Chapter 12

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"We need to set up a system of patrols," you argued with Bellamy. You had been arguing all morning about the best way to protect the camp. Finn, Clarke, Murphy, Miller, Octavia and Monty were all gathered in the top of the dropship with you. You sat on the other side of the dropship from where Jasper lay, he still hadn't woken up, but his breathing had steadied and fever went down.

"We can't risk sending people outside the walls regularly," Bellamy argued back,

"We won't have a camp to protect if we never know what is out there," Finn added.

"Bell, they're right," Octavia piped in, "we can spare a few people, it doesn't have to be all the time."

Bellamy shook his head, "sending out patrols is asking for us to be killed one by one."

You patted your knees and stood up, "fine, I'll go see what's out there myself."

Bellamy grabbed your arm, "hold on-"

Finn stepped up next to both of you, "Bellamy is right, our only doctor can't be leaving camp."

You rolled your eyes, "someone needs to patrol, either I do it, or you send someone else."

Bellamy stared you down, but he could tell you were not backing down. You glared right back into his eyes, challenging him. "Alright," he sighed, dropping his hand from your arm, "I'll send out a few people every couple hours."

You smiled, walking over to check on Jasper. "I knew you would see it my way," you said over your shoulder.

Finn and Bellamy watched you check Jasper's pulse and his wound. "Was she always this stubborn, or is this new?" Finn asked.

Bellamy sighed, turning towards the ladder to exit the dropship, "oh no, she's always been like this."


A few hours later, you and Octavia were sitting with Jasper, who still hadn't woken up.

"I don't get why he's still out," Octavia said, "Clarke changed his bandages while you were sleeping, she said he was healing."

You nodded, "he is, his pulse is stronger and the wound is no longer infected."

"Then why hasn't he woken up?" Octavia continued.

"I don't know," you responded, "bodies handle trauma differently, this may be his body's way of healing."

Just as you were lifting his shirt back down, Jasper coughed, rolling his head to the side, "hey there," he said with a weak laugh.

Octavia smiled, immediately wrapping him in a hug. "Here, drink," you said to him, handing him a cup with fresh water.

"Thanks," he coughed, taking a few sips.

"Oh, look who's awake," Clarke said, climbing up the ladder. "Finn, get Monty," she shouted.

Clarke knelt next to you and Jasper, "welcome back."

Jasper smiled at her and Monty quickly flew up the ladder. You laughed and moved aside, letting Monty kneel where you were.

You moved to the side of the room as Finn joined you, "you saved him."

You nodded, "of course I did, that's my job."

Finn placed a hand on your shoulder, "none of us thought he was going to make it, I don't think you realize how incredible it is that you saved him."

You smiled, "thank you."

You leaned into Finn, but were interrupted by shouts from outside. "(Y/N)! Bellamy!" Miller shouted, "you better get out here quick!"

You and Finn ran down the ladder, meeting Bellamy and Miller outside. Murphy and Adam carried in a body who was cut and bruised badly, blood still seeping from a wound on her head.

"We found her in a pod wreck near the river," Murphy said.

"She was conscious for a few minutes before we brought her here," Adam explained.

You knelt down next to her, trying to assess the extent of her injuries. Finn hovered over you, watching as you pulled the girls hair out of her face slicked with blood. "Raven," he whispered in shock.

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