Chapter 6

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Finn fell into step with you, "I still want to know how you know Bellamy?"

You shook your head, "that's a long story, Finn," you replied.

Finn cracked a crooked smile, "good thing we have a long walk in the woods."

You rolled your eyes and sighed, "it was before I knew the arc was dying, before everything went to shit..."

"Hey Princess," Bellamy teased, coming to sit next to you in the mess hall.

You nudged him playfully, before placing a quick kiss on his lips, "how's training go, Mr. Guardsman?"

He rolled his eyes, "it's stupid really, what kind of threats are we going to encounter on the arc? It's all just about learning protocols and procedures and memorizing the laws."

You rubbed his back lightly, "I know you're only doing it because your mother wants you to, Bell, but if it's not what you want, you can just drop out of the training."

He shook his head, "it's not that simple..." he trailed off like he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

You sighed, pulling away from him, "I know you, Bellamy, if something is bothering you, you can talk to me, I can help."

He shook his head, "I can't bring you into it, I would be putting you at risk."

You leaned in closer to him, "I am no stranger to risk, I am with you remember?"

Bellamy was your best friend since you were children, you found out it was something more naturally. Being with him was easy, fun, special. Bell chuckled as he inched closer to your face, his voice deepening, "I can-"

You were cut off by Jackson clearing his throat in front of you, "I'm sorry, (Y/N), but Abby needs you in surgery, now."

You sighed, pulling away from Bellamy, "duty calls, love." You placed a quick kiss on the top of his head and began to follow Jackson out of the mess.

"Wait," Bellamy called, running up to you. You turned but before he could say anything, he grabbed both sides of your face and pulled you in for a long kiss. When he finally pulled away, he whispered in your ear, "come by my quarters later, I can show you what's been on my mind."

You smiled at him and nodded before turning and falling into step with Jackson. Jackson smirked at you, "I always knew you would fall for the bad boy."

You rolled your eyes, "shut up, Jackson."


"So you and Bellamy were together, before all this?" Finn asked.

You nodded, "it was so perfect with him, like we had always belonged together."

Finn ruffled his eyebrows, "so what happened?"

You picked up your pace, "he told me what was on his mind."


You arrived at Bellamy's quarters that he shared with his mother. You knocked on the door lightly and Bellamy answered it.

"Come in," he said, opening the door for you slightly.

You slid in as he closed the door tightly behind him. You immediately pushed him against the door, trapping him in a heated kiss as you pulled off his jacket. "Easy there," he breathed, holding onto your hips.

You leaned for another kiss, "you only invite me over without your mom for one thing, Bell," you said against his neck.

He grabbed either side of your face, forcing you to look at him. He looked nervous and uncertain. "What is it?" you asked.

Bellamy swallowed hard as he guided your hips to turn around, your back leaning on his chest. You could feel his raised heartbeat as he finally spoke, "It's okay, Octavia, you can come out." 

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