Chapter 4

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You walked for hours in the forest, your only guid a crude map, that you were not even sure was accurate.

You reached a rock face and stopped, you looked out and saw crystal clear water forming a long winding river. From this spot you could see the water, the sun, the trees, it was beautiful.

You stopped to admire it, putting the map aside and breathing in the light breeze off the river. Clarke grabbed the map from your hand in confusion as she looked at it, "there is not supposed to be a river here," she observed, pointing at the map.

"Well there is," Octavia laughed immediately, pulling off her shirt, "so let's take a swim."

Jasper chuckled as he started pulling off his jacket, "but we can't swim."

Finn joined, peeling off his boots, "it looks pretty shallow, we should be able to stand on the bottom."

"Wait," Clarke said, stopping everyone in their tracks, "you have no idea what is in that water."

The others looked disappointed and defiant, looking for ways to still get in the water. "Clarke is right," you said, they all looked at you saddened, but started putting their clothes back on. You smiled, "but we have to cross it somehow, stick to the shallows and try to keep the water calm."

They all laughed, Jasper, Monty and Octavia running to the lower rocks to get into the water. Finn and Clarke hung back with you, "this is dangerous," Clarke said defiantly, "we should find another way to cross."

Finn shook his head, "we'll be in and out before anything even knows we were here, it is not that wide."

You nodded, "the river stretches as far as we can see, and this is the quickest way to Mount Weather," you explained, "and I sure as hell don't want to be walking through the forest in the dark."

Clark conceded and followed you and Finn towards the water. "She's pretty uptight," Finn whispered as you stepped into the cold refreshing water.

"She just likes to play it safe," you whispered back, "she means well, but she would always pick the route she thinks has no risks, no matter what."

Finn nodded and continued walking. By now, Jasper was on the other side of the river, soaking wet and standing on top of the rocks, while everyone else was in the water still. Octavia and Monty were cheering him on as he hollered and jumped in excitement.

He stopped for a moment, looking at the ground and brushing fallen branches and leaves off of a piece of metal. He smiled as he picked it up, holding it above his head, "we made it!" he shouted. You looked at the chunk of metal he was holding, in old worn out paint bore the words Mount Weather.

"WE MADE IT!" Everyone shouted excitedly. You all celebrated, continuing your way across the river. The smiles on your faces quickly vanished as a spear flew through the air, colliding with Jasper's body, slamming him into a tree, the spear lodged in his chest. 

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