Chapter 14

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You gently picked up your head, you had fallen asleep next to Raven. You glanced over to see Clarke slumped next to you, her body curled in a ball. Then you turned to Raven, but instead you saw Finn, kneeling next to her, running his fingers through her hair absent-mindedly.

"Finn," you whispered.

He jumped slightly, and removed his fingers from Raven's hair, "I didn't mean to wake you," he replied, a saddened smile.

You shook your head, sitting up a little and moving closer to him, "you didn't, but I do need to check on her."

Finn nodded and you placed your fingers on Raven's wrist, feeling her pulse. "Her pulse is strong," you explained, "I can't know of any internal damage yet, but her cuts weren't bad."

Finn nods in thanks, his eyes resting on Raven again. You sigh, "who is she Finn?"

Finn looks up at you, the same apologetic look he has given you since Raven was brought here. "She's my girlfriend," he whispers.

You suck in a deep breath of air, you and Finn never talked about the unspoken thing between you. Finn was your best friend, but you had to admit that this news stung your heart. Whenever you thought about the future, Finn was always there. When you lost Bellamy, and then your job and then your life, Finn was there to pick up the pieces. Finn was the one light in your life, and now you learned he had kept something from you this whole time, that maybe what you thought were feelings were actually nothing. You nodded once, putting your hands on your knees and standing up, "I'm going to go get some air."

Finn stood up quickly, grabbing your arm, "(Y/N)-"

You shook your head, "it's fine Finn, just let me know when she wakes up."

Finn looked like he wanted to say more, but you were already rushing down the ladder and out into the camp. You took the first turn you could and ended up in the back of camp, crouching down behind some logs.

You tucked your head between your knees as tears filled your eyes. You weren't really sure why you were crying, you were probably just overwhelmed and had been bottling it up for so long, but once they started, you couldn't stop it.

You choked down sobs so that no one would be able to hear you. But you couldn't get them to stop. You felt someone crouch down next to you, their warm skin touching yours. You stifled another sob, looking up with red tear-stained cheeks.

You had expected it to be Finn, but instead it was Murphy, his usual smug expression replaced by one of sympathy. "Umm, you okay?" he asked.

You laughed and cried at the same time, "you idiot, does it look like I'm okay?"

Murphy smiled, "I'm sorry, I don't usually do the comforting thing."

You chuckled, "yea, I can tell."

Murphy didn't say another word, he just sat with you. Usually you preferred to be alone, especially if you were upset, but his silent presence was comforting. He was neutral, no history, no pain, just someone to be next to.

But your silent peace was soon interrupted when Bellamy rounded the corner, "Murphy, I thought I said-"

He stopped talking as soon as his eyes landed on you and your red cheeks. "Murphy what did you-"

You held your hand up, stopping him, "he didn't do anything Bellamy, he was comforting me."

"Murphy was comforting?" Bell asked in confusion.

You chuckled, flashing Murphy a smile, "in his own way."

Bellamy nodded, "Murphy, get to work on the wall, I'll take over."

Murphy looked at you for permission and you nodded to him, watching him get up and walk around to the main part of camp. Bellamy replaced his seat, leaning into you a little closer, "you want to tell me what's going on?"

You shook your head, you had finally stopped crying, but your voice was still soft, "not really."

Bellamy nodded, "but you can tell Murphy?"

You snapped your head at him, "I didn't tell him anything, he was just sitting here so I wasn't alone, Bellamy."

Fresh tears stung your eyes and Bellamy's eyes softened, "I'm sorry."

"God, Bell, everything is just, ugh!" you say, throwing your hands in the air, "we're stuck down here and I have no medicine to save anyone! The arc is dying and we have no way of telling them that we are alive! Finn's girlfriend just showed up that I had no idea existed! And you're here, and looking at you is just hard, Bellamy, it is hard to see you! And I am so TIRED!" your voice cracks as you shout at Bellamy, letting all your bottled up feelings and exhaustion spill out.

Bellamy looked shocked for a moment, before pulling you into his arms. He rocked you slowly as you cried, whispering in your ear that everything will be okay. There was so much he wanted to say to you, but he just held you tightly.

You gripped his shirt, your tears soaking through to his skin. Despite how badly he had hurt you, you found comfort in his embrace, it felt safe and right to be in his arms.

When your tears had finally stopped, Bell kissed the top of your head, but did not let go. "Bell, I'm-"

"Shh," he whispers, "just rest, we can talk about it later."

You nodded into his chest, tucking your head under his chin and closing your eyes. You hadn't slept much since you arrived on Earth, but in Bellamy's arms you were out in seconds, letting his scent lull you into a dreamless sleep.

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