wrist band and then escorted to a new room, only the room wasn't really a room. It was rows and rows of seats with hefty belts all lined up, but the room was small. "What is this?" Finn asked quietly as you took seats next to one another.

You looked around confused, but it dawned on you, "it's a drop ship," you whispered. 

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