Chapter 2

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"What do you mean drop ship?" One of the other prisoners asked who had overheard you.

You started pulling on the lap belt, but the guards had secured it, "you can't do this!" you shouted at the guards still strapping kids into the seats. Some of the others started fighting too as your words spread. The guards were now pushing kids aggressively in the seats, fighting back.

Finn started pulling on his belts too, "what is this?"

You inhaled deeply, accepting that you could not fight them, "they are getting rid of us, to save more resources for the rest of them." Suddenly a gray fog filled the room and the guards disappeared. They could no longer keep kids in their seats, so they shoved them into the fog and locked the doors.

"What is the fog?" One of the kids behind you asked.

"Sedative," you replied as your mind already became foggy, "They can't keep us here by force."

You looked at Finn as your vision blurred, he looked scared and confused. You wanted to comfort him, but you had no words to make it better and then all at once your eyes closed.


You woke up and shook the fog out of your head. Then a familiar voice spoke next to you, "I wondered when you would wake up?"

You turned to stare at the face of a blonde girl smiling next to you. "Clarke?" you whispered.

She laughed, "hey (Y/N)."

You smiled at her, then your smile dropped, "How did you get here, you shouldn't be here, Clarke."

Her face got serious too, "I couldn't let you go alone."

"But this is death, they are going to kill us," you whispered.

Clarke shook her head, "I got arrested trying to figure out more information, they aren't killing you all, at least not directly."

"What do you mean not directly," Finn interrupted from the other side of you, he was finally awake and listening.

"They are sending us to Earth," Clarke explained, "to determine if it is survivable."

"So they sent us to die of radiation instead of floating us?" Finn asked.

You shook your head, "in their mind it is probably easier, absolves them of guilt."

"It doesn't matter," Clarke explained, "at least on Earth we have a chance to be free, to live."

Before you could say anything else, the ship dropped. It was a rough flight, many times your head hit the sides of the seat and you heard screams and shouts from the other passengers.

Then it stopped. You glanced at Finn and Clarke, who were equally confused. The ship must have been programmed to hover above the atmosphere after it was ejected from the arc. Your suspicions were confirmed when a video image of Chancellor Jaha came up on the screens in the ship.

"Children of the Arc, you are being sent to Earth, to determine whether or not the ground is actually survivable," he said, "the wrist bands on your arm monitor your vital signs so that we can determine how the Earth affects the human body. You are being dropped on the top of Mount Weather, there is an old military base there that will have the supplies you need to survive. Godspeed."

As the Chancellor finished, the ship dropped again, the decent lasting hours before crashing hard on the surface of the Earth.

After several minutes of confusion, you, Clarke and Finn started pulling on the seatbelts of others and helping them up. "Have we actually made it?" one of them asked you, she had to only be 10 years old.

You nodded, "I think so."

You started climbing down the ladders to the main floor of the ship, where someone was starting to pull on the hatch door. "Wait!" Clarke shouted next to you, "the air could be toxic."

"If the air is toxic, then we are all dead anyway," the boy retorted. You looked closer and realized he was not just any boy, you knew him.

"Bellamy?" you whispered.

He heard you, he turned and smiled, "hey (first letter of your name)."

You ran to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, he pulled you in close, "I wondered if I would ever see you again," you whispered into his neck.

You pulled away and smiled at him, but then another girl with dark hair ran past you and into Bellamy's arms, "I've missed you big brother."

"Octavia," you asked as the girl pulled away.

"Hey (Y/N), haven't seen you around," she said, pulling you into a hug as well.

"Is that Octavia Blake," a voice came from the forming crowd, "the girl under the floor?"

You sunk back into the shadows near Clarke and Finn as Bellamy began to pull the hatch. "I have so many questions," Finn whispered.

You smiled and nudged his shoulder and then turned your attention to the bay door that was slowly opening. Sunlight started to blaze into your eyes, the brightest thing you have ever seen. As your eyes adjusted you saw green trees, blue skies and dark dirt. The smell was fresh and clean, like nothing you had ever experienced.

In slow rows of people, you jumped to the ground. Clarke grabbed your hand as you stood at the edge of the platform, "never thought we would make it to the ground," she whispered.

You smiled, "we haven't made it to the ground yet," you teased. She laughed and together you jumped down onto the Earth.

It was beautiful, in the back of your mind you knew that you might have just stepped onto a radiation soaked planet that could kill you, but in the moment you ignored it, let yourself be in the present. "We're back," you whispered with a smile.

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