Chapter 16

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Raven took a deep breath and chuckled, "I guess quite a bit has happened since you left."

Raven explained how Abby broke the law to send her down to Earth, that an electrical storm had interpreted the transmissions from the wristbands, and that the council was planning on killing 300 people to preserve oxygen for those that remained on the arc.

She finished and her eyes grew wide, "my radio, it was in the pod," she exclaimed, trying to sit up, "we have to make contact!"

You and Finn placed a hand on either shoulder, you glared at Finn out of the corner of your eye, but spoke to Raven, "relax, you need rest."

She tried to protest, but eventually sat down, "Bellamy, did you find a radio when you investigated the pod?" You asked.

Bellamy shook his head, "nothing, everything in the pod was pretty much destroyed when it landed, it could have fallen out."

Raven sighed, "we have to find it, the council will kill all those people soon."

You nodded to Raven before turning to Miller, "get me Monty."


A few minutes later, Monty was standing in front of you, "Can you fix the communication controls on the dropship with the parts from Raven's pod?"

Monty shrugged, "it would depend, I can try."

You nodded, "it's their only chance, Monty, we need the radio fixed now."

Monty nodded. "Murphy, Miller, take Monty to the pod wreck and help him carry back any supplies he needs."

They both nodded and Monty followed them down the dropship ladder and out of camp. Only you, Bellamy, Finn and Raven remained.

"(Y/N), a word?" Bellamy asked.

You nodded and went to go down the ladder behind him, when Finn grabbed your arm. "(Y/N), wait," he said, his voice pleading.

You stopped, turning to look at him. You glanced at Raven, the gentle rise and fall of her chest proving that she had fallen asleep. You looked at him expectantly, but waited for him to start talking.

"I didn't think I would ever see her again," he whispered, "we've known each other forever."

You nodded shortly, "it's fine, Finn."

He grabbed your face in both his hands and pulled you to his lips, his kiss was crushing and sweet, but also urgent. Despite your best effort, you leaned into it, his warm hands relaxing you instantly as your body moved closer to his. Then your brain started working again, and you pulled away quickly, breathless.

"Finn-" you breathed.

He leaned his forehead to yours, "shh, I don't expect you to understand, I just wanted you to know how I felt. I have loved you for so long and I was trying to give you space, trying not to push you, (Y/N), but I love you."

You sighed, "but Raven..."

He stopped you, "I love Raven, but not the way I love you."

You said nothing else, you just breathed in his familiar warmth and relaxed your body, until you pulled away, "I can't be the other woman, Finn," you whispered, "don't use me to wreck your relationship."

Finn opened his mouth to speak, but you had already slid down the ladder to the lower level. If you were honest with yourself, you let yourself love Finn a long time ago, it was easy with him, like breathing. There was no pain, until now, and you were not sure if you could take any more pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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