Chapter 5

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You all ran back to camp as fast as you could, desperately outrunning an enemy that you hadn't seen yet. It pained you to leave Jasper behind, but Finn had practically carried you away from the river, forcing you back into the cover of the trees.

You ran into your makeshift camp, walls have up and fallen trees dragged to the clearing. You all bent over catching your breath for a moment, before Bellamy and a few others rushed to your side, "what's going on," he asked, placing a hand on your shoulder and handing you a canteen of water.

You nodded in thanks, taking a drink before passing it to Finn. "We were attacked," you said between jagged breaths, "we never made it to Mount Weather."

Bellamy kept his hand on your back as he looked at the others, "what do you mean we were attacked?"

"It means we're not alone, Bell," Octavia said, finally catching her breath.

You heaved in a breath, finally pulling yourself upright, placing a hand on Bellamy's chest, "please tell me you can have this wall ready before nightfall."

Bellamy looked around, before sighing, "we can have a really basic one done, but we will have to continue to add to it to make it strong."

You nodded, "then do it, we have to be ready in case we get attacked again."

Bellamy nodded and started shouting orders to some of his friends, warning them to pick up the pace on the wall. You looked at Monty, who had tears in his eyes, "what about Jasper?"

"I got a decent look at where the spear hit him," you explained, "there is a chance he is still alive, but we can't leave here until morning."

Monty nodded and walked off, Octavia following him. "With a wound like that, he will be dead before morning," Clarke whispered to you and Finn.

You shook your head, "I know," you breathed, "but we should at least bring his body home."

Clarke nodded and walked towards the dropship to gather some supplies to leave at first light. You turned to Finn sadly, "you can't save everyone," he whispered, "sometimes the hardest part of being the doctor is knowing when to stop."

You shook your head, "until I see Jasper, I will have hope that he is alive," you resolved, "if the spear stays in the wound, it might hold enough pressure to stop him from bleeding out." You said it more to convince yourself than to convince Finn.


You barely slept last night, but at first light, you were shaking Finn awake, telling him to gather the others. Finn, Clarke, You, Monty and Octavia started walking to the newly formed gate.

But Bellamy stood in your way with his hand up, "come on, Princess, you know I can't let you go out there."

"Get out of my way Bell," you said, "I'm going after Jasper."

Bellamy shook his head, "it's dangerous out there."

You crossed your arms, "then I guess you're just going to have to come along and protect me."

Bellamy chuckled, "fine, but Octavia stays here."

"Bell, I am not-" Octavia began.

"Deal," you interrupted, "Monty you stay here too, I need you to try and fix the radio so we can contact the arc."

Monty didn't even protest, he grabbed Octavia's arm and pulled her back to the dropship. "Seems like someone already filled the role of leader," Bellamy teased.

You rolled your eyes at him and walked towards the gate, "you might want to bring back up, I am willing to bet the Grounders aren't our only threat."

Bellamy nodded and grabbed Murphy by the shoulder, pulling him out of camp behind him. "Lead on, Finn," you gestured, letting him walk next to you. You had no idea where you were going or what you were about to get yourselves into, but you were only thinking about Jasper and all the ways you would have to save him, without real medicine. 

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